So after the phenomenal base game and two god tier expansion packs we can all agree this is the best game ever right?

So after the phenomenal base game and two god tier expansion packs we can all agree this is the best game ever right?

As a witcher fan, I really enjoyed it. CDProjekt proved their worth and made a fantastic game.

Wouldn't say best of the best, combat could use some work. Everything else is GOTYAY

Combat is fine.

Its fine, just not the best. Thats what I meant. It never bothered me at all.

Honestly I really liked the combat mostly because of animations, that's kind of what I imagined Geralt fights like when I read the books, too.

>tfw currently almost finishing Season of Storms and it's better than I expected

I've tried getting into the first game multiple times now but the weird combat always makes me drop it after beating the first boss about an hour in. Any tips to help me get into the game?

Me too, all those normie faggots without taste saying the combat is bad, think every game should be like Monster Hunter esque combat perfected, except Geralt doesn't fight like that. It doesn't match thematically

It is. However it's painfully unpolished for a game of this caliber. Doesn't matter that much though, everything dies to igni in seconds on the highest difficulty anyway unless it's a gargoyle fuck you gargoyles you cheap pieces of shit

That's not Freespace 2.

In all seriousness Witcher 3 is a great game but I wouldn't call it best. I gave up on it after 14 hours for many reasons, but I won't say the experience was a bad one. The combat is less messy than the first two games but its still a drag.

It's the game I overall enjoyed the most for sure. This should really be the standard for all upcoming games and DLC.

I don't like the combat because its got no weight and after reprogramming my brain for the predecessors I'm almost underwhelmed with how simple its gotten.

bitch, it's all about aard now with the freezing mutagen, it can seriously deal out massive damage and anything lucky enough insta dies, those not lucky are damaged, slowed, and knocked over

i've replayed fs every year since they came out. sad how a game from 99 is still the best space sim.

it really isn't
i've experimented a bit with optimal builds, and the very best thing you can do is put some points into extra vitality and hp regen, the rest of them into quen, and then just spam quen and HP regen items on CD while mashing slow attack and not caring to dodge at all

In my opinion, yes.

Everyone rags on the combat, but Witcher 2 had pretty much the same combat and it was a fine game. The problem with 3 is that the world is hopelessly bloated and a chore to explore, and mixed with the mediocre combat, its a bland experience that just feels like filler.

Agreed OP

The balance is literally crap yeah, but you don't have to roll with the easiest build

All this game has proved is that Sup Forums give games pass for having shitty gameplay and excessive cinematic story telling because.. well I don't really know.

The Witcher and Witcher 2 are better, this one is fucking PACKED with content but its not better overall. And those two games are not the best ever so this one definitely isn't.

What freezing mutagen?

The sizeable content makes up for it imo. I hate "cinematic" games which are railroaded and done in ~10 hours

Because they disagree with your opinion. Obviously if everyone felt that way they wouldn't also then be giving it a pass while accepting that.

I just started Blood & Wine
>that feels galore during the safari quest
It's already shaping to be my favorite game of the year

"This food isn't very good, but there's so much of it! What a great chef!"

>god tier expansions

Hearts of Stone was good but Blood & Wine is a collossal disappointment.

I rate the whole series

TW1 - 6/10
TW2 - 5/10
TW3 - 7/10
HoS - 8.5/10
B&W - 6.5/10

Overall, it's an above average series but "best ever"? Not even close senpai.

"This meal is so good and I'm not a pleb who puts ketchup(combat) on everything"

Daily reminder that Witcherfags simply cannot make a thread without baiting shitposters with either "Best game ever" or "GOTY" because whenever they try to make a legit thread it gets archived within minutes.

Gameplay is mediocre, the new DLC started off promising only to take a huge turn for the worst and shift drastically from the cool vampire plotline. Side content was meh outside of the Vivienne (best girl) shit and overall, it was pretty mediocre like the base game.

Hearts of Stone is still the best Witcher 3 expansion.

