Will there ever be a good Chaos Space Marine game?

Will there ever be a good Chaos Space Marine game?

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Doubt it. I doubt we will ever get an Imperial guard game.


Will there ever be a chaos space marine game? So much potential for being a roving Dick head


Space Marine's multiplayer got us close. DoW 3 better have improved army customization.

So are all these space Marines on the same side?

Fuck off back to sucking your dead emperor's cock, faggot.

Nope, a solid half went traitor and fights for Chaos. A good analogy would be Space Marines are angels and Chaos Space Marines are the demons, the fallen angels.
Then there's Horus being Lucifer/Cain while Sanguinius being Jesus/Abel but that's deep 40k lore shit.

Regular Space Marines are on the same side for the most part, but some of the chapters have grudges against others. Chaos Space Marines are not on the same side of Space Marines in any way. Read up on the Horus Heresy.

I'd rather be a random traitor guardsman who
wakes up one morning to find the planet is being flesh-dissolving-virus bombed by his own side for a laugh.

What I hate the most is that there is no warhammer game where all four chaos gods are fully realized and play a large role in the overall gameplay.

The closest I've seen this accomplished is Chaos in the Old World and that is a boardgame.

I'm just a noob when it comes to warhammer. Just asking is all.
thats cool. I always likes the art of how they have skulls on their armor

Good God Emperor! Please! I want to be a fucking normal person fighting supersoldiers, aliens and demons. Best posible point of view in W40k.

The last time all Four fought together and actively fight the Imperium was to stop the Emperor. They don't give a fuck about the material world now. They occasionally bless their mortal champions like Abaddon to invade the materium but they're mostly concerned about fighting each other.

Now are many of the chaos chapters on the same side? I think they would fuck eachother up just as quickly as the imperials solely based on whatever chaos god they primarily worship.

It already exists

Chaos always has infighting. I forget which groups in particular don't like each other. I'm pretty sure Fallen Angels hate all Chaos and Imperial Space Marines.

I take a shit on Chaos

>I am no heretic
>covered in Chaos Undivided imagery

Sure, Hans.

There is no Chaos Unidivided anymore user.

>Alpha Legion are traitors
There are people who believe this lie.

You've got Space Marines. They shoot everything that is not the Imperium of Man. Sometimes they also shoot Imperial forces, for various reasons.
Then you've got Chaos Space Marines. Some are remnants of the original Legions, when half of them betrayed the Emperor in the Horus Heresy. Some come from modern Chapters who turned against the Imperium because of different reasons. They shoot literally everyone.

ABD wrote this nice piece of fluff for them in general. And without any daddy issues and only modest Chaos cocksucking, so it's great

So how do these guys have kids n shit? and why aren't they killed off?

I know right? Next people are going to start saying that the Dark Angels are secret traitors.


Whos the strongest space Marine.

Well for normal space marines they don't, they just clone more with geneseed. Chaos space marines rely for the most part on traitor marines and whatever terrible shit Fabius Bile can create with stolen geneseed


Cato Siccarius

>screaming "CORPSE EMPEROR" at anything that forces you to take responsibility and face the consequences of your actions.
>Act like petulant,edgy faggots.
>wonder why everyone hates you.

Yea and I'm saying that would be awesome to actually see implemented. Want to get the blessings of Khorne? Gotta go against Slaanesh. Want to bro it up with Tzeench? Now Nurgle hates you.

And at the same time you have the Empire and its inquisition out to murder you at any chance they get.

To create a Space Marine:
>Go to a Feral World/City World/Death World
>Take the toughest, meanest, deadliest warrior/survivor below 15
>Make them do insane tests where the survival rate is 10/100
>Implant in those that survive organs that turn them into supersoldiers, a good half dies in the process
>The survivors are inducted in the scouts regiment (think Master Chief/Doomguy power level) and are sent in battle
>Survive long enough to impress you r superiors and you'll earn your Power Armor.

