Someone knows about Half Life?
I want information
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Going to be announced at this year's E3
Yeah its never happening
Valve will never make single player games again imo
We wait for it
I don't get hype for this game franchise. It's average af fps with le gravity gun meme and maybe above average story.
What about "it fucking changed the history of gaming"?
Somebody has to be first.
If you think that 3 game will do the same thing you are in for disappointment, user.
>brightside will never release that animation revamp
fuck it i dont even care anymore
>Someone knows about Half Life?
Yeah, it's a videogame series that ended in half-life 2 episode 2, what about it?
>I was born in 2001
someone knows about half life
>what is setting a new bar for fps games
>i have only lived in an era with games after that bar was set
It's in writing stage, buddy. It will be out around 2019-20.
I know that Valve will never do it because it will be a giant fucking investment that can't be milked by exploiting gambling addicts.
The only thing you can expect from Valve at this point is L4D 3 with hats and gun skins.
My dad works at Steam and he told me that HL3 is never coming out.
>replaying half life isnt fun after the 100th time
>get bored of playing the same 3 valve multiplayer games after 10 years
>nothing worthwhile has been released in the last 7 years
>0 reasons to use steam anymore
im glad its over
Honestly, the story is the same as doom.
Unreal was a much better game.
Probably not being worked on at the moment. Valve is split up between updating TF2 so it doesn't die to Overwatch, making L4D3, updating DOTA 2 and working on that Source 2 RPG.
Valve's not big on the number 3.
You will notice this with literally every IP they have.
>HL2 EP2
>Source 2
No reasons to use Steam? You sir, are a dumbass.
you have no idea what you're talking about.
Oh forgot to mention all the VR shit they're working on at the moment as well.
It's pretty unrealistic to expect Valve to work on such a giant project when they can shit out multiplayer games and milk them with crates
>doesnt list any reasons
There hasn't been a shred of info in almost 10 years. It's time to let go, user. Half-Life 2 was good for its time but has not aged well at all
They make what now? Source RPG? Give some source or info on that!
>Valve not making games
Not like there is thousands of titles beside that and ease to use. Have fun using the other dozen of fucking game clients
>but has not aged well at all
Bull fucking shit. The game looks great at high resolution. Textures are sharp and detailed. Facial animations are STILL the cream of the crop, especially compared to the absolute trash we get from Bethesda. The gunplay is still flawless and fun. The only thing that's a bit aged is the physics engine being wiccy wonky.
Every Source game has aged extremely well
it really is most likely never going to happen.
it's honestly more likely that a fan team will make it.
It's that time of the year when we wait for the expected brutal truth of another year without Valve saying shit about Half-Life.
What has it been now? 10 years? 12? I've lost track and my will is weak now..
it's aged very well actually. i played half-life 2 for the first time only recently. very impressive design. lacking in a couple areas, but the naturalism and atmosphere, the level design and how it communicates, the progression and pacing of the game... i hate to say it but it's never been that well done in an fps since.
We need to wait until new physics technology will be available on every PC.
ignore this idiot. source 2 rpg is a base for game experiments. it's not a game. you can build rpg elements/quests without the code requirement. they had similar cabals in the source 1 era.
I want you to look at this post, OP. This one right here.
It isn't an isolated post, as it is not the first of its kind. Indeed, it's been an entire console generation since the release of Half Life 2 (or perhaps a console generation and a half), and the gaming climate has changed. Everything that HL1 and 2 introduced to the gaming world is commonplace and mainstream, much like Seinfeld's influence over sit coms and television.
It's been 10 years, since Episode 3 was announced, and gamers are different now. They didn't grow up watching Valve take the gaming world by storm. They grew up gunning down russians in Modern Warfare 3 and paying $25 for extra skins in whatever fucking flavor game of the week.
Gamers have lost interest in the third installment. Oh, sure, there's tons of memers out there who love to go HALF LIFE 3 CONFIRMED but the truth is, probably nearly everyone who spouts that has not even touched a Half Life game before.
The only gamers who care about HL anymore are the die hard fans, and they will die off hard with each coming year. Half Life is no longer ground breaking or influential; it is the norm.
That's why you won't ever get Half Life 3. It won't happen again.
They've had cabals since the original Half-Life. Means literally nothing.
>Valve will never make single player games
What does valve even make these days besides steam dollars? Do you idiots really believe they can make a good game in the year 2016?
what are you even talking about? I was talking about game experiments. source 2 rpg is a cabal (a project).
Time to abandon this thread, bait has arrived.
I'm imagining they're adding molecular destruction to half-life 3, and setting a new bar for environmental destruction in games everywhere.
imagine a game where you could destroy anything and everything (it's been done before but not really)
both of these things are reality
>there's tons of memers out there who love to go HALF LIFE 3 CONFIRMED
OP is probably one of the people you're talking about
Steam machines, steam controller, steam os, source 2, new physics engine, port of tf2 and csgo on source 2, vr stuff, and leaks suggest hl3. Hard to find a company more busy than Valve.
Have they even given a legitimate reason for not making a third one?
But user, all of that doesn't count because I care only about one game.
Let go.
Of the stuff you just mentioned.. their latest games was released back in 2012. Four years ago. TF2 release in 2007 that's almost 10 years ago.
