When will we see her again, bros?

When will we see her again, bros?

hopefully never. Let the new purse owner cast have the spotlight for a bit.

I never look but I know she's always in the trash

you can see her any time on your favorite hentai site

Chie is not for sexual.

Probably in Persona 5 since all persona games have little homages to the previous ones.

She might show up as a friendly police officer in P5, she'll definitely show up as a friendly police officer in Persona 5 Arena.

Yes she is.

never she isn't real

>You will never be arrested by Chie

That porno would have been so much better if the guy playing Yu wasn't 70 years old.

>Hating on based Goro

You hardly see his face anyway.

>tfw barely any good, vanilla, translated Chie doujins not involving Yosuke

Ben stop shitposting and start seeing how to make frame trap a weekly show, faggot.

>You will never sniff Chie's sweaty armpits

Life is pain

M8, there's plenty. Shit there are only like two translated doujins with her and Yosuke and I wouldnt classify either as vanilla

Yeah, but most of them have Yukiko join in halfway through are some shit, I just want her by herself, there's only around three that are good, vanilla, translated and don't involve Yosuke.

Well at least Chie still holds the title of best Non-H translated Persona doujin


Doesn't it have an untranslated sequel though?

I'm pretty sure it has like two untranslated sequels. But we aint ever gettin that shit