Europoors won't be allowed on Sup Forums starting tomorrow...

Europoors won't be allowed on Sup Forums starting tomorrow. Let's have a thread celebrating our favorite euro video games.

>The Witcher
>Grand Theft Auto
> ..

Other urls found in this thread:

>''hate speech''
1984 has officially begun, if we didn't live in a mixed 1984/brave new world already.

quick, name 3 orwell books

I wasn't aware twitter, facebook and youtube were Sup Forums.

I hate niggers.
And chinks too. But mostly niggers.

Animal farm
Coming up for air

2001: A Space Odyssey


Mein Kampf, Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone and Spaghetti

Hiro also agreed to it, read the article

orwell books
orwell books
orwell books

Animal Farm, Homage to Catalonia, Coming Up for Air

he didnt write books dumbass

Then where's the fucking pastebin faggot

'hate speech' just means 'things that fall under free speech but hurt my feelings' these days



Digimon Xros Wars—The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time

Learn to Google

I ain't spoon-feeding you

Betting that any and all youtube videos titled All White People MUST Die will never be taken down or blocked.

What's this about? I live under a rock

Internet hate speech is my favorite meme

Don't you dare disagree with me, that's hate speech ya know!

seems like normies getting their shit fucked by memory holes, interesting timing with the brit EU referendum

You can't stop hate speech. It only creates more.

This. It's so easy to make a shitstorm over just someones opinions

>AVGN makes a video saying he won't see the new Ghostbusters movie because he's not interested. Does not mention the genders of the main characters
>2 millions articles claiming misogyny and hate speech

>EU enforcing anything

Because that's gonna work out.

Gone Home
Gone Home 2
Gone Home: The homoning

It's good to see that we are going back to the dark ages. That's what the internet was made for, not sharing ideas but promoting the new iphone. How can a public let their government decide what is hate speech and what is not. By giving the power to censor at all we have set a precedent to all nations governments and businesses allowing them to decide behind closed doors what the public is privileged to see. What will happen when we can be arrested for sharing something like this pic?

Silly user, It's not hate speech when it's against "SUBHUMAN WHITE FILTH"
Or so the progressive society tells me

They mostly mean for terrorists speech.

No one is going to abuse this to censor
of course they will

>Tfw only Papa trotsky can save us now.

There is legit hate speech like "wahali kaffirs blow some shit up because the west sucks and some shit in it blood" or "Lets beat some mudslime head in, fuck those paki bastards"

But "The jews did 9/11" or "I hate niggers" etc arent hatespeech worthy of criminality because they dont incite violence. But none the less im sure this will just be used as weaponised censorship to quell public discourse.

german gov blocks most of the internet for their citizens

I question the validity of this news report and its claims.

Oh, you mean like the "terrorists who threaten poor Anita" and the likes?

>mfw live in country backwater
>none of this crap will ever effect me

So far, it's facebook, twitter, youtube and microsoft.
Nearly all of which have nothing to do with Sup Forums, and I don't think microsoft is going to go as far as blocking it from their OS.
At best, you won't be able to access it on edge or internet explorer so chill the fuck out, you faggots are blowing it way out of proportion.

Quality reading comprehension user

I'm fucking scared guys

I'm not seeing anything to do with Sup Forums or my country's ISPs. Scaremongering general?

Freedom of expression is a core European value which must be preserved. The European Court of Human Rights set out the important distinction between content that "offends, shocks or disturbs the State or any sector of the population" and content that contains genuine and serious incitement to violence and hatred. The Court has made clear that States may sanction or prevent the latter.

>posting with a hispanic robot picture

It just means Western countries are only five times better places to live in instead of seven

fuck europe

MODS remove these white cis scum bigot overlords.

I don't understand, isn't this censoring?

>post random buzzfeed article
>post no source
>thinks europe is like america with laws
pro tip its not every country makes its own.

EU regulations affect every EU country you idiot

It is, but if you're still under the impression that we live in a free country with free speech and equality for all you need to wake up man.

>No more Europoors posting on my glorious Clapistanian Chinese finger painting forum.

What a time to be alive!



