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Video Games #3395
Video Games
Stolen Games
That one friend who refuses to play against other humans
Where were you when even casuals turned on AngryJoe?
A "half A press" is not a half at all, when you press the A button that IS the A press...
What are you currently enjoying on your 3DS Sup Forums?
So now after so much time I think we can safely agree that MGR:R was a better game in every way than MGSV
How does one pirate Crusader Kings 2 with all the dlc? I would buy it, but the amount of dlc pisses me off...
Find a flaw
Games only you played
Shittiest developers you have ever encountered thread
So, anyone else waiting for it?
What the fuck?
Yfw Nintendo wins E3
How was Sin able to transport Jecht and Tidus from dream zanarkand to spira if jecht and tidus were just non-existent...
Which color do YOU play as, user?
What's the game that successfully makes you feel like a hero?
Playing MH on your shitty 240p screen with sub 30fps?
Witcher 3 Screenshot Thread
Who is the greatest gaming king?
So did this end up being any good?
Now that the dust has settled, was it good?
My Nintendo
ITT: Fate decides the next game you play
Are they, dare I say it, back?
Even ArmA hopping on the female soldiers infantry bandwagon
How do you feel that all those times you were playing games when you were younger, all those people you met online;
Is Stillborn the new Evolve?
This is happening in 2 weeks. What vidya news are you most excited for?
This just happened automatically
E3 is coming up soon. Do you think we will rike it?
Recently got internet working on my 3ds
Has a video game ever made you cry, Sup Forums?
GOG Connect
Ask where I can find a good prebuilt gaming PC
Rebel group is called "The Resistance"
22 more days
Give me some games that are heavily moddable
What happened to Pokemon?
Why is this console so fucking terrible?
Do you think and Lucio are hot for eachother?
I'm going to start playing pic related for the first time
Why is this board so triggered over this game's popularity?
Who here is hyped for La-Mulana 2?
Any tips on Genji? I got his young Genji and nomad skin the other night from a crate but I never play him...
I'm bored, let's have some Steam profile rate thread. Let see which one of you has the best looking profile
Majora's Mask was developed in one year
Which is the better game and why?
Bring hp of a boss down to 50%
You guys weren't kidding about Undertale
New #FE trailer
What's your honest thoughts on this game 9 months later?
Say whatever you want about Esquentado Estevan, but this is, BY FAR, the best overwatch review out right now
Assasins Creed Series
Did anyone else notice the utmost lack of MGS threads on Sup Forums since the release of TPP?
3x3 mosaic
Thought i'd give fo1 a try seeing as i've only played 3, nv and 4
Where were you, when it turned out she was right?
Champion Gundyr vs Gehrman, the First Hoonter
So now that Blood & Wine, Far Harbour and Hearts of Stone released...
What do you think about Angry Joe 7/10 for Overwatch...
What is Sup Forums's opinion of Amy Rose? I loved her in Sonic Adventure 1 and Sonic Heros
Really Humble Bundle?
Morning Sup Forums
Used point down gesture after me and 2 nice phantoms raped some invader
What leaders/civs do you want to see for Civ VI?
So went wrong?
Destiny comes out, lacking in several aspects of the PvE, PvP and balance departments...
Ibuki needs buff
A person rightfully sues a company when they're dehumanized by their employees
So after the phenomenal base game and two god tier expansion packs we can all agree this is the best game ever right?
The Witcher 3
Pans camera to show face of player character
The first armour set is the best looking one
I want to ____ (4 letters) Samsung Aran
Which one is the best?
He looks like a fucking cat
Despite being discounted by 40 per cent over the weekend (which is almost unprecedented for a AAA game in its first...
Is there anyone still playing this goddamn forsaken game?
Could this be the greatest game ever made?
Battleborn thread
Poop... poop!
You don't HONESTLY think there's a such thing as "half" an A press, do you?
Gameshop horror stories
Europoors won't be allowed on Sup Forums starting tomorrow...
