Just started playing this. Why is it mission based? Was it because of the PS2 limitations...

Just started playing this. Why is it mission based? Was it because of the PS2 limitations? This game is pretty fun even though it feels a bit heavy. If most of the areas were connected like the non-mission areas (like between 6 and 7 I think) it'd be a lot more fun. Most of the missions are back tracking. I have the HD collection, does it ditch the missions later on?
Devil May Cry thread?

There's nothing wrong with mission-based games, especially for hack-n-slash genre.
Backtracking is RE's heritage, 3 almost doesn't have it.

Every devil may cry is mission based and they should be, it lets you gradually get graded per chapter giving replayabillity and room to improve.

if you think that game is fun, you're going to love 3
I think it's mission based because it started out as a resident evil game so they kept the mission part as they went along
Missions are the same format in every game
When you finish that just skip DMC 2

It's always mission format. I actually don't mind it personally.

Underrated opinion but I think Devil May Cry is the best in the series. It's probably thanks to it being a Resident Evil title at the start of development but this game manages to be pretty spooky while also being an action game. Don't really get that in the later DMC titles where it's really eerie.

I do wonder how much of it was made before shifting development towards a new IP. I don't really see the underworld being Resident Evil so I think that was added later.

Aw shit. Alright. Honestly I don't mind it either, it gives me a rush to speed-run each mission or find some secret missions. How many are there anyways? I only found 1, 4, 5, and 7.
What's wrong with 2?

Because Kamiya likes mission-based games, as they allow you to replay your favorite parts whenever you want and incentivize replays.

Literally no other reason. All of his games sans RE2 and Okami are mission-based.

2 is bad, it's the last DMC chronologically and Dante is OP(well he already is in previous games but in this one he can one-shot the final boss in base mode with his gun)

The mansion-castle and ship are a very blatant reference to Alone in the Dark 1 and 2, so you can assume they were part of the original game (also because there's a lot of Spanish cues in those segments and the castle survived into 4 proper).

Imagine 1, except all of the enemies are way easier, guns are broken, the art is uninspired and bland, the music is dull, there's only one DT mode, and the level design is dogshit.

The music is insane tier. Art direction was best in the series.

>There will never be a theme as good as Ultraviolet again.
>Even Vergil's fights barely match Nelo Angelo despite being based on his fights.

Also, demon tanks and helicopters for bosses.
That shit was so stupid and played terribly.

DMC is the kind of game you want to re-fight some specific group of enemies later on, especially in 3 and 4, it would be really annoying if it wasn't mission based and you wanted to fight certain bosses without starting everything over again

>Phantom comes back as one of the final bosses in the game for nostalgia pandering.
>He's easier than fucking Phantom 1.

Fuck. Alright. I guess I'll skip it and come back to it if I care about the story then.

>There is a universe where Itsuno didn't take over the directorial duties of DMC2 at the tail end of development.
>They got a version of DMC2 with no Trish, a shittier dodge roll, no Bloody Palace, even more retarded enemies, no quick weapon change, the return of yellow orb system instead of gold orbs, desperation dt would trigger more, etc.

Truly we live in a blessed timeline.

You should probably just play a mission or two just to see how much better DMC1, DMC3 and DMC4 are by comparison

No, you should play it.
The story in these games don't matter for shit.

You should play it to understand just how bad it is, but also to see what few improvements it brought and how much better DMC3 is.

Why would you have me eat the corn that was on the shit-stool if I knew it was on a shit-stool? Eh. Alright. It's on the HD collection. Why not.

Because once you play it you'll never waste your time with a bad action game ever again.

Play it anyway, if you've got the HD collection you may as well just to see it for what it is.

Phantom was never hard. I never got this meme.

I didn't say he was, I'm saying DMC2's endgame Phantom is easier than Phantom 1, the very first boss of DMC1. It's fucking pathetic.

Cerberus, on the other hand, has always been hard for me on a fresh file. Piece of cake after a few basic upgrades, but on that first go...