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Video Games #3392
Video Games
Would you like a next gen No More Heroes ?
Vocaroo vidya theed
Can we have a Melty Blood thread?
Video game characters that might as well have come straight from Heaven
Can we have a discussion about this?
Mfw have extremely autistic older brother
What the hell? How is this possible?
Is there a worse launch than the 3DS launch?
Not maining uchiha goddess
This is a Genji thread. It is not an general Overwatch thread. It's exclusive to Genji
Draw a jamaican
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Rate my PS3 collection
Which videogames series would you like him to autistically drone about for hours?
Collection for game series on Steam costs $5.49
The only reason Resident Evil 4 was so good was because of Ashley
Holy fuck, this game is so fucking comfy
No Street Fighter Thread?
That feeling when even the most minor error makes you feel like you completely fuck up your new build
Mfw juat clocked 600 hours in dark souls today
What games allow me to put white males in their place?
Have you ever dropped a game because it was too hard, easy, or just plain frustrating?
Granblue Fantasy
Sup Forums mosaic
Just bought this. Did I fuck up?
When will Sup Forums admit he's a top tier character?
Unable to be summoned. Failed to join session
GOTY 2017
Reminder to report, mute, and avoid players who say "gg ez" and other unwarranted, unsportsmanlike behavior...
Post your cities dungeon Sup Forums and rate it. Philadelphia reporting here id say mine is pretty oblivion tier
Game of the Year 2016
What was the truck for?
1 doomguy vs. 100 space marines
What are some games that have visually appealing futuristic armor?
What went right?
Name a better third person shooter
ITT: vijda gayme music that makes your heart go doki doki suru
What Difficulty?
Is it gut?
ITT: Times when you can safely disregard someones opinions on games
Reminder that P5 won't and can't surpass P3
Is this game worth it? how's the performance nowadays?
She was the only good thing that came out of mgs5
Do you ever see a videogame character and go "This is the person I'd marry" ?
User DIGGERNICKS has joined the server
So he was the bad guy all along, right?
DaS2 SotFS > Dark Souls = Bloodborne > Dark Souls 3 > Demon Souls > Dark Souls 2
What went wrong?
Explain Overwatch's setting in one sentence
Draw white girl
Tfw you'll never defecate to the sunrise like Johnny
What was the point of the "fights" with her?
They deserve no less
What's a video game that lets me play as a prostitute?
Halo Night
Now that the dust has settled, is this the best pokemon game?
What games allow me to worship a titty goddess?
So what was Sega's excuse for not localizing PSO2 if PSO did so well in the West?
Don't you guys ever get tired of shitposting ?
When will we see her again, bros?
Why the hell is Touhou on PS4, Vita, and even in Konami and Namco games, but not on Steam?!
What do you want to see?
Other than a lack of RPGs, is it honestly that bad? If nothing else, It's excellent for platfomers and racers
Games women will never understand
Now that the dust has hopefully settled
Wow, Roadhog wants to steal D.Va's money, that's pretty rude
He STILL hasn't hacked his 3DS yet
With everyone in agreement that she was the best part of MGS V...
Why are you so dead, MMO genre?
Been playing Overwatch and just managed to save up 1k gold. Need help deciding what skin to buy
"I have a photoshoot assignment but I have no one to model...
Less than a month left, how excited are you?
If this wasn't confirmed as STALKER 2 before, then it is now
New Zelda thread because the old one got archived
'Most users thought Capcom only had Street Fighter 2, and that needed to change'
What are you playing today, Sup Forums?
I wish Mario would stop getting in the way of this beautiful couple
Give me your fucking phone number you piece of shit
What's the last good game that's been released?
Are there any video games about hippies Sup Forums?
Mfw I cringe remembering when many people on Sup Forums (including myself) were hyping up the "return" and "new golden...
Have you ever killed anyone in video game/real life?
Describe a game using a SpongeBob quote
Ring-a-ding-ding baby! That's one hot New Vegas thread
Oh look, Anthony Burch thinks he knows what he's talking about again...