Maria "The Kids" Rapp strikes again!
Really want to play Ring Runner with other people
Final Fantasy XIV
This is your date tonight. Say hello
Post pics of your sister ya cuck
For what purpose though?
What games your country or if you want: game developers from your country produced/made?
How can a 37 yearold look this good?
What have you done to support the gaming industry, Sup Forums?
How did you like naughty dogs latest walking simulator?
So let's get this straight. Widow is a sniper that
ITT: Games with god tier free roam, where even simply moving around is already fun
All of the armor and weapon designs are good regardless of stats
So how do you like that infested pile of shit Social Justice Witcher, Sup Forums?
Answer me honestly:
No more Dark souls games
You fell for the nvidia meme
Sent the fix to your inbox ;)
The great debate
Be tank
ITT: Enemies that unnerve you
How do I eat rations?
What is the best choice of weapons?
Based "4 hours" guy finally address Overwatch value and microtransactions problem
What went wrong?
What video games did you play today?
Why the fuck would the Korean Government put their no.1 Starcraft 2 player to pilot a mech
Smash4 at EVO will have the largest number of entrants any smash tournament ever had, and it's still growing
My PS4 makes a sound and immediately turns off when I try to use it
How good are you at fighting games
Getting back to WoW
Did you like Blood & Wine?
Where's the replay value, Sup Forums?
Now that Shenmue III coming to Xbox, PS4 is irrelevant
Would you ever consider buying a PC like this?
Tired of Overwatch threads? Well get ready. Summer is just starting and this is going to be the game of the summer...
Should I do it Sup Forums?
Dead By Daylight
Ivory King is still the best bossfight in the entire Souls series
Battlefield 1 hype thread?
What went wrong Sup Forums
Hey Sup Forums, how's that backlog?
ITT: Overrated games
Animal Crossing
"By Sigmar, NO!"
Promise me, you won't tell anyone.... that Marie Rose buys her clothes from the children section of the shop...
Pedophiles actually like this shit
750ti meme successor
What will make him useable?
Am I a pleb for not being able to enjoy GTA 1 and 2 or are they genuinely unplayable?
Was Maddox right about video games stories?
Where were you when AngryJoe LOST HIS FUCKING MIND
Star Fox Zero
Why is this game so good?
What do you want to see in the next Animal Crossing? No furfags please
What differences do the characters have with their skins?
ITT: High quality video game rips
Vive, Rift and other VR/HMD crap
What has she done for gaming again?
What does Sup Forums think of the video game critic Angry Joe?
Why is nobody playing this great game?
Have you forgotten her, Sup Forums?
Since I got it from the Capcom humble bundle, I've been playing through DmC for the first time out of curiosity
Humble Bundle
D44M has yet to be cracked
I'm about to start another playthrough of RE2...
Which is the easiest class?
What is the best song and why is it
8 years old
Why are Slav developers so top tier?
What went so right
Why aren't you playing shanas new game right now?
So, thoughts on this? now that Everyone has access to it
What are some good Dungeon crawler games? Anything where I can just go deep down and start looting shit...
Hey guys, I'm goin' AFK brb
Hanging out at friends place
What are some good games about the moon?
Leaked image of a remastered Liberty City from Rockstar background artist portfolio
Here's your controller, user
So I don't know if Overwatch has a story but if these people are supposed to be the heroes of the planet why are they...
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
GTX 1070 buyers, are you waiting or buying?
War of Rights, A US Civil War first person shooter?
I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite board on Sup Forums
ITT: Post the first vidya game you ever played, other anons try and guess what year they were born
Dark Souls JRPG
They said straight up that it's only first to PS4
Why aren't there any regular FPS games with accessible map editors built in?
So, after being disappointed with the Overwatch beta, I heard about this game and started playing it recently...
Uhmm.. It is June 1st, you stupid fucking program. Let me play the fucking game already. I have the money in my paypal...
Filename thread
Sup Sup Forums what mmo are you playing these days?
