Do you ever see a videogame character and go "This is the person I'd marry" ?
Do you ever see a videogame character and go "This is the person I'd marry" ?
Unpopular Opinion: Fuuka is a lovely girl and I respect people who wish to pick Fuuka as their waifu.
Cute, she looks like my ex-gf from 10 years ago. I miss banging that pussy, but she's married to another man now :(
Thank you user, I wish more people thought like you and appreciated Fuuka.
Pic related
>those goggles
>literally sonic the hedgehog eyes
my god, at last i truly see.
Wow user that's so nice of you
>ywn cuddle with Fuuka
It hurts Sup Forums
>no Fuuka daki or plushie to hug at night
>no Fuuka merch in general
It's not fair
Was she a virgin?
Fukka is my waifu
I've never liked a girl in any vidya as much as i liked her character
What did you like about her? her kind heart? her brilliant mind? her humble and modest looks?
You tell me.
>ywn discover Naoto is a girl before anyone else and get closer to her while she has you maintain her secret and plow her over her desk, running the risk of being found screwing who everyone else thinks is a boy
why live
Her shy nature got me, i'm usually attracted to shy girls
Also she fucking made me headphones, there's not a single other girl in the world who would be that awesome of a girlfriend
Her personality
follow up:
did you ever stop to think that NONE of these girls would find even a single one of you attractive or likable?
I want to become her toy.
I bet she actually has the jiggliest ass in the world on that petite body
No because I'm quite attractive and likeable.
Good taste
True, Fuuka really hit the nail in the head with those headphones
She gives the best gifts.
I have, and that's why I've been finding ways to improve myself, becoming a worthy partner, It'd be bad if she had to be with someone who can't make her happy.
OP's waifu actually looks a lot like my ex-gf of 10 years ago whom I banged a lot. Of course, she was a nerdy socially awkward person too... and she did cuck me with one of my "friends" before we broke up... but I'm just saying dude, it's not impossible.
Sure do.
it's a fuckin drawering
I'm going to marry Ashley!
I'd marry the fuck out of this dragon
I'm on Sup Forums for a reason
No, it's the love of my life.
shikata ga nai
What is she climbing into?
Literal perfection.
Kill yourself
She is best girl in Chrono Cross
A train.
Hm, that actually makes sense
>has a 2d vidya waifu
>tells people to kill themselves
>liking dirty, smelly 3DPD
>not killing yourself
Mm hm.