Holy fuck this episode was brilliant
Where were you when tales of died
Overwatch WebM thread
Would you buy a PS4 for these games and FF XV ?
E3 2016 BINGO
SEGA Rumored To Bring Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Franchise to PC. Will we finally be able to sexualize the Miku?
Explain why you hate compile heart
Meanwhile at 90s Sup Forums
Who will be the best?
Never played DOOM
Overrated franchises
What was your reaction when you first noticed this difference?
Do eet Sup Forums, let's see the reasons why you play games
People who get visibly angry over video games
Why do people say consoles are cheaper than PC?
Smash 4 Sup Forumseekend
Mfw people seriously like Uncharted 4: The Last of Us 1.5 edition
Loves videogames more than everything
Can't skip credits
Civ VI
Post your victory/level up theme
This is a legendary scottish warrior woman and martial arts teacher
Filename Thread GO!
Magic aiming reticle
VR soccer game
This game is triggering me right now
Overwatch is a fucking great game...
Damage increased by 12% for 2.5 seconds
Battle station thread
Hitman episode 3: Marrakesh will be good right?
MMORPGS are dead?
Have you appreciated you healer today?
Spider-man game when?
Which one should I cop?
Psssh... nothin personnel...kid... *teleports behind (You)* DIE!DIE!DIE... *starts spinning arround with dual shotgun...
Melee thread
Megaman Key Chain
Risk of Rain
That kid who wrote a college essay about video games
Sure we can play street fighter, here's your controller bro
Things you love in video games
How did Naughty Dog make this look like real life?
10/10 character design goty all years
3x3 Thread: Projection Edition
Dragon Quest
Overwatch board when? This is getting bonkers
Say something into the Super Megaphone!
Daily reminder that:
Metal Gear Solid V
ITT: Post vidya girls that are literally perfect
Nocturnal clover bro is Sup Forums
Reached Diamond rank in SFV today
Could this shitty map favor defenders anymore than it does?
What are some games where I can use the best and most elegant weapon ever made?
Dont you love when tumblr ruin cool stuff?
Hidden Gems Thread?
Name 5 upcoming Wii U games or I'll pull the trigger
What are vidya cliches/tropes you actually enjoy?
Search game X gameplay on Youtube
There are people posting right here on Sup Forums that never played 3rd or 4th gen games
Let's remember happier times
Is this game good?
Hello darkness my old friend
Already out in Japan
Who is the Poochie of video games? You know, a character no one likes but is forced on us by the creator
ITT: Games that challenge your intellect
E3 2016 Predictions
Damager category
Is it worth playing or should I just jump to 3?
He doesnt play video games with his shoes on
So Sup Forums my computer broke off, should I kill myself now?
ITT: games only you have played
How could bethesda fuck up console mods so bad...
What did you replace me with Sup Forums?
Ctrl + f
What's the best game in the series?
Public service announcement to NEVER buy anything from these fuckheads again, even if the game is GOTYAY
More fun to play than any class in TF2
Do his entire quest
Found this on NEOgaf, discuss
Why female streamers such whores?
Is Chrono Trigger still worth playing?
Describe a game using a Spongebob Quote
/rec/ - Game Recommendation Thread
It's a giant Lv. 99 Telethia level
Ending Fallout 3
Just bought Bloodborne today on PS4
Hero killed countless mooks without a second though
I-is he kneeling in poo? Does he sling poo at me? Killing him drops dung pie, so
14 days until E3
Gaming Laptop
Ask me anything about PS4 Neo
Oh look, its another
I want information
Name a good RTS
Choose your side
Why is she so adorable?
What if it ends up being good?
Final boss is literally God
Why haven't you pre-ordered this gem yet?
How unfairly will the critics rate Sonic's 25th anniversary title?
Playing as Widowmaker
There are people who feel for the ELITE meme
Is there a game that has genuinely challenged your intellect?
The final world isn't lava/fire themed
Why did this happen again?