I'm not buying The New Weeaboo RPG because I heard they took out the Japanese voice track
Swamp level
Literally the Five Finger Death Punch of characters
ITT: Good movie/TV licensed games
PC owner here, what do console owners do if something inside a console breaks?
Filename thread
When did you realize that the game was going downhill?
Literally impossible
So I just found out there is a YouTube channel where Conan O'Brien revievs video games
Why did IGN write about this?
2016 is the year of Western domination
Now do you remember? Who you are? What you were meant to do? I cheated death, thanks to you. And thanks to you...
What animal was she again?
Was the sole survivor of her team trapped in Antarctica
Tfw no energy or free time to play vidya anymore
Spend the entire main dlc quest sucking up to the duchess to get the booty and not fuck up my reward she dies and I get...
Blizzard stole a character design from fucking Ride to Hell
Pick one and only one
Reload weapon
Why does Onlyafro sound like he's gonna cry any second like a faggot...
Come on Sup Forums, is there a inspirational game that will lift me up? I need some uplifting. Adult swim had me...
With the brand split coming up, is there any hope for a SmackDown vs Raw game to not be shit?
What games are you playing tonight, Sup Forums?
How much have they jewed you for already, Sup Forums?
It's settled
What went wrong?
ITT: Post extremely replayable single player games
How are you finding it?
Do you play games with your girlfriends?
9 months later, we can all agree that this game is a bit preachy but otherwise very good, right?
ITT: Games that deserve movies
Sup Forums related reaction image thread
My girlfriend just posted this on her Instagram profile
From /lit/ to Sup Forums (yikes)
Is jeanne d arc a good game
Comfy battlestation thread
So should the parents sue the zoo or should the zoo sue the parents?
Isabelle Animal Crossing
Is now a good time to buy a PSVITA?
South Korea Arresting Players of Teaching Feeling
For the love of fucking Christ, PLEASE tell me it gets better. A lot fucking better
It was a dissappointment
MAKE A WISH Sup Forums
So there's a free beta for dead by daylight...
So we agree this is the pinnacle of 3d mario platformers?
So who will kill Reaper in the Overwatch story?
How do you find time to play video games these days? With my job, girlfriend, and going out for drinks with friends...
It's a good question
How has nobody noticed this yet?
Three is no wario thread
Why are people in such denial that this bitch is overpowered?
There are people on Sup Forums who bought Overwatch on console
What am I in for?
Level with me Sup Forums, is a wii u worth getting? Iv seen a couple games that look great & fun to play
Be talking about any game of PvP, fighting, moba, what-have-you
Pick one and only one
Final Fantasy music
What am I in for?
Dark Souls 2
What does Sup Forums think of Morrowind?
ITT: Games with unique artstyles
If there is a port of Smash 4 to the NX, what would you like to see added?
Remember all the fun you had here, Sup Forums? confirmed for getting a buff. McReee getting nerfed
ITT: we trigger Sup Forums
ITT games that will be remembered centuries from now as milestone achievements of the medium
Who is the best Zelda?
Tfw haven't played a single game in 3 months
He's gonna buy the PS3 version of Persona 5
Undertale wasn't that bad
"I have no interest in playing Mother 3, user."
R9 480 for $200
Are player created maps still a thing in online first person shooters?
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
Homefront is concrete proof that we have reached peak autism...
Why does Sup Forums constantly shit on video games?
Why do only Japan and America get all the fun High school simulators?
Nvidia BTFO
Sup Forums-kun, daisuki~!
E3 2016
Name a better game
Starsector Thread
Game has been out 2 months
Why do you still want a white gf I'm 2016 Sup Forums ?
What video games did you play today Sup Forums?
Why didn't you hack your 3DS, Sup Forums?
Are there any good mobile games? I hear a lot about gacha stuff
What is Nario?
What exactly was the Forest Temple?
What is the best Miku game and why is it Project Mirai 2?