SoS is pretty meh until 2/3 of the book, then suddenly turns awesome.

This webm is lulz

>muh kickstarter indie and early access games!

Pic related, played Witcher 3 and completed it with all of its DLC.

It wasn't even the best game from 2015. Bloodborne is significantly better in almost everyway. Blood and Wine was one of the most disappointing things i've experienced.

Starts off with a crazy opener once in Touissant. Goes very fast but keeps up the entertainment. Duchess isn't a sit on throne type of girl, learn all these clues and feel actual urgency looking during the Hare Hunt. Fight with the "Beast", Regis appears and is already the best character. Trying to find out the Beast's location and use a ancient torture method to do so.

Then you just forget about the Beast who has killed a bunch of people, let Regis fuck off for 3-5 hours while Geralt escorts the Duchess and her captain around the map in bleh quests that just led to blackmailers and a boring villain.

Witcher 3 was pretty forgettable tbqh. Unless you're already heavily invested into the series (through the books or past games) it's likely this game will influence you in anyway. It doesn't excel anywhere and outside of Hearts of Stone (which I enjoyed), even the DLCs left a lot to be desired.

Meanwhile Bloodborne was damn near perfection outside of the shitty console limitations. with one of the best DLCs i've played through.



I hate the Witcher 3 vs Bloodborne rivalry. They are two COMPLETELY different games.

I do also prefer Bloodborne tho

Loved both Bloodborne and Witcher 3.
Bloodborne is for me the biggest discovery of 2015 and something that refuelled my love for videogames after a decade of dissapointments, and pretty much best thing since Diablo II. No I haven't played Dark Souls.
Witcher 3 I've had much investment into the series, I've been fan of the universe since early 2000's and there is genuinely 10/10 50h in it.


>comparing apples to oranges

how autistic are you?

>Blood & Wine is a collossal disappointment.
Well memed

>Meanwhile Bloodborne was damn near perfection

You don't actually believe you?

It's an RPG, which are generally story driven; their main focus is the engaging, and long story.

But aside from, I'm guessing you only considered the combat when you rated the gameplay, which is not accurate.

In an action game, you would consider the combat to make up the majority of the gameplay.
In a fighting game, you would consider the combat to make up the the ENTIRETY of the gameplay.

Not in an RPG. There are so many things that contribute to what is considered the gameplay in witcher, and the combat is only one of them.
Exploration is part of the gameplay, your choice in skillset is part of the gameplay, moral choices in the story are part of the gameplay,
Potions, bombs, oils, buffs and debuffs, min-maxing everything you can, crafting, puzzles, minigames (gwent), balancing your currency and inventory space.

All of these affect the game in so many different ways, and they are all equally considered gameplay, because they all affect the way you play the game, and thus, your enjoyment.

Most of /vg/ is errupting into how mediocre it is and goes into more detail while proving that he's played it.

It was pretty disappoitnting tbqh

>casual as fuck combat
>have to play as edgy mary sue
>gameplay and writing contradict each other
>handholdy as all hell
Why do people always exaggerate?
It's decent but not great.

Not to mention the small details and love for the source material. The whole package is just a 10/10

As a game it is terrible pandering by-the-numbers ubisoft formula open world busywork with a dysfunctional combat system

But you all bought it because it's anti-SJW and muh cinematic experience and it's not like you give a fuck about good game mechanics

>taking a soulsfags shill AKA thebull94 opinion seriously

shiggy diggy

With mods for the combat, yes.

Best game ever made. Truly worthy of the word: Epic.

there's a new mutagen system unlocked in one quest that lets you get a strong as fuck super-perk

for example give signs crit chance and damage, or increase your damage based on your toxicity etc, or make your aard freeze people

This thread started as Witcher 3 being the best game ever, boyo.
Bloodborne is better but even that isn't the best game ever.


