GOTY 2017

GOTY 2017

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Looks like 1:1 Chivalry ripoff.

Looks like an exact rip of it actually

no it's not, trust me

oops that's old af

Amuse me, then, Mr. Developer. What makes your game different enough?

I'm not the dev but any chiv competitive player knows the score

For starters, clashing, no backswinging, no classes, readable feints, chambers

>no classes

So it's custom loadouts then instead?

Yeah, footspeed will be determined by your armor choices and maybe bigger weps? I'm not sure

>bows/crossbows are in


yeah but crush is a dev and he nerfed the shit out of archers in mercs so I doubt they'll be op

>no backswinging
>no classes
Potential dealbreaker. Create-a-class shit always leads to poor balancing. Also potential for huge microtransaction faggotry.
>readable feints
Being able to disarm an opponent on low stamina and stamina being more important in general is good too.

However, I see that they're fully embracing complete competitive play and that shit basically killed the game since TB only listened to clanfags and went "It's a feature!" at everything.

This too.

The only micro transactions that might show up in this game will be purely cosmetic customisation, similar to chivalry's right now. Even then I think marox doesn't like the idea of micro transactions at all

Still, how are you guys going to balance it well? High skill ceiling is great but you bet your ass everyone will instantly find out the balancing problems and exploit them to hell, like what happened with people running around in third person (sure hope it's not in this game, by the way), looking down while crouching etc etc.

I haven't heard it officially but I can only assume that 3rd will not exist in this game considering it's made by ex-chiv comp players (who exclusively play on 1st)

Without having played it I can't comment on how all the weapons will be balanced but presumably the variety in both player armor and alternative modes for each weapon should mix things up

So like Insurgency in a way?

I'm not sure, haven't played it

Same senpai, check that faded screenshot tho.

>deadliest warrior

pls no

Your movement speed is affected by your kit in Insurgency along with a point system, but there are kinda classes

lol. You know reg chives servers dont have the pop to sustain the games at 7am.

Hoping on to crush some nerds is fun when the reg version of the game only has duel servers that kick you if they see a rank above 20

I'm hyped
It looks like a huge improvement over Chiv and done by devs that aren't shit

Lol these joes

ft10 me

1v1 me Moor fag