Vote for Flandre
When did the companies that make video games begin to openly hate their own customers?
Bouncing between LoL and OW
Has any vidya protagonist ever completely and utterly failed as hard as Hero in Shin Megami Tensei 1
*record scratch*
Melee weapons deal more damage then fire-arms
Just started FFTA today and holy fuck, this is the most fun I've had with an SRPG since I played Disgaea 2...
Would you play a Megaman Vile spinoff series over another Megaman Zero series?
What are some video games where I can fuck someone else's wife/gf?
You ever wonder why we're here?
Super Mario Maker
Should Valve hire Obsidian to develop Half Life 3?
Pharah kills an enemy Reaper
This is the best Jak game
This is character design from a mobile game
Did you become a filthy werewolf?
What's the most frustrating game you've ever played Sup Forums ?
I'm going to marry D.Va!
Attention, Cunts: Australia is Coming
When did you stop being a fan of them Sup Forums?
Stardew Valley
Shit games with 10/10 trailers
AMD Polaris
Is olivua munn based or is she based?
ITT: best girl of their respective franchise
"Hey, chill out!"
Is there such a thing as a perfect video game Sup Forums?
Which vidya songs do you want to play in your funeral
Mecha game thread
Zero Time Dilemma: Abort? We're inbound for more spoils
AMD Computex Press Conference Discussion
Also in PC
Why is PC gaming so bad...
Friendly reminder to get your free manaphy this month because it's gonna be another decade before another event happens
Feeling pretty depressed tonight
What went wrong?
Tommy vercetti never says the word fuck or its derivative in gta vice city
Is videogame compulsion/addiction real? If you quit completely right now, how would your life be different?
So do you guys think Square is on route to the golden age again...
Let's hear your DOOM 2/DOOM 1 sp dlc ideas
Iceberg Tier Thread
Kirby64 is the best kirby game aside from that god tier Snes one(superstar?)
Really makes you think
Look at my huge Steam library
Is it worth it Sup Forums?
You have 10 seconds to name the most radical game ever made
Who do you pick, Sup Forums?
Turret has 1 hp
Will Playtonic be a success? Will they have money to make games beyond Yooka-Laylee?
So how is the Vita version of this? And who else is picking it up next week?
How come Mercy is 37 and not yet married?
Well, what do we have here, Sup Forums?
Why did this have to exist?
Oblivion Thread
Nerf this fucking bitch
ITT: Games that challenge your intellect
Are you a real hot dog, Sup Forums?
Industry already turning on SONY
So I decided to pick up this game on a whim since it was 15 bucks...
What did I miss?
What's the stupidest thing you have ever done in a video game?
What was her problem
Where did his hair go?
Dragon Quest Heroes
Why did he dumb down Smash Bros? Melee was a smashing success. Pretty much everyone who had a Gamecube had the game...
What videogames did you play today, Sup Forums?
Dizzy now wears clothes instead of just wearing belts and a thong
ITT: Punchable faces
Those haymakers
Dangan Ronpa V3 will feature "lies" and "scrum debates"
ITT: Games you used to play but dont remember their name
Do you play games with your siblings?
Battleborn already at $18 NEW
Overwatch Stats
Did you know you can overclock your LCD?
ITT: best girl
Will it get a Wii U port? I really want to play this game
Tfw no wicher thread because everyone is playing the expansion
What are some pizza themed games?
Remind me what Demons Soul's did better than the other soulsborne games
It's a goddamn key dump
There's been a lot of hubub the past week about SFM porn and people just brush it off saying people will look for more...
What did she mean by this?
Just got pic related. How does it hold up?
Did you ever beat the Grox?
Do you think Mario NX will be more "open world" like 64 and Sunshine or maintain the more linear style the franchise...
Street Fighter V
Just finished watching pic related, what games let me play a good gameplay involving tanks
Is he right?
It's out Sup Forums. Who are you maining?