Wew lad

And yes, I do think that. It's of course my opinion but Bloodborne is everything I wanted in a game and is the closest thing to a 3D castlevania that I will ever get

>Old School game philosphy in that it focuses on level design, bosses and gameplay over generic narratives that frequently remove control from the player
>Criminally underused setting (in video games) that takes it a step further by adding a twist that completely change the ALREADY original setting into another totally original setting
>Fantastic online incorporation outside of the bell ringers
>Lore heavy and the most engaging setting of any Souls game to date
>Best combat i've ever played in an RPG (possibly games in general though I loved Ninja Gaiden 1 and DMC4)
>DLC was fucking GOAT and added two of the best bosses i've experienced in vidya (Orphan and Ludwig)
>Weapons have obscene levels of depth to them in their movesets, functionality

It's everything I wanted in a game and was a truly memorable experience. Nothing will ever make my jaw hit the floor more than the first time I reached 40 insight and looked at the buildings above.

Technical qualms aside, i'm talking strictly in terms of the games mechanics.

So you don't fight the beast? Or is there just too much filler in between that ruins the pacing?


>Not in an RPG. There are so many things that contribute to what is considered the gameplay in witcher,

Lol, so what else is there to Witcher 3s gameplay?

Walking around, dialogue options that consist of maybe 2 dialogue options on average? Pressing A on red stains?

Combat is over half of Witcher 3s gameplay, Witcher 3 is closer to GTA V than it is any traditional RPG. Listing every mechanic in the game in an attempts to bloat out Witcher 3s barebones minimum gameplay is flat out embarrassing to witness

you fight him like an hour in


>Exploration is part of the gameplay, your choice in skillset is part of the gameplay, moral choices in the story are part of the gameplay,
Potions, bombs, oils, buffs and debuffs, min-maxing everything you can, crafting, puzzles, minigames (gwent), balancing your currency and inventory space.

You do know you can do this to any game and make it seem as if it has complex gameplay, right?

Yes, there's literally no competition.

Witcher is an RPG?
It has about the same amount of (INCREDIBLY MINIMAL) choice as Fallout 4.
Basically zero build variety.
Every single quest is rail-roaded into literally following a red line.
Radiant quest tier side quests like "Kill this monster nest please"

Changing Geralt's hair cut into a bowl cut does not equal player agency.
>but you can get a good ending or a bad ending! that makes it an RPG!
Guess what, damn near every shitty game has that option and it doesn't mean shit.

If you seriously tried to compare this to literally ANY classic RPG you'd be laughed at. It's an basically action game and they couldn't even make the action satisfying to play.

They should've made an animated movie instead.
But the amazing videos aren't even made by CDPR so it has to be a game, I guess.
Have fun with your polish Uncharted.

How do we save CDPR bros?

>as Fallout 4
You're not even trying

Yes this as well. The lore behind the source material, attention to detail, et al. All this shit contributes towards your enjoyment of the game.

If a racing game had piss poor driving mechanics, you'd get sick of it really quickly. If a fighting game had piss poor combat mehcanics, you'd get sick of it quickly. If a visual novel had piss poor story, you'd get sick of it quickly. Because in these cases, there is very little else to the game aside from that.

Whereas in RPGs, there is so much content and interaction available between you and the game, in order for an RPG to be bad, it would have to fail at more than one of the things I mentioned in the post above.

>Combat is over half of Witcher's gameplay
Did you pull this number out of your arse?
I suppose Witcher is not the equivalent of an old-school RPG, it's more defined by a cRPG, which is fair.

But what you consider the majority of the gameplay depends on how you like to play RPGs. If you intend on playing the Witcher 3 as purely an action game, then I'm sure you'll be disappointed. If you play it for the story, for the exploration, the lore, etc., then I'm sure you'll find yourself having more fun than others, because in those aspects, the game is really good.

It cuts too deep bros, maybe CDPR should ask Fromsoft for advice?

prove me wrong plumber boy

I say it's better than any classic RPG's. No one of mention is laughing at me, pleb.

That's exactly what I said to CDPR when I was playing witcher 3.

>I suppose Witcher is not the equivalent of an old-school RPG, it's more defined by a cRPG, which is fair.

