I love cotton candy!
I love cotton candy!
best girls
I do wish Eromane went back to drawing the Princesses. Splatoon is nice and all but that is kinda all he draws these days.
Keep it going /jp/
will rosalina be back for the next smb2 throwback?
I hope so
I think she's very suited as a second female playable character and she's relevant enough to be a mainstay in the platformers (a bit like Toad).
I dont think her ability can last the test of time like peach's or luigi's. 3D world was linked to the galaxy era
but the spin jump is the best move
Is Peach really a dominant slut
>mermaids with knees
I will never understand this.
toad's speed is all you need tbqh senpai
They're just in mermaid costumes.
Much better, thank you.
Literally the best balance of aexy and cute on both ends. 10/10, hands down the best vidya grills
doesnt miyamoto hate rosalina?
Stupid princesses
Fortunately his influence as director is being reduced game by game.
They keep him around for celebrity power, the investors can't stop talking about his "genius".
Mothers shouldn't do these kinds of things with their daughters!
That's just a theory user
A Gay Theory
Nah. He thought she was unnecessary, but admitted that people really liked her, stating that he still had things to learn about games.
Whaaat, I never thought he'd say that. Do you have source by any chancem
He was pretty much boasting about how he stripped her story elements from SMG2 in the interviews before release
I think he said something similar in Iwata Asks but I can't find it right now
these threads hhhnnnggg would be better if they drew Rosalina taller than Peach
is it really a suprise that shigeru 'every ncp but toad is redundant' miyamoto said that?
When Super Mario Galaxy first came out, I was a little hung up on why Rosalina was showing up when Princess Peach was already there. I thought it was fine as long as it was only Super Mario Galaxy, and we made her design so she’s a little bigger. But all of a sudden she was a regular character in Mario Kart as just a regular girl. Even her size normalised.
As they say, time solves all things.
If I think about it now, I’m like, “What was I so hung up on?!” I guess I was still green. (laughs)
She's still as tall as Waluigi, though, which is great.
That would imply they know anything about the games or characters they are drawing, user.
goddamn, even miyamoto has had a change of heart. She's truly here to stay