All this to create immortal supersoldiers with centuries of experience each. The older they are, the longer they survive the constant warfare, thus the stronger they are. Pic related is at least 1300 years old and is the deadliest Space Marine alive.


so do they grow old and die or have families or lovers seems lonely

see He's the oldest Space Marine without Warp time travel/dreadnought shenanigans. So old no non Dreadnought marine alive remembers a time he's not in charge. So old even Logan "chop an Inquisitor for fun" Grimnar defers to his leadership.

Best you're going to get is a mobile game based on Black Crusade. That or there's the current mobile game about Horus Heresy that is dogshit.

Nope, they've been brainwashed to only want to fight, kill and feast (the latter especially for the Space Wolves). Their family is the Chapter and their love is brotherly. And their dick probably doesn't work with all the mutations anyway.
>Do they grow old and die
No Space Marine die of old age, they just get stronger/more skilled with time until they inevitably die in battle.

>>The survivors are inducted in the scouts regiment (think Master Chief/Doomguy power level)

Yeah, no.

Scout armour isn't even powered. It's pretty much just carapace.


Best traitor legion right here.

Superior Angels coming through.

New episode when


I, The Emperor of Mankind, am ordering mods to execute exterminatus upon this thread.

>platinum makes the game

Yes pls.

Why does everybody hate each other in the 40k universe so much

Can you order exterminatus on my buttcrack?


Nah I doubt it

Keep your meme developer out of this. 40k is not the franchise to make a turbo speed character action game. If you have to have a meme dev make your game I'd rather see From tackle a Warhammer game.

>Superior Angels
Go back home to your furfag husbands, traitors.

>cell shaded reused assets
>3 hour campaign
>arcade combat

Yeah great.


Why not just let the Emperor die?

From what I gather, he's going to reincarnate as a god anyways so why keep the dude on a (slowly failing) life support?


Where are the women in all of this or normal humans? What are they doing?

Ah, the small fries are here. Go get outsmarted by okrs somewhere else.

Thank god for that.

He's the beacon on which they navigate, the astronomicococn or something?

Because most people don't exactly know it.

Oh yeah, and him being on the Golden Throne is the thing that's keeping that breach that Magnus caused from resulting in Holy Terra being overrun by a shitting fuckton of daemons.

Because all the ships in the Empire require him keeping them safe from the warp. They wouldn't be able to travel using the warp and the Empire would crumble in days if he died and stopped projecting the Astronomican



Because he is a shining beacon in the warp and is the only thing that allows for warp travel without your ship getting mercilessly slaughtered by demons or you getting completely lost. Without the emperor corpse their is no warp travel.

Why don't they then create a new beacon with their tech then?

Fighting on the front lines, but GW doesn't make lady guardsman because they're lazy Jews.

this and And it's not even sure he'll reincarnate. The chaos of a split second of the Emperor dying is not worth a maybe scenario where he might become a benevolent Chaos god.
Him off the Throne means to intergalactic travel, no intergalactic communication, a lot of daemons come spilling on Terra ( more than the current rate ) and utter chaos all around, even for a split second.

>creating 'new' tech
>in WH40K
Is really hope your not suggesting this heretic

It is a good idea, if you don't mind millions and millions of deamouns pouring to terra the instant emperor dies

An IG game only works as an rts or RTT I think. Marine or Eldar etc. games could be TPS or FPS as well.

Do you realize how powerful the fucking emperor is? Thousands of psykers are even sacrificed every day to fuel it. It's impossible to recreate with technology, it's a psychic field.

Wonder what favor the Dark Eldar will call in as part of the golden throne bargain.

No because he looks like shit now. Someone post the pic

They don't have "the tech" to "make" a new astronomicon

why not

Didn't Empire encounter a world of humans that had some really sick technologies but brute forced/exterminatus'd them asap?

>Wanting more games starring space marines, evil or otherwise

neck urself, m8

Exactly. He's a fucking skeleton and he's still possibly the strongest being in creation. Emperor Prime is one of the most powerful beings in popular fiction

If he's going to die soon anyways, wouldn't it make sense to bolster your defenses as much as you could, then off him and hope he reincarnates? If he did reincarnate as a god then warp travel should become possible again right?