Characters exclusively played by children under 15
Who was that video game girl you fell in love with?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
ITT: vaguely describe the worst level from your favorite game, others guess what game it is
How did that theme song go again?
Vidia Screenshot thread
How can Sony possibly raise the bar at E3 this year coming from that 2015 conference?
How come Yukimura "Too Cool for Revelations" wasn't available to be an adviser? Explain yourself, IntSys
How would a Bloodborne sequel even work? Isn't the story over?
Who are the hottest/hunkiest video game men?
Top player in the FGC caught on camera groping a woman at a tournament
Top FGC Player Caught on Camera Sexually Harassing Woman at Tournament
You're full of shit, Sup Forums...
Has he got a girlfriend? Don't you wish girls would play Overwatch with you?
Gamestop Robbery Gone Wrong
It's been 4 years and the 280x, or maybe I should say 7970, is still treading the barrier of top of the line
Gravity Rush 2
Surprise oneechanbara release on steam
Buys 320 loot boxes
How would you feel if iD rebooted Heretic or Hexen a la DOOM?
Mfw Star Fox Zero failed
What's the best Overwatch skin and why is it B.VA?
Why isn't anyone talking about Paladins?
Is it common knowledge yet that Rare's downfall was their own fault and not Microsoft's?
What went wrong with sonic the hedgehog?
Why is steam now allowing pedo shit like Neptunia?
Why is this always meme for PC gaming? Its not even a bad thing IMO as you can cool your PC effectively...
Is FF8 really bad or is it a meme to hate it?
ITT: games that you've never seen mentioned on Sup Forums
Based Japan is going to save VR, just like it saved the video game industry years ago
Gaming Computer recommendation
Vidya Feels
We want the digimon: cyber sleuth audience
「生命のスペア I was born for you」
A 5'11" 154 lbs Homo-Sapien male with a kitchen knife is coming to kill you...
Tell me
Character least in need of a nerf is getting nerfed
Genuinely fun game that didn't try to entice you with progression system weapon unlocks and everyone got to start out...
Console-tan Tuesday
I've spent hours on him. I can't beat him. How do I hit gud? I've tried roll strata, shield strats, 2h, 1h...
Blizzard confirms there's a gay character
What are some truly challenging games, Sup Forums?
ITT Games that all Sup Forums loves
Fallout 4 console mods disable trophies
What do you think about rivalries in E-Sports?
From an official SEGA survey
What are some games that involve the most powerful objects in the universe?
You told me this movie was going to be shit
JUST sequels
Overshit casual trash
Get-all-achievements achievement
ITT: Underappreciated Sup Forumsidya females
Hentai thread?
How was this game bad?
So what did Tripwire do to piss people off this time?
The great debate
Its another smash thread
Nintendo marketing
2 million confirmed unique accounts
Hardest Overwatch Challenge
ITT: Times when you can safely disregard someones opinions on games
An Elder Scrolls mmo would be amazing! All they'd have to do is make Skyrim online man!
Currently playing through the Witcher 1 enhanced edition, why am I enjoying this more so far than the entirety of TW3...
Was he actually benevolent or was he just saying buzzwords because they sound nice?
Filename thread
Im poor. and bored. cant sit and play games for a long time, but i like skill and comfy. i only have a pc
Horror games thread
The Legend of Female Link Zelda
What went right?
How about a kiss, for luck?
Tired of games?
Horror + combat
Disturbing / Scary Stuff in games
Where does Sup Forums stand on omnics and omnic rights?
Will there ever be a good Chaos Space Marine game?
Fate/Extella will launch for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita on November 10
Is this the Shivering Isles of Fallout 4?
How does Doomguy not have PTSD?
Peach appreciation thread
Why do people think it's okay to paint WW1 as a super sad war that is totally unique and different to every other war...
Top 100 video games of all time list
Majora's Mask
Coop games
Playing a game
ITT: characters you want to see in Smash
How's Hitman Marrakesh going user?
Do consoles hold graphics back?
Can we have a The World Ends With You thread?