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Hey Sup Forums I wanted soon to updgrade my GPU...
Now that Gearbox is kill, who you like to see buy the Borderlands franchise? Personally I'd like Obsidian
Is this the worst Mario related thing of all time?
What unfortunately went wrong?
W-would you summon me, Sup Forums?
So, how is it? Eurogamer said it's worse than Korra. Is it even possible?
From where you're kneeling, must seem like an 18 karat run of bad luck
Is Champion Gundyr the single greatest Souls boss of all time?
Anyone else hyped bros?
How am I Silver 1? Any tips on how to rank up higher?
Why aren't you playing modded Oblivion?
All these games STILL arent cracked
Alright Sup Forums, give me easy co-op games that I can play with my fiancee
What was the point of this boss?
Can't appear invisible and still message friends
You DO have windows 10 on your home pc right?
What happened?
Just started playing this. Why is it mission based? Was it because of the PS2 limitations...
This is a redesign of sonic
Where can I find the original doom for free?
What went wrong?
Is ANY of the early access open world survival games on steam worth playing/buying?
Rank the last three games you've finished
Check me out! Securing the point!
I feel so betrayed ;_;
Procedurally generated dungeons
Have you ever had a "rival" with video games...
Are you pirating Denuvo games?
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma
Daily reminder
Overwatch Rankings
Never played LoL but I've played Dota and Smite, anything I should know before I jump into LoL?
No webm thread
You monster!
Commendate self as fast as possible hoping others will follow suit
That sentry is is an American
What's your honest opinion about otome games?
Knuckle Sandwich
Post em lads
Any good underwater open-world game that doesn't looks like it's colored by Crayon?
So what is Kojima's next game gonna be about? Will he mention it at E3 with Sony?
Tfw everyone has learned to counter pharah now
Is this the greatest handheld ever released?
Is Doom the greatest first person shooter of all time?
What's the most disturbing enemy in non-horror games?
A few months ago
Daily reminder that he did nothing wrong
Fanservice slut
Infinite Warfare
How do we stop weebshit like this "Yomawari" from infesting Steam?
Tfw 27 and still playing videogames
Just about to start playing MGR, is there advice/tips I should know before going into it?
YFW (your face when) bloodborne is never coming to PC
In the sequel of the game you character is the villian
No filename thread
Forget Adventure, Rush 3 when?
As a person wich couldn't get past act 2 in the first game of the series, would the witcher 2 and 3 be any better?
What the fuck is his problem?
With the upcoming Sea Dragon, being added, is Subnautica going to be worth it yet?
Is this possible?
Reimu Manifesto
King of Fighters XIV
Do you think FFXii HD will get announced at this years E3?
I've been playing this for 6 hours straight in an emulator and i've never had more fun in the last month playing...
Your mom gonna die tonight if you don't reply
Why do they still use Unreal Tournament sounds?
Dead Space Thread
The best STALKER experience
ITT: Your favorite vidya quotes
Finally get to valkyria chronicles
"Here you go, user
Western release fucking WHEN?!
99% of MGS fans don't recognize this character
Good Headphones
Remember when games had well designed maps?
Vidya gf thread
Anybody got a code for TES V skyrim for a poor fag on steam? Dont send in PM dont have
D.Va need buff
So whats the most iconic character of games or franchises without a main character?
Does anyone even use her? Christ is she bad
I want to enjoy games, but I can't anymore
When will I start to care about these characters? I can't even find some guy I want to marry
Things in gaming that will always scare the hell out of you?
I know almost nothing about those games, why ff7fags hates ff8fags?
So Sup Forums, which one is the best MOBA?
I have been diagnosed with brain cancer
Is it safe to say that Blizzard Entertainment now has 4 strong and successful universes under its belt?
Why was this allowed?
They won, right?
For what you could get banned?
Never made a good game after Armageddon
Daily reminder Mercy is for literal faggots and Lúcio is bro-tier class with turn it up beats
Persona 5
How would solid snake fair in a fight against the Boss?