They're just delaying the inevitable by keeping him alive. He's going to have to keel over eventually.

Long story short:

The imperium already suffered a prior dark age that took place after their robots/computers or whatever went Skynet on them and they barely survived. A combination of long-term fear of technology progression, suspicion, and tech-hording by high-level engineer guys who control the Imperium's technologies prevent technology from moving forward.

I think the ships the imperium use don't even have AI. They have a quasi-ai using human corpses or something.

Someone else can probably explain better than I.

>implying 40K ever progresses

Religion says no, basically. And zealous fucknuts in Warhammer are supremely powerful and will wreck your shit if you so much as think of researching any technology.

Because it's warp fuckery and the only person strong enough to power the astronomicon besides the emperor is magnus, and he's not an option for obvious reasons

Oh well then.
The Imperial will make an official decree that they will be needing just a few hundred more fit and able psykers to help power the Astronomicon, saying that it will further serve Man.
However behind closed doors those extra few fit and able psykers may find themselves shipped to Commoragh.

The Inetrrex. It's basically a more advanced/successful Star Trek system but Horus (who was second in command at the time) got tricked by a Chaos agent into nuking them sky high. The tragedy here is that the Interex studies Chaos like a science and thus has an edge over it.

The second he dies the entire Imperium is fucked for good. There's not enough time for him to reincarnate. The Daemons would destroy Terra (Earth) instantly.

As I said, most people don't know that.

And even if they did, that's one hell of a gamble to make. If he reincarnates, how long will that take. If he doesn't, what the fuck are they going to do now?

Yes, it might result in a vast improvement over the current status que but it can also result in things becoming a lot fucking worse.

Oh I thought that took place AFTER the horus heresy.

Any idea what the Eldar think of the Emperor and did he ever have direct dealings with them?

Why does earth even matter? Just travel to another planet

So basically the only way the Imperium can keep itself from getting completely fucked by Chaos is to hope they can somehow fix whatever's wrong with the golden throne?

>what the Eldar think of the Emperor
It differs, some thinks he's a corpse, others believe once dead he'll become a fifth, more terrible Chaos god. They know all about making Chaos gods so they may have a point.
>Emperor and did he ever have direct dealings with them?
His great dream is to conquer and improve the Eldar's webway system so mankind doesn't have to go through hell whenever they go to another planet. It would've succeeded, but the Heresy happened.

As mentionedLatest news on that was that the caretakers of the Golden Throne, operating under the mantra of 'desperate times calls for desperate measures' travelled to Commoragh, the home of the delightful Dark Eldars where 'a dark bargain' was struck.

Because if terra falls, the whole imperium is fucked

>Wanting a second Eye of Terror in the middle of you empire

This push for fucking skitarii is getting old. They're nobodies that nobody cares about. Orks Eldars Marines are who you're going to see in every game. The others will get rotated through for the most.

Yes. And they have already taken some extremely questionable steps into making that happen.

The Emperor was a bro with Eldrad for awhile, but they departed on bad terms. Not as enemies, but no longer as friends. I believe it was (though I cannot remember the source) was that the Emperor went

>Chaos is really bad guys, you guys are faggots for making another God, but you're decent aliens, humanity will rule the galaxy then the universe, help us defeat Chaos and you can have a place in my Imperium as vassals

And the Eldar spat in his face over this because they thought they could fix everything.

>Nobody cares about Admech

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I know this is never gonna happen, due to WH40k being a story that never really progresses(Or just barely progresses), but if the Emperor ever canonically dies, I wonder if it'll really be as drastic as everyone thinks it'll be?

Okay, so Emperor's a confirmed perpetual, right? But what makes everyone thinks he's just like other perpetuals? Maybe when Emperor dies, he'll just be able to come back to life instantly. I mean, he's capable of god-like feats already(But make sure not to call him a God for some raisin?), would it be that much of a stretch?

Especially considering that he most likely KNOWS about the situation with the throne he's sitting on.