Ctrl + f
Look what just arrived. What could they possibly be
Wow, that was quick
Keep it vidya
Cex thread? Cex thread
There will never be another BFME game
What do you think of the Professor Layton games?
Lets all pretend that Nintendo has just sold the rights for Metroid to id Software...
MN9 is ALMOST there. Here's how to fix it:
If you could take one cancelled game and put it back into development, which game would you choose?
Perhaps Nintendo still imagines that they can find some happy middleground where both the hardcore retro fans and the...
Give me good DOOM .wads to play
Sup Forums I'm a fucking retard. I bought Blood and Wine through Amazon, thinking I could redeem the key through Steam...
I am so glad this fucker is so close to being universally seen as a hack
Is there any actual way to beat this or does old hunters end in an impossible boss
I wish they would make a Thief 4, sometimes I like to think Dishonored is a spiritual successor...
Liam still continues to defend Mighty No.9
Hmm.. user, I know you're busy.. but are you up for a round of Gwent?
Bravo, ID
Did Blizzard nerf Pharas ultimate attack? It does zero damage now
I'm thinking about buying Battlefront now that it's gotten a lot cheaper, is it worth it?
Why aren't you playing My Summer Car?
What went wrong?
Here's your fresh, new, only-opened-once game! That'll be $69.95 plus tip
2016 is GOAT
Overwatch Thread
How do you name your characters in games?
Always the one to initiate game invites
Is World War One different to other wars?
Three is no kirby thread
AMD new cards
I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?
How do you deal with the degradation of your video game skills once you start getting older?
Sony losing exclusives left and right every month
Best gamer fewd
I want to play this and enjoy the comfy immersion...
So, Germany or America? Which side will you pick in the new battlefield game about world war 1?
Makes jokes how Doom is dark
Zero Time Dilemma: no bullshitting allowed edition
I can't believe I missed this, Syberia 3 is fucking coming out in December. Is Sup Forums waiting?
FFXV is going to be a technical disaster
Is this list right
Why is Bloodborne's soundtrack so much better than Dark Souls 3's?
I hate DS3 bosses
Hello again Sup Forums, might I interest you in a Civ thread?
Motherfucking automatic turrets
Gabe Newell has made a twitter account
Fuck it. Let's try this again
Daisy looks better when she has teeth
That one game you can play again and again and never get bored of it
ITT games you love that the rest of Sup Forums hates
Should MOTHER 4 change its name?
How would a game of Koutetsujou no kabaneri work?
Press Start to continue
It's a "white people are bad" episode
What are your thoughts about this game ?
Why do I feel I need to watch this once every few days?
Has a video game ever inspired your real life, Sup Forums?
Even healers have tough days
Enemies can open doors
Thank you Sony!
Humble SJW Bundle
Should I get 1, 2, or 3?
Xenoverse 2
Was this a decent franchise?
What the fuck is the appeal of the Vita?
How did we, as a community, let things get this bad?
Majora's Mask 3D
I just won!
Pic related
Symphonia thread!
Why is Poison so cute?
Game is praised by critics
I want to get into Dragon Quest series
Overwatch should have a movie
Rare was destroyed by Microsoft!
If you had to pick one hero from each role and only play that, who would it be? Post list and hate on others...
Toussaint is comfy beyond belief
Try to get your combat multiplier EVEN higher!
What the fuck was his problem?
I bough a fake xbox controller for my PC and the LT button barely registers...
Sup Forums Ace of Spades
Games where I'm the villain?
Whats the appeal?
DSP is back baby!
Overwatch fags on suicide watch
Gamin' News:
What went wrong?
Kill a spider
How come people say Super Mario 64 still holds up...
Fighting the last boss
Overwatch - Voice acting (all games)
Hey user join us on teamspeak!
When he started work on “Warcraft” in 2012, he had just married his wife, Rodene...
Games where the AI has perfect aim
So how many JRPGs actually have you fight God?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...