Ace Attorney
How's your youtube gaming channel going, user?
Made a thread earlier about how my copy of Vampire wasn't working. An user told me to just pirate it, so I did...
Sole purpose is to be a healcuck
Boss steals your items and uses them on himself
He doesn't take to the sky
When did you stop playing Yu-Gi-Oh?
I'm way too good at this game to be losing this much...
I'm at the Mushroom Rock and I really don't know what to do with Kimahri sphere grid-wise...
Wow she didn't touch the top of the flag pole. What a stupid bitch
ITT: Games that only you played
Why is warlock so unpopular?
Leaving all the memes aside, I think we can all agree that we are in a golden age of gaming if we view thing objectivly
Sup Sup Forums
What the FUCK are they gonna do with FOX engine? If they're not making games with it...
Series killers
Would Sup Forums an squid?
Just don't look okay? We got-
Ayy Sup Forums, can you gimme a list of some badass supernatural video games? they can be shooters, horros, whatever...
Are Greece the most massive cunts in Civ 5? Discuss
How can this manlet just lie to players' faces so openly?
ITT: shit that happened
Takes 15 minutes to find somebody to play
Will Steam ever release uncensored eroge?
Why do we hate Overwatch, again?
Have extremely fond memories of a game from when you were a kid
New civ 6 gameplay, did you virgins watch it yet?
He didn't deserve death
About to play this for the first time with the graphics overhaul and nothing else...
Why atlus continues making this cheap garbage when they could just publish more DT games?
What are some games with really satisfying revolvers?
No experience in making video games
Witcher 3
Hi, I my name is Pajeet (inba poo in the loo) and I work for Microsoft in the controller department
Can we have a Pillars of Eternity thread? I'm something like 20/30 hours in and I'm having a blast...
Blizzard makes a ton of money selling shit, but where does the money go? Everything they make is just generic...
You didn't buy into the VR meme
Video game nausea
Where did WoW go wrong?
Does anyone think that Shovel Knight is a bit overhyped or overrated...
It won't feel right on PC
Filename thread
Perfect couple
Casual filter thread. Pre-2010 edition
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
ITT: Underrated RPGs
Why does no one discuss Uncharted 4 anymore...
Well met!
HD-remake when?
No speedster superhero video game where it plays like an real-time RTS where you control the pace of the game and...
Got the retail version of this, but it refuses to start. I'm on W10. What do?
Risk of Rain
Ayy yo whitey gimme dem ps4 games fo I smoke yo ass
Ctrl + F "weaponfu"
Everyone agrees he is overpowerd right?
This has got to be the most evil company in gaming. And if you think about it it's a genius business strategy...
What are some good original xbox games?
So, what the fuck happened to free speech? Are you not allowed to dislike games anymore?
MGSV is a sprawling open world stealth sandbox with infinite options and bar none the best gameplay of the series
Hows Fallout 4 going guys? I'm loving it!
Dark Souls 3
Huh, really makes you think
Kingdom Hearts 3 anti-hype
Lipstrike is Counter-Strike played with lipstick
What do I need to get into monster hunter? I keep getting invited to play but I've never touched this genre...
Why is this game so epic guys?
How long is the Overwatch campaign?
Name a single game that was released 10+ years ago that if came out today (with the same graphics mind you)...
Are you still mad about it being Wii U exclusive?
Thoughts on Yandere Simulator now
2016 - 2017 / year of the space games?
Does it still look good?
Why aren't you talking about best platformer ever made on game system? Characters are cool...
HP or Defense?
What the fuck was her problem?
Why SMT always insist neutral is the best ending? It is common knowledge to side with God every time in real world
20 tickrate
How does Sup Forums feel about Tifa?
Finally some recognition
What is Sup Forums's opinion on Doom (2016)?
How can we fix her Sup Forums?
