Come on niggers, really? No Total WARhammer thread? I get it, you're autistic overwatch all of a sudden, but ZERO fucking threads?
Finished the Empire campaign last night, was pretty gud. What races you shitlords going for? I really liked the Empire's cavalry units. Reiksguard/Demigryph/Outrider/Pistoliers army, shitting on everything so far.
You faggots ARE playing, Empire, right?
Robert Green
>I am Franz. They will obey.
Turn 100 or so, just sent Archaon's shitty ass back to the Chaos Wastes. Literally, Vampire Cunts all over my dick. They are begging me to give them a peace treaty. At one point they offered 5000 gold and to become Vassals. Keked every time.
Turnd the enite Empire into confederacy, and im broing it up with the Dwarves. Fucking Bretonnian assholes keep asking for non agression treaties and then cancel them.
Jace Mitchell
>dogs of war campaing when >elves when >dark elves when >FUCKING SKAVEN WHEN >LIZZARDMEN FUCK
come on CA, jew out, just release these fucking DLC's already
i really cant control my boner over Lizardmen army
Chase Martin
Aaron Hernandez
Robert Peterson
>tomb kings still not announced
Josiah Thomas
>tfw copy is in the mail cant wait for SKELLINGTON ARMIES
Jordan Bell
The way you type remembers me to the typical redditor who comes here and wants to be part of the group, pure cringe.
Bentley Robinson
> not having your own brigade of skelebests
Evan Foster
Caleb Gomez
i have some Speess marins i want to get back into building warhammers but i live in a tiny ass town where they are kinda hard to find even when i have money for it
Caleb Johnson
>what is amazon
Christian Reyes
well, im in scandinavia and i dont know if amazon even works here
Lincoln James
I just finished my Empire campaign. What do I play as next?
John Wood
Amazon UK works fine for Norway if you dont go over the fucktard toll limit
Camden Thomas
Can I play as Skaven yet?
Luke Jenkins
Barely know anything about Warhammer and haven't played a Total War game before.
Game looks kind of interesting mostly because of the different races and stuff. Is it worth checking out? I'm not very good at RTS games.
Ian Roberts
OI!! ZOG OFF YOU LOUSY GIT FORE' I STOMP YA!! This is now a Greenskin Thread
Gavin Myers
really? i'll have to check it out then
Dylan Lee
Oi! Datz got Dakka innit! We'z takin about de olden dayz ya git!
Liam Myers
play Dwarves personally I tried Ork first, didn't like the Waargh mechanic much then Vamp then Chaos. Chaos is a bit tedious and it's easy to get fucked over since it's tough to grow hordes
Nathan Roberts
What did you think of vamp? It's the only one I haven't played.
Love playing as Dwarves just because the artillery is an absolute joy to use.
Empire I'm still iffy on because I'm getting sick of forest battles and Orks were okay if I hadn't spent most of my time as them retaking the same two territories.
Nathaniel Fisher
Beat campaign as vamps and dorfs. Tried as orcs, didn't like the public order shit.
Benjamin Powell
Fucking kayoss
I'm chasing them around the map trying to wipe them out while protecting my settlements but they just have so many 20/20 stacks, they keep getting past me and destroying my settlements
Jeremiah Davis
Still not cracked
Ryan Mitchell
What's the consensus on this? I've heard it being considered a successful release, something that hasn't been seen since Rome 1. Is the hype true, or just shilling?
Is it worth it now, or better to wait like a year for all the patches, discounts, and DLC packages to get released?
Jaxon Ramirez
tons of fun no missile units so every battle is rush + magic, best flyers in the game makes for interesting battles and the raise dead mechanic gives quick reinforcement even in enemy territory
Jackson Gomez
keep cryin humie
Kayden James
hype is real all of the meat of Rome TW without the bloated crap from Rome 2 maybe a bit bare bones for some people because apparently they liked the management aspect of it (I didn't) as for buying it or waiting, sale will probably be in a year or two, maybe the next winter steam sale so be prepared to wait
Austin Nguyen
I'm actually going to restart there is no way I can win this. Any tips on dealing with the Chaos as Empire?
Oops, nipslip
Juan Collins
No launch issues after a quick hotfix day0. Its fine, it has 2 mods that do some nice things which is getting rid of regional occupation and adding more starting locations. TW:W2 won't come out for a long time so you can wait if you want.
