the guy tgat runs that site admitted that he gets payed by manufacturers . He's payed to advertise each tier parts.
Benjamin Garcia
Thanks guys
Adrian Stewart
1. We need to know your budget.
2. There are literally new cards coming out. A generational jump. For example the latest one we know of is 200 bucks and exceeds the level of a 300 buck card atm. So it's advised you wait a month or two.
Jeremiah Bell
Intel i5 processor cheapest matching motherboard 8GB DDR3 or 4 RAM, depending on your Mobo GTX 970 or 1070 600W 80+ Bronze PSU Pirated W7 Ultimate x64
There you go, you can play anything at 1080p/60fps, all high settings, for the next few years.
Liam Cooper
>suggesting the 970
you want this guy to waste money on outdated garbage or something?
Lincoln Turner
I was think something along the lines of 500 to 600. If that's possible. I've seen some good looking ones around that price.
Luis Adams
Is it even worth waiting for 1070, i just want a fucking gpu and play games since thats all im missing.
Noah Thompson
thta desktop is a great price for the card alone
so its an actually decent pc
Caleb Miller
Hey op i just got this 5 days ago and it fucking rock's.
Luke Bell
Not OP but are any of these good? Im in the same boat.
If you can't take five minutes to build a gaming PC then you should just buy a console
Michael Hill
My bad op here are some of the specs i7 67000k gtx 970 ya but it run's like a beast.
Carter Mitchell
I thought as much
Given your budget waiting for zen and the r9 480 will suit you well
The 480 will run you 200 and zen cpus are said to be releasing later this year. You'd get a shitload of performance at a low cost
Luke Howard
I found a better picture for you.
still think it looks like shit?
Ian Edwards
20-30% faster than GTX 980, for cheaper price, with DX12 support.
Anthony Bailey
Aussie here, I am also pretty much wanting to get a new rig. I've been told I should have a minimal budget of at minimum $1000 to start with, how accurate is this? Should I just go get parts from a cheap as fuck place like MSY or just buy an entire machine?
Carter Barnes
The 970 has 3.5 gb vram and the standard is 8gb now. Don't even get me started on tflops
I'm just warning you so you don't waste your money and blame others when you learn you bought outdated tech
Gabriel Murphy
1000 bucks / euros is pretty much the MAXIMUM any smart person would use on his build. Unless you really wanna game at 4k / 120fps, on Ultra.
Zachary Wright
And is releasing zen which can drive cpu prices down. Depends if you're willing to wait
Luke Parker
Yes, it's shit, looks like something from 2008.
Caleb Smith
How long of a wait are we talking? I've still got a ways to go before I hit my 1k goal. I'm thinking no longer than a month/six weeks until I hit it.
Mason Baker
C'mon user are you sure you are just not broke and mad? i was poor too once then i got a job.
Thomas Evans
> predator
Connor Rivera
Amds demoing zen today in 2 hours for the first time
Well get more info then to see if it's worth it
Thought it'll prob be end year so just pick up an Intel if you're too impatient
Jayden Lee
OP here Look's pretty sick, how much did that cost? I will look into it.
I wish I knew more about computers. I just want to stop playing games on my laptop and run better ones like Doom, and Fallout 4. Also to play everything in high qualtiy.
Jacob Howard
it's retarded gamer shit compared to this, that case is tacky and tasteless
Hudson Johnson
Both are fucking garbage.
Unless your case is a steel featureless box you're doing it wrong.
Brandon Peterson
I am, might get in on it later on towards that point in the year
John Thomas
what, you wanted something like this?
Ethan Evans
Pretty similar to mine but I don't even have a clear side. It's just all black.
Connor Evans
> $1000 >minimum
topkek, no. Minimum would be half of that.
Tyler Peterson
hey op i got it on newegg for 1200$ it came with a steelseries keyboard,steel series mouse,preditor mouse (ino it came with 2 new gaming mouses weird right?)preditor headset and a preditor mouse pad.
and it runs any game i throw at it on ultra.
Both of you are missing the point. op needs a good pre built pc thats what im trying too help him/her with.
Chase Watson
I wasn't responding about the OP, I was telling that person calling the other case tasteless a retard because his is just as retarded looking.
Overall though it's the inside of a PC that truly matters so if you want shitty looking cases be my guest, as long as the PC is well made.
Luke Garcia
Poorfag here. Would it be a good option if I built a cheap PC, and change its parts once it gets old? I have a laptop now with FUCKING INTEL HD GRAPHICS, so I can't run shit and want a PC that can handle most stuff, even if at minimum.
I'm not american, I'm from Chile, but I have around $500.0000 (which is about $725 dollars, I think). What should I look for? I heard the motherboard is the most important part, but I don't really know.
Nathaniel Taylor
is there a crash course i can read online to just figure all of this stuff out? Not OP but Im trying to get a mid tier PC soon for relatively cheap for mid level gaming and something I can use for 3d design as well. My budget is about 500 dollars, i would spend more but am a college student with a part time minimum wage job.
Adam Lewis
i could not agree with you any more user.
Adam Miller
>choosing style over functionality
I think Apple might make products your style. Let me guess, you like those retarded fucking small form cases too?
Connor Rodriguez
Judging by the fact that you bought a prebuilt, my guess is that you're stupid not rich.
James Hill
>steel featureless box
You must be quoting the wrong post because I'm pretty sure I just said I like cases that are 100% functionality and no style.
Gavin Scott
>Runs like beast >970 Nice one user.