Skyrim > Fallout 4
ITT we make assumptions based on the 5 most played games
This is a Japanese game developer
Castlevania thread
For years hear that Silent Hill is one of the most unnerving and tense horror video game series
No man's sky receiving death threats
I've been longing for the old days again, Sup Forums
Post your favorite character to play as?
ITT: Games with absolute shit tier gameplay but are still worshipped by Sup Forumseddit
Why aren't Western games more of a thing?
Warhammer: Total War
Witcher 3
Humanity's last hope and dream
ITT: Games that you never expected to make you cry, but they did
Speccy thread
Best town theme in the series, fucking fight me bruh
Why does this game get so many more threads in Sup Forums than fallout 4?
No Man's Sky dev received 'loads of death threats' due to delay
Find me a game more superbly paced than this
What did you hunt today Sup Forums? Also Monster Hunter thread
What kind of bullfuck ending was that?
Who was the best colossus?
Ask anons whether a game is shit
Ask the most knowledgeable Metroid fan on Sup Forums anything
Nerf this overpowered fat fuck
This could be an overwatch thread, if it wasn't a husbando thread
"This remake is pretty terrible - but it could be worse, I could be playing the original NES versions...
Buyer's Remorse
I love cotton candy!
Shit you love in video games
Fallout 4 resource duplication glitch!! Easy
Using math equations as "puzzles"
Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics
What's the most inspirational moment from a game you've played?
What game would be your favourite for a 1000v1000 deathmatch?
What video card do you have user?
Is the Belt Scroller genre dead?
I'm giving myself a week before I kill myself
I own both a PS4 and a PC...
Will it be worth the wait?
Game is too hard
Playstation Plus June (2016)
Go to EB games
...I fucked up Sup Forums
Dad walks in
Best snes game ever, do you agree?
Looking to get into this series, is NEW GAME a good place to start?
ITT: underappreciated vidya girls
Sup Forums says a game is shit
Why is Black Flag regarded as a fantastic game when every other entry to the series is shat upon?
Sup Forums approved games with good love stories or romances? I love a good love story
Mastery 7 club only. Filthy peasants keep out
It's too fucking hot to play video games
Skyrim character thread
Want to make a mecha video game
Is there a game with a male healslut?
ITT ugly and poorly programmed games that everyone likes
Play game in dead series
What would be the equivalent of Payday but playing as law enforcement?
Clay Man appeared
Pick it up, Phones!
Interesting/Overlooked details in games
Filename thread
Does Sup Forums prefer JRPGs or WRPGs?
Have you been so infatuated with a character to the point she fucked your brain up that whenever you fap you always end...
What is the oldest console you still use regularly?
Do mexican enjoy games like dark souls or are they casual spics that only play call of duty or fifa?
What's the best part of Warcraft?
Well, if it isn't my favorite city-state!
What was your go-to game during childhood? How do you feel about it now?
What is the Meghan Trainor of video games?
Trails in the Sky
What are some video games that have atheism as a major theme?
Month's over in 3 days
What are some games where it looks like you're about to win but you blow it at the very last second?
Does RockCock64 make videos anymore?
Hello everybody, Stefan Molyneux from Free Domain Radio here. I hope you're doing well...
What an amazing level. I just played through it and at first I didn't find it to be anything special. It was fun...
Who was in the wrong here?
I think im gonna try to stop being a try hard in vidya
Games that made you cry / tear up
The Sea Dragon Leviathan is far enough in development to be over 2x the size of the Reaper Leviathan (and still not at...
Be talking with friend about good old wow days
There's still time....r-right Sup Forums?
Well that was pretty good
Final boss is your actual boss
The Best Harvest Moon
Are ya winning, son?
Does Sup Forums watch any streamers?
User calls my favorite game "mediocre at best"
USA: Xbone
Anyone else remember this one?
Final boss is you from the future
Admit it. You were astounded by this sequence
Objectively, what is the worst Overwatch character?
Whats your smash 5 roster looking like Sup Forums?
Why haven't you installed Ubuntu yet? It's super easy, and if enough people install Steam on Linux...