Yeah no.

this is a buzzfeed article and buzzfeed doesn't make laws.

You know how many countries have large amounts of shit censored? This ain't new kid

No mention of Sup Forums you fucking donut. Not even one word of Hiro.

If you've read the article, you'd knkw that the platform has to inform their users. Literally no word on the blog either.

LOL they don't user. It's not enforced anywhere ever.

Here's an actually useful thing about it.

Just Google hate speech and you'll see articles from many other publications

no they don't, you have to be part of the europian union

Muh feelings are more important than free speech

Ah hahahahahahahahah hah haah waaw

That you won't get to cum on guys anymore?

>no more europoors shitting up Sup Forums

you brits are ok but you'll be cucks forever unless you brexit


>what is multispeed europe?

When the censorship is of something as vile as "Hate speech", you'd be surprised at the number of people who would line up to agree to it.

The problem is most people aren't aware that these people who want this kind of censorship define hate speech differently than they do.

Remember how you couldn't get refunds on Steam and amerifats defended it?

Tell me an ''european law'' and ill tell you if my country enforces it or not.

i can tell you already it probably won't be

>you fucking donut
Nice retort you bagel.

>no more Finns to keep the meme factory of Sup Forums and Sup Forums going
Its gonna be a boring place when only cancucks and Aussies can make any banter happen

You do realise that there's a very specific legal definition of what hate speech is right?

As I posted earlier.


Freedom of expression is a core European value which must be preserved. The European Court of Human Rights set out the important distinction between content that "offends, shocks or disturbs the State or any sector of the population" and content that contains genuine and serious incitement to violence and hatred. The Court has made clear that States may sanction or prevent the latter."

European governments guaranteeing that the next revolution in Europe will be French Revolution style instead of democratic reform.

I for one enjoy the future wherein increasingly angry Europeans do their ancestors proud and wage war on foreigners both from afar and within.

Dude, I love bagels!

>for sharing something like this pic?
execution i hope, making claims without sources should be outlawed

>The European Court of Human Rights set out the important distinction between content

I see no problems with this.

Hate speech is illegal in my country (Germany)

Cousin got arrested for calling his neighbor a njgger

And you don't think thats a vague definition that will be abused?

Everything is illegal or censored in germany,
thank merkel and hitler for that.
that ww1 and ww2 guilt is worse than white man guilt.

Calling a politician a liar on twitter is hatespeech in EU. So is saying that you heard a muslim cheer for a terrorist attack.

>I know nothing about the EU: The Post

Weekly basis. Our laws, our imports, our exports, even our right to privacy, all playthings of the european union. They issued a directive just a few years ago that forces internet service providers to store ALL data from customers for 6 MONTHS so they can bust you for a million "internet crimes" whenever they feel like it.

But at least we're not fat.

>youtube comments
>facebook comments
So relevant.

Shoulda gone for gold and called them a turbo nigger

Honestly I'd probably kms if I became unable to access this shithole. It makes up like 70% of my social contact.

All this is is companies agreeing to having more people reviewing reports, so that things can be deleted within 24 hours
Aka it's fucking nothing

>Implying that google cares for what the legal definition is

i'd do that

I'm reporting everyone even slightly disagreeing to me from now on, not because I'm offended, but to piss people off in hopes they'll revolt against this stupid shit.

and nothing of value was lost

Post yfw no more inbreeders will be shitting up our bourds.


The EU runs on praxis and proportion.

That's why everything is so vague, you can totally break a law and get away with it.

What was that game where you play a woman in France, but it's future france and there's a shit tonne of orwellian surveillance? I think you unlocked different moves and dropped them in as little circles or something?

No, it's localization.

read the pastebin, but where do you guys get the idea from that now europeans aren't allowed to post on 4chum anymore?

>Facebook, Twitter, YouTube



>we used to rule the world
>the EUSSR is about to flush 15 centuries worth of progress down the shitter because muh feelings

I will probably drink myself into a drunken stupor tonight.


Nah, I think you mean...

>bunch of weak cucks waging war

top lmao

It's Americans thinking they are free.