It's no more of a cRPG than Red Dead Redemption or GTA V.

>If you play it for the story, for the exploration, the lore, etc

Go read a book.

>ask Fromsoft for advice
But dear user, that would make them not win GOTY

Will CDPR ever get on based manlet Todds level bros?


tfw from is to busy shitting out roll combat corridor simulator every year instead of giving me a new armored core

Witcher 3 is the GOTY, alongside fellow GOTY winners like DA:I and TLOUS.
You simply can not play better games than these, it's the pinnacle of gaming.

>ever mattering

GoTYs go up in number every year and every year the most cinematic game is chosen (Uncharted, Last of Us, Witcher 3, Journey and Dragon Age)

>Phenomenal base game
No choices really matter. Endings are just as bad as Mass Effect 3's endings.

The amount of Bethesdrones, Biowaredrones, Soulsdrones in this thread is astounding. Remember retards your shit half-assed games can never match the greatness of Witcher 3. Can't wait for Cyperpunk to win goty.

Fuck Witcher 3 piece of cinematic shit.

Generally there should be 2 witcher threads up, 1 for shitposting dumps and 1 for discussion. CBA make another one though.


I think they had enough for now. So it'll be either mechs or shinobi now.

>You do know you can do this to any game and make it seem as if it has complex gameplay, right?
Yeah I might be stretching in some places, and I'm sure in others I'm not reaching far enough.

If you're talking about an RPG, then I'm sure you could create a list just as long or even longer.

However, some genres can't be stretched that far, genres very specific, like racing games, sports game or fighting games, that really only focus really well on that one gameplay aspect.

I've never played GTA or RDR, but if they're anything like other rockstar games and from what I've seen, Witcher has more depth to it than either of those games.

>Go read a book.
Ooo, good argument.
Read the entire paragraph and then get back to me.

>Generally there should be 2 witcher threads up
Why mods won't delete CDPR drones turning this board into their advertising forum is beyond me.

Most of us with good taste are playing Blood and Wine currently, which I will too when I'm done taking a shit.

Can I play Witcher 3 without playing 1 and 2? I tried 1 but I didn't like it because I'm a shitter. What should I do?

Woah, I posted both of those, what an detective. So what? You don't call samefags for no reason. Fucking newfags.

Witcherfags do it all the time. IT's the only way their shitty game can get any discussion going

Why doesn't Stamina go down....?

>still one of the best looking games ever
What kind of magic is that?

Witcher 3 is trash but I still love Polacks. No other country in central Europe where fathers sell their daughters cheaper than a big mac. I love it. Great vacations.

>I've never played GTA or RDR, but if they're anything like other rockstar games and from what I've seen, Witcher has more depth to it than either of those games.

Every game ever made has more depth than Witcher 3, user

Sure go ahead. None of the choices matter. None at all. And you get to pick out of 3 endings. Wowee really deep.


I agree. As a fan of the books, I loved the books and the two expansions.

Blood & Wine is a masterpiece.

My only quirks with the game is the sloppy movement, which in turn also affects combat, and the over-reliance on witcher senses.

Sage CDPR shill threads. They want your replies. Always sage when shitposting.

We have a lot of quality discussion when you man children don't spout your crying and shilling in our threads lmao

>doesn't even look better than a cross gen 2014 game

You tell me

I never new GTA had so much too it.
I've only ever seen multiplayer gameplay though; I always figured the SP was only about shooting shit and driving into shit.

That witcher summary doesn't seem very fair though.

Why do people compare Bloodborne to Witcher all the time?

It's like comparing super mario to Uncharted. Not only are they two completely different games, they are also made with two completely different philosophies.

>implying I don't sage every Witcher 3 related thread

You mean the enhanced edition for PC which came out in 2015, right?

Shame dirty Polacks will phonepost bump their threads anyways. Sup Forums is fucked. Everything goes to shit when you invite the whores and niggers of Europe to hijack your board.

>81 million dollar game Vs 265 million dollar game