I highly doubt they can deliver a GOOD HL3 game. They're rusty from focusing on other things.
I'm laughing because of you.
Everyone good has left and even the new VR stuff is being made in UNITY.
unreal 1, the single player campaign? lol. I can name you like 10 other better fps games from 1998. sin, requiem, mysteries of the sith, want me to go on?
>They haven't made a game in 4 years
They're still pumping out regular content updates.
Plus, 4 years isn't that long for a vidyadev. Not every studio pumps out yearly installments like the ones under Ubisoft or Activision.
It's never coming out and it is gamers fault because they are entitled, whining cents who would never be satisfied, so valve won't take the risk and keep letting steam print money.
unity is good and fast for experimenting/rapid prototyping, and that's exactly what they were going for.
Nothing wrong with unity if tou know what you' re doing and how to use it. They must have their reasons.
Anyway, they have to be working on singleplayer games; you don t make a new engine just for fun. They even made their own physics engine so they dont have to use havok anymore.
>Not every studio pumps out yearly installments like the ones under Ubisoft or Activision.
It's not even about that. It's the fact that.... practice makes perfect. When you stop doing something you lose experience. Release content for an already successful game and making a game brand new game are two completely different things.
see: MightyNo9
All that hype because 'It's the guy who made megaman" and the game looks like shit because dude wasted so many years making vaporware and other shit for Crapcom.
they wrote and designed themselves into a corner, they're probably not going to be able to come up with a satisfying solution for most of the story stuff they've set up and they probably wont be able to top areas like ravenholm or the white forrest
they make so much money selling skins of weapon so the only reason they would bother with a singleplayer game again is if
a) they could equivalently monetise it
b) they were stupid and blew a bunch of money on a passion project
it's not as if the half life games are especially good either, opposing force and episode 2 are the only ones that stand out as notably good games
>Valve will never make single player games again
>Do you idiots really believe they can make a good game in the year 2016?
I love how you worthless cucks can turn agreement into an argument.
>i don't have anything to say
>7 years
poor fella must be on the brink of suicide
And you know what? I think that's for the best. I admire Valve for their attitude. That if they don't feel like something should be made, then they won't make it.
Other than that, HL3 would have an audience. People who doesn't give a fuck about multiplayer or co-op or skins. People who just want to have a chill single player experience, an interesting story with some good puzzles and fun mechanics. I'm that kind of guy who's got taken away by the MMO meme back around 2006, and I'm just starting to realize now how many good titles I have missed. Maybe they are not gold mines, but they are needed. Maybe HL3 would not be special in today's terms, but there would be a place for it. We need more humble games. A game without cut scenes. A game where I can take all my weapons with me at once and where I can switch between them without a ridiculous radial menu. Just a good single player FPS. Not a great one. Not an E3 award winning 10/10 ING one. Just a good one, which will give us closure.
Never ever.
>I was born in 2001
I wish people born after 2000 would stop posting
the idea that half life 2 was any better of a game when it was released compared to how it is now is dumb
the physics, while technically impressive, are mostly used as a puzzle solving gimmick and
because these puzzles manly exist to remind you that the physics system exists, they tend to be shallow busywork that don't add anything to the game
the gravity gun was a good way to make use of the new physics but you don't get it till 1/3 of the way through the game and the game isn't really designed with it in mind
since shootouts are always against enemies with hitscan weapons, the game expects you to take some amount of damage and is more about trading damage against enemies efficiently than it is about skillfully avoiding damage, since efficient killing also factors in time to kill the gravity gun is rendered an inferior choice and most players will probably never use it in combat past ravenholm
the shooting is average at best, most weapons don't have any noticeable kick to them and feel pathetic to shoot
the game is also padded out with lots of vehicle sections and other dumb stuff, it's like they were aware that their gameplay was shallow and mediocore as fuck so they threw a bunch of gimmick at you in the hopes you wouldn't notice
the script is garbage, alex vance is literally not a character
just because a bunch of shilled retards were blown away by a slightly prettier and more technically impressive game than usual does not mean that half life 2 is prestigious
Half life: legacy
>i was never here...
I was born in 93' you fag.
I played whole series recently and just don't get hype.
I'm sure it was revolutionary when it came out, but today is just average fps with good story, nothing else. It's still better then any cod or bf, tho.
this. if anything they'll do another moba or team shooter since they're insanely simple and cheap to make and the genres are specifically designed to milk dlc
pretty much thus famalamilio
>it's a "people call it Half Life 3 despite being wrong" thread
my favourite
a 23 year old faggot on Sup Forums what an unusual demographic
that doesn't count
>valve games are the only games on steam
>Valve doesn't make Games anymore
>Valve makes a game
>T-that doesn't count
>has not aged well
When will this meme die?
Well, they made The Lab, I guess. More like a mini-game collection, though.
>When will this meme die?
This. The game was never good to begin with, age is the least of its problems.
Do you think they'll use the same sound effects in the series again?
I liked the crushed 16-bit sounds and the radio chatter to tell me my health was back.
If they ever release a game anymore, it will be a multiplayer game riddled with microtransactions.
It's called respecting your elders.