
Yes, I'm sure this is all legit.

Anyway, I can't wait for Ricochet 2.

what a sad life you live OP

Yeah right.

I don't know what to believe.


I'll believe it when I see real game-play footage. That's the only way to convince me.

NEWS FLASH: Half-Life aged like shit and it is literally impossible for 3 to live up to the hype if it ever comes out.

until the account is verified i'm skeptical but hopeful.


Stop making this thread.
We've told you countless times the account isn't verified, literally anyone can post as Gabe Newell.

At this point, does anyone even care?

Tell us something new?

>he fell for the Half-Life 3 meme

who is toshi? Is that some weeb joke?

Even if the tweet is a real tweet, it doesn't have that "this is actually the person" icon.

That's not Gabe Newell. I am Gabe Newell.

t. Gabe Newell

i was sick of half life 3 memes in 2011 man

valve doesn't make shit any more, they make hella dosh off of skins for their shit esports games



Gabe and Valve know that there's like a 99% chance of HL3 not living up the hype and it becoming a shitstorm, they know that it's better to deal with some people still begging for it.


>not confirmed account


10 years I have waited.. end my suffering now

>Half-Life aged like shit
>cod4 was my first fps

Don't believe this imposter this phony has probably never even sold a hat in his life, I'm the REAL Gabe Newell
t. Real Gabe Newell


it's confirmed fake by Gaben himself