Aiden Evans
Instead of admitting my fault, im going to meme on you.
Trolled you hard faggot
Hunter Gutierrez
It's ok user, take this ebin meme in return.
Evan Turner
aw what
Easton Harris
Never once did i say i was rich, I told you i had a job. Hey i play all my games on ultra with over 100 fps so ya it gets it done
>Tfw still rocking a first gen i5 I really, really need to replace it, but to do that I need to get a new motherboard and at that point I might as well just build a whole new PC so everything is new and spiffy.
Nathaniel Martin
Could I make something good with select parts from this section?
Noah Bennett
And you're surprised why?
Every single tech website out there is paid by one manufacturer or another.
Is this a decent build? I'm trying not to go over 800 dollarydoos. Should I change anything and if so what?
Austin Lopez
The fuck is the point of building a gayman PC in 2016? There's fucking nothing to play to take advantage of that power. There's nothing even worth playing, frankly.
Samuel Smith
I know the feel all too well my man. I built a sick ass rig last year and all I play is roller coaster tycoon, morrowind, snes and n64 emulators, and some occasional minecraft. I can run all of that shit on my dad's wife's adware bloated laptop.
Nicholas Anderson
bumping for input
Asher Gomez
Playing multiplats at acceptable framerates?
Bentley Nguyen
>it's looking like 1440p is about to become the new standard Can't wait for a new GPU and monitor. Too bad 4k gaming maxed out is still just out of reach right now.
Dylan Jenkins
looks okay except cooler masters are always a bitch to fit into the motherboard, noctua was so much easier
Connor Jenkins
I wanna build a PC and I'm gonna buy a 1070 for my GPU. I've heard it can do 1440p quite easily. My max size for my monitor is 24 inches(maybe 25). Can you rec me a 1440p monitor that has a 120hz rate and is less than 24 inches long?
Carter Martinez
no poptarts 0/10
what the fuck are you doing with an aftermarket cooler on a non oc mobo, get rid of it, only the K versions don't come with a cooler now
3TB Seagate? fuck that, avoid 3TB, stick with 1TB if you're going Seagate
terrible case
psu is pre-built tier
Kevin Hughes
Cool, I'll swap the fan for another one and go with this then. Thanks for the input.
Lincoln Rodriguez
120hz monitor are dead unfortunately. I thought it was a good middle ground between 60 and 144hz but the only ones I can find are 1080p.
Aaron Lewis
$700, but it should be up to at least $850 by the end of June.
Aiden Bailey
Do you have an 144hz one in that same size range?
Brayden Jackson
A lot of the ASUS ROG stuff is pretty good if you're interested in a prebuild. Try looking into their stuff.
the EVO is a good drive, but for a OS drive I would get something like the 850 pro or a crucial MX300 128 GB also, do yourself a favor and go for the 380x with the money you save
>I would get something like the 850 pro or a crucial MX300 128 GB >also, do yourself a favor and go for the 380x with the money you save Thanks I'll look into it
Michael Rogers
Like what? Doom? Because that's the only decent game that's come out this year, and it sure as fuck isn't worth building a new rig for.
Don't get me wrong, it's not like it's worth buying a console either. The current market is just a fucking wasteland of bland, boring garbage.
Eli Lee
>only this year's multiplats count
Nathaniel Long
RotTR was released like half a year ago. Just the first example that comes to mind.
Juan Hall
Wait til the 1070 and 1080 come out then buy a computer, don't even bother looking at the 970 ,980 ,or 980ti right now unless you want to lose money
Camden Lewis
Return that and just wait til the 1070 comes out, so you dont have a 3.5gb card
Isaiah Richardson
>that fucking graph every time
Evan Hill
Like this one better?
Nathan Hernandez
Ignore everyone else, OP. A minimum of $1000 is a good starting place considering our inflated prices and the weaker AUD. For example, the 1080 is a minimum of $1299AUD and a 970 is about $450 unless you're buying second hand. I got a pretty good ex-demo i6 machine for $600 off though, I'd hunt around there for refurbished/ex-display machines. Anything there is the cheapest you'll get in Aus
Jaxson Rodriguez
Samuel Howard
$500 budget, but I already have a HAF 912, Peripherals, HDD, and 8gb of ram.
Oliver Adams
>using any AA at 4k I can't even imagine why.
Cooper Lee
Why are you even here then?
Henry Sullivan
Guys, how's the HP Envy 15-AE101LA? I need to have a laptop because of my studies, but I also want to play.
Is the NVIDIA GeForce 940M (2GB) card a decent one? I just want to play some Rocket League and Overwatch, really. Nothing too fancy or AAA.
Jayden Kelly
>we need to go deeper
Ryan Cox
i3 H170 1060
Ian Sanchez
no no
Jack Stewart
Will my current planned build be good (After I switch the 970 with the 1070?)
that MB is complete shit at least get an H170 with options you can live with
Caleb Carter
Get a generally non-shit board with DDR4 RAM, and some DDR4 ram.
Adrian Parker
>LGA1151 >DDR3 What? 1151 is only compatible with DDR4 and DDR3L.
Blake Rodriguez
>30hz screen
Robert Martin
Yes, you have a little over a week to rate and even the 1070 is better than the current top of the line TItan X/980 Ti, which both destroy the 1070. Also, as others have said, 8GB VRAM is going to become standard in the next couple of years so if you want any kind of future proofing at all you might as well wait a tiny bit.