Still uses the 6/4/4 providence system which I dislike, and if you liked some of the campaign map stuff like indepth taxes, food supply and shit this game has none of it. Taxes on/off for each providence, zero worrying about food because its not in the game etc
Bentley Watson
Upkeep is fucking me over big time.
Julian Brooks
I purchased and I'm still not 100% to be honest. The most common opinion I've heard is the battles are the most enjoyable they've ever been but everything else has been stripped down.
Sieges are uninspiring for the most part, a lot of people I know have modded the enemy agents to be less aggressive because it's a bit broken currently. Unit rosters are great, races are all unique despite their only being 5 right now and personally I love the Warhammer universe so I'm still into it.
Henry Hughes
Isaiah Lee
I always enjoyed that the campaign management that they had with the previous titles. When I played with a friend, he was usually better at the actual battles and building armies, but I had a better grip on the economy and could usually cripple him with diplomacy or economic/public order squeezes.
Does that mean there's no way to economically/diplomatically fuck him over, or do they still have other ways to do so without needing to git gud at battling only?
Austin Carter
I think you missed the free DLC with a week one purchase so at this point you might wanna just wait for a sale or something where they're guaranteed to package everything together.
The game is absolutely worth purchasing in its current state if you want to play multiplayer. The only bugs I've encountered are occasional crashes in the campaign that don't matter because the game auto-saves every turn anyways.
Anthony Morris
Sieges were the worst TW aspect before sea battles were introduced, so them revamping sieges entirely is more of a good thing Empire is the only faction you will be able to do anything like that with. Everyone else is battling basically. There is still a gap in terms of how people build up their cities and tech up.
Hudson Phillips
Dwarf artillery is love Dwarf artillery is life
Luis Richardson
It's a few more days before it expires. I just don't like how they do that. If the faction is made before release, why would you basically force people to buy it? making it free for the first week is better than like a pre-order only thing, but still it's questionable imo.
Charles Lewis
Same universe - ork tech reflects the level of technology around them. As mankind has developed blackpowder guns, orks won't be far behind.
Kayden Allen
>100k people playing it right the fuck now they are all shills user.
Cooper Martin
How do we improve Bretonnia bro?
Dylan Davis
Supposedly, Sega wouldn't give CA the money to do warriors of chaos in the first game as a full playable faction without a limited roster (what you see if you don't have the chaos DLC) unless it was a preorder bonus/DLC.
Make up some units, since they have a small and limited roster even in the tabletop.
Adrian Foster
>install game with Denuvo >unistall game with Denuvo >you still have Denuvo files left on your computer I don't trust Denuvo. I don't want to purchase games using Denuvo.
Adrian Lopez
wait for CA to release it.
I am working on a mod that reduces upkeep if you build a supply depot in a province.
Dylan Edwards
I love the Organ Gun. 2-3 of those have saved my ass a few times.
Hunter Morales
Jayden Johnson
how is the unit variety in this game? the last total war i played was shogun 2 and i found myself only using a few different kinds
Colton Garcia
Every race feels fine except for the VC.
David Baker
What didn't you like about them? I didn't like waiting for corruption to spread, other than that it was fun.
Adam Wood
Good. There are 5 factions including chaos that you can play in the campaign, and they have very different rosters.
Jonathan Ward
Jeremiah Garcia
At what point do you give up and restart?
Trying to decide whether my current game is a loss already.
Lincoln Martinez
Just run all over the Breton fucking shits.
taking over Mariensburg and Bretonnia is the first thing you should do as Rightful heir to the empire.
Ethan Jones
Do you control all the provinces you can control by turn 100 give or take a few deep in enemy territory?
If not then give up.
Hudson Howard
Playing Chaos so far as Sigvald. Moonwalking my way to Middenheim with Chaos Knights, Chosen, and Trolls in tow.
Alexander Reyes
>waiting for corruption to spread
When will this meme end?
Everytime you grab a province build atleast two balefires. Keep your agents ahead of your army.
I probably conquered a fresh brettonia in 15 turns and it became it a vamp wonderland.
Remember when you own a province you wont suffer attrition really. Not unless you have 0 corruption.
Lucas Stewart
The cities you take over suffer quite a bit of unhappiness if there isn't enough corruption.