>in the sequel of the game you character is the villian
In the sequel of the game you character is the villian
Bullshit. Name 40 games that do this.
>the handsome Brit friend is the one that backstabs you
nooooo reealllllyyy?
Prototype is actually good breh.
>the final boss of the first game helps the new heroes of the second game
>the last boss is the shadow of yourself
Dragon's Dogma
>Beat the Seneschal, it's the guy you played as in the tutorial and his pawn
>This starts NG+
>Get to the seneschal fight again
>If you are in offline mode, the seneschal is your arisen and pawn, with the equipment and skills that you had equipped when you fought the seneschal
>If you are in online mode, the seneschal is another random players arisen and pawn, with the equipment and skills that they had equipped when they beat the seneschal
Pretty desperate, aren't you?
Dark Souls 3
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Tekken 2 AND Tekken 6
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Tales of Symphonia 2
Drakengard 2
Armored Core For Answer
Diablo 2
Soul Reaver
Golden Sun
Vigilante 8 2nd Offense
Mega Man Zero
Castlevania SotN
.hack //G.U.
Valkyrie Profile 2
Jade Cocoon 2
Is 20 good enough?
Devil's Cartel is way better than the original.
Soul of Cinder is not a villain. It just tries to protect the First Flame.
name a single game with this
It's still an antagonistic force.
A lot of times when this shit happens in games, the old hero isn't *really* evil because that would hurt the fans' feelings.
Mario Tennis
Sin and Punishment does it backwards just to fuck with you.
>the sequel doesn't acknowledge the hardships of the last game
>everyone, including the protagonist acts as if what you did in the last game was just a stroll in the park
>the coolest side character wrecks the villain in previous game and becomes main character in next one
>Battle Network 2 ignores Battle Network 1.
>Battle Network 3 remembers Battle Network 1, but only gives passing reference to 2 in such a minuscule way and forgets the actually IMPORTANT parts.
>BN4 forgets everything.
>BN5 remembers 4 and 1.
>BN6 remembers the first three games, but pretends 4 and 5 didn't happen.
Aside from the last one, that shit's infuriating. How do you just FORGET THAT MEGA MAN IS YOUR BROTHER for a whole game?
Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
How else are YOU and the NEW PEOPLE going to be able to challenge the THRILL of the last game?
Well, there's a reason MMBN's story is not mentioned that much unlike the ones of X, Zero or Legends. Such a shame, they had started with the right foot.
FEAR 3 lmao
>That part when the villain forces you to work for him and you can't tell your friends why you're fighting them
sorry method man
>play an entire game as the good guy
>literally trades what he thinks could save the entire world to play gay daddy to a girl in the post apocs
>mfw people defend me
Never mind the sequel
>in the actual game, your character is the villain
Who am I?
>DLC characters are 3x as strong at level one, but never improve much beyond that.
Needs a Punished Pepe edit.
Don't forget Torchlight II
A bad game
All GTA games?
>mfw you didn't get it
Nah m8 Eternal Sonata was great.
The Legend of Kyrandia: Book 3
>Vigilante 8 2nd Offense
but you can play as literally anybody. Also Convoy(who's the leader of the Vigilantes and can be called the "protagonist") didn't turn evil. Only Clyde did
>You ARE the villain and you're fine with it
JC isnt the villain
If DMC4 counts then I guess so does Arc the Lad II
Brad Armstrong
WHY are you TALKING like THIS, are you a HOMOSEXUAL?
>RPG sequel
>protag is weak again and has to start grinding slimes and shit
Fighting you as the final boss =/= being the bad guy
New Star Wars is shit
Metal Gear as well
>Game takes place in a Mirror World version of the regular world
>Some of the bosses are parallels to bosses in the regular world
even in 2001 HAL loved its attention to detail
Ni No Kuni works like this to an extent.
.hack// G.U. kinda justified that.
Fucking JoJo, now I can't unsee
>it's a "dark middle chapter" game
Nep Nep
you can be though
>game has a "shadow" or "dark" version of the main character as their rival
>the first dungeon in the game is some shitty game
>the game has an area later in the game that's right next to your starting zone/area
>game has a puzzle which is solved by some gimmicky perpipheral
>protagonist from an older game cucks you in the prequel
>but you already know he gets fucked over later on so it's cool
That guy that was softbanning people in DaS III reminded me a lot of hack g.u.
Shadow of the Colossus
Prototype 2 pulled this shit in the worst fucking way
while you're at it, anyone got pepe snake breaking mirror?
>they've actually tried many, many times before with people who had the same immunity as Ellie to cure this whole thing and failed
>they've killed all their subjects for nothing
>Joel learns of this and tells them to fuck off and protects Ellie
Are you dumb?
Brits in videogames are always loyal as fuck. What game are you talking about?
name a single game that doesn't use any of these cliches
This.that shit was horrible.
Everything is le JOJO xD
>Everything is le JOJO xD
Extending the first flame is a sin in the first place, Soul of Cinder is the personification of that evil. The correct course of action is to let it die out and have an age of humanity
>le Gwyn did nothing wrong meme
Kill yourself you deranged hollow.
Not him, but Uncharted 2
>In the first game the suave guy backstabs you, but you can forgive him
>in the sequel the suave guy is the most loyal person to the first game's MC.
what game
God I wanted those games to not be total shit so badly
Tales of Symphonia
Console peasants are always getting the short end of the stick, no surprise here.
Jousuke is Kira. Johnny and Gyro die. fuck off faggots
>Oh hey, Alex is evil now and wants to replace humanity with the virus, so basically himself
>You're gonna play as this generic black military dude who alex gives the virus to but leaves his free-will for some reason
>Oh, you're also gonna have to kill Alex
>Wait, why is he evil now? Just go read the comic we didn't advertise at all, and find how Alex condemns the whole human race because of a white-trash bitch and her criminal father
Well gee, I wonder why the game bombed
>the party literally beat up gods
>can tank hits from a monster that devours worlds for power
>sequel comes
>the characters are still acknowledged as saviours of the world
>characters that came back get done in by bunnies
Why can't games just keep their power levels the same as they were? Just make a new main party, don't make characters that could literally murder the hole world suddenly weak as fuck. Fuck you Bravely Second.At least Ringabel is still stronk.
Oh god. In the first game it ended kinda hopeful, then apparently in the shitty comics Mercer loses faith in humanity and goes full Hitler and we're just expected to know this when we play as nigger niggerman "I'm the good guy with a sense of morals even though I'm murdering equal amounts of people" to fight Alex "my face got stretched out for some reason" Mercer.
I don't even know what that is, or means.
I just want you to kys.
What's really fucking dumb is it's just two people that made him lose faith.
Like, you can deal with the corrupt military and evil experiments, but a couple rednecks is too much?
Is there a game that ever done this properly? And I don't mean you start up all fucking badass and lose your powers for some reason like God Of War 2 and most Metroids.
In all honesty, the fact that nigger niggerman didn't give a fuck half the time he fought things lead to some amusing lines.
Almost all the fight dialogue was top-tier
Warcraft III.
Yeah because you're a filthy animeonly shitter
Army of Two 3 (devils cartel) has one of the two heroes from 1 and 2 become final boss.
How fucking autistic can you be man?
That doesn't make sense though.
Even if the things you do are universally considered bad you're not "the villain".