The great debate.
The great debate
Other urls found in this thread:
Charmander > Squirtle > Bulbasaur.
Squirtle > Charmander > Bulbasaur
It's theoneyoulike
all of them are shit. Gen 3 is the first gen with useful starters
squirtle or BTFO
Most efficient is Squirtle
Charizard is the ballinest
who give a shit about bulbasaur
First post is best post. Use him to steam roll the first two gyms to get better pokemon...
>turtle gets dual howitzers
>lizard becomes a dragon
>plant gets fat and acne on his legs
It's pretty hard to screw this up, OP.
Bulbasaur cause it cute :3
Squirtle, because Blastoise best pocket monster.
>plant gets one big solar cannon
the first two gyms are a joke though, you don't need to worry about element types that early. plus you can pick up a caterpie in viridian forest.
the original
>Squirtle and Bulbasaur had manly voices
>Charmander sounds like a prepubescent kid
You can tell a lot by someones opinion on bulbasaur
Fits their fanbases.
Bulbasaur is the cutest. I always pick my team based on the cutest Pokes.
>solar cannon
It's a fucking flower
Squirtle gets shades, therefore, he is the coolest.
bulbs mah boi
>tfw always pick the fire type out of habit out of all the games
I've always thought bulbasaur was the most fun out of them. He can learn venom stuff and fuckity things beyond just strong special attacks.
The game manual tricked me into getting Bulbasaur because it said the game would be easier at the start with him. I'm still upset about that, because Squirtle was always my favorite and I absolutely hate Bulbasaur.
squirtle, water starter is always best because of surf
Charmander = Edgelord faggots who ran around with Sonic arms out as a kid and are obese sweatpants wearing NEETs today
Squirtle = Anime nerds, these are the kids you would have seen huddled in a dark corner playing with Pokemon cards in school. They may or may not be NEETs today
Bulbasaur = These kids were generally fun to hang around with. Well rounded members of society today.
Fuck, it's bothering me more than it should, but that charmander just looks off in coloration and lines in comparison to bulbasaur and squirtle in that picture.
Bulbasaur = That one weird kid who was mute, had some form of autism and collected bugs
charmander = jocks
squirtle = regular people
bulbasaur = nerds
Not only does it evolve into a literal fucking dragon, but upon learning it's the most difficult starter to begin the game with, it only makes it more patrician.
Seriously though, it's always only ever been Charmander vs Squirtle. Anybody who chose Bulbasaur were either brain damaged or a cat that accidentally walked over the Gameboy.
Charmander is the only one out of the three that I would fuck.
>to get better pokemon
>implying Brock wasn't dead the moment Bulbasaur learned Leech Seed at lv7
>implying I didn't use similarly lv7 Metapod, Nidorans, Rattata and Weedle to lay waste to the first gym
>implying I didn't carry Beedrill, Butterfree, Clefable and Nidoking to the endgame, all being Pokemon you can get before Misty
>implying I didn't do the same thing as my rival and use tons of different Pokemon on my team
Correct answer.
For some reason whoever made that image used images from 3 different sources: anime Squirtle, Sugomori Bulbasaur, and vectorized anime Charmander
They're all different. Squirtle looks like it's from a 3rd gen-era anime reference sheet. Bulbasaur is obviously from Firered/Leafgreen's official Sugimori illustrations, and Charmander is from some gen 1-era generic promotional art.
What's wrong with wearing sweatpants?
furries pls go
>His favorite is Absol
>Literally the most furbait behind Lucario
p l s g o
Cute =/= furry, kill yourself.
Squirtle is the objectively correct choice.
Bulbasaur is the canon choice. Satoshi tajiri says the manga is the closest thing to the world he envisioned.
i picked bulbasaur because the manual said so
>not having all 3 as soon as you could trade
>there are people who hate Absol
>not ditching your starters
>Not having all 3 because you're playing the superior Yellow version
>animeshit version
Charmander obviously
it gets to fly
it gets 2 megas
do squirtle and bulbasaur ever get to fly?
do squirtle and bulbasaur get 2 megas?
charmander: that kid who always wanted to fight, macho, and was bossy
squirtle: relaxed and easygoing, if a little boring. not a leader but a content follower
bulbasaur: kind and liked to joke around despite how they were otherwise feeling
bulbasaur a best
Fuck Bulbasaur
Marry Squirtle
Kill Charmander
R8 my list
Charizard: edgelord with parental issues
Squirtle: Normal, well adjusted kid
Bulbasaur: Beta faggot that literally craves dicks
1/42. Mew is the only good one.
>Liking meme pokémon
>there are people who wouldn't protect that smile
Would you?
Even if it was a male?
charmander: 5 '8, flips burgers, in a half open relationship (but likes wife's bf)
squirtle: 6'0, 5 figure job, average gf, OHPs in the squat rack
bulbasaur: 6'4, 6 figure job, qt yoga teacher gf, adept at music arrangement, 5 plate squat
Opinions inbound
Exploud is the best Normal type.
Garbodor is the best Poison type.
Gardevoir is the best Psychic type.
Sceptile is the best Grass type.
Garchomp is the best Ground type.
Weavile is the best Ice type.
Arcanine is the best Fire type.
Tyranitar is the best Rock type.
Kingdra is the best Dragon type.
Swampert is the best Water type.
Scolipede is the best Bug type.
Bisharp is the best Dark type.
Machamp is the best Fighting type.
Gengar is the best Ghost type.
Aegislash is the best Steel type.
Staraptor is the best Flying type.
Electivire is the best Steel type.
Sylveon is the best Fairy type.
My reptilian negro.
Why wouldn't I? The size of its clit doesn't matter much to me, I'm still going to protect its cute smile.
The only thing I looked for was if swampert was in the list, you did not disappoint great taste.
I chose them by looks, not how good they are.
What meme pokemon?
The only meme pokemon I know are Gardevoir, Lucario and Greninja.
Fucking Dunsparce and Wailord you dip.
>>>>>>>>>>>people who want to talk about pokemon belong in vp, aka the board dedicated to it
charmander = edge lords
squirtle = normies
bulbasaur = intellectuals
It's pretty obvious why the first two are more common.
The only real meme pokemon is Mudkip
I was going by looks too.
This is mine, it has the nicest looking pokemon in order.
More like
charmander = normies
bulbasaur = hipsters
squirtle = p. cool guys
Was meant for
Are you really claiming Suicune, Bayleef and Ninetales are near the bottom? Your list used to be good before you explained how (badly) you sorted it.
Being the 25th out of 700 or whatever there is by Gen 6 is still good. They're just not as nice looking as first evolutions.
At least you put Glaceon above the other eeveelutions.