LOL at the screenshot
What is the Max Headroom Incident of vidya?
Smash 4 Actual Sup Forumseekend: >He didn't went to locals during the week Edition
Game says you have to save to save the princess
What is the greatest kart racing game?
Ok you ready guys?
It's not fair
Dark Souls
What are your go to games for busting a nut?
What's the closest game to skyrim
E3 2016
What if Persona 6 is set in another country?
So which one was better, Sup Forums?
Which game breaks the fourth wall the best?
What's the most unbalanced multiplayer game you've ever played?
Can we all agree?
Sitting across from you in a bar is Pharah
"Buy a ps4 user"
Could Donkey Kong defend his entire banana hoard from all the starving people in Africa and Haiti?
Future Overwatch Characters
ITT post games that are Man vs Nature
ITT: Post god tier vidya music
That pose
You find this suit and now your power is the equivalent of a entire army, every nation is feared of you...
Reminder that Ludleth of Courland is the most hardcore motherfucker in the Souls franchise
By far the best character in this game
Better than Mario World
How far down are you on this chart, Sup Forums?
Homefront: The Revolution should have been a PC exclusive...
No save points
Guy at my work is a huge pc gaming guy
Yo, fellas, anyone remember this fucking game?
Suggest smallish games (>1GB) for a 5 year lap top
Using dual blades
So Sup Forums, what's the point of this?
Pronounce his true name Sup Forums
Skeleton appreciation thread
FFXIV thread. Anyone coming back for the patch or still playing with high expectations...
Styles you HATE
What game lets me be a badass wizard?
Prove me wrong
Why do Americans get triggered by cute and sexy characters in the video games? Is it their Puritan roots?
The Wolf Among Us
Have you appreciated you healer today?
I main reaper
What would a game based on Kung Pow be like?
I have 10 free steam games I want to give away. Anybody want? Lets play a game
Whats the protags canon name
"it's a deep game with choice and consequence"
Why is everyone playing Overwatch so fucking selfish...
Remove durability for weapons/armor completely
He wastes his ultimate on one enemy
Was it a good console Sup Forums?
Anyone here loose all interest in this game?
Recently got into the Suikoden series, beat 1 a couple weeks ago and just beat 2 a few hours ago
Is it possible to get a winning percentage above fifty?
Steam key thread
$160 Million-Budgeted ‘Warcraft’ Faces Tough Battle at Box Office
I'll take casuals for 600
....I fucked up, Sup Forums
Why do you support this piece of shit?
Crack when?
Theory Time
Why is McCree so fucking based?
Lol Blizzard
What kind of job/work do you have/do that puts the food on your table and pays for your games and bils, user?
Is this the game of the year?
How was Gundyr not able to link the flame or whatever?
Sm4sh Sup Forumskend: 1v1 Bracket Edition
Hail Eggman
Screenshot thread
This is a japanese dragon
You Lied to me
Woah, baby. Could you BE any harder to kill?
It's Splatoon's birthday
Final boss uses your power ups against you
Can we get one of these threads?
Controller hate thread
It's ANOTHER fucking Overwatch thread
If the Party Leader dies in battle it's Game Over
ITT: Tell me your favorite game and I'll tell you why it's shit
What is the best Telltale game?
Only 10/10 Cute game characters allowed here
What is it that makes the fanbase so... bad ?
Can you think of any RPGs where the main character is a robot?
Have you played "The Void" Sup Forums?
The wii u is still $300
Just finished this great game. So let me get this straight, Tidus' Zanarkand was never real? Also...
ITS TRICKY SSX thread what went wrong?
Is there a more mechanically advanced game than Super Mario 64 ?
So now that the dust is usurped
How do i trade my xbox one for a ps4?
ITT: post your first vidya crush
How do people look at this art style without wanting to throw up?
One of these threads
A boy falls in love with a girl
This is Say something nice to her Sup Forums
Just a reminder that this is what Roadhog looks like without his mask
Fallout 4 mods rambling
What games does Chad play?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...