Remember all the fun you had here, Sup Forums?

Remember all the fun you had here, Sup Forums?

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I do. Thanks OP.

what game?

Delete this


le sillyface maker

>all those late hours posing my meat puppets

I don't know if I can call that "fun".

never understood the appeal of gmod brah

prop hunt can be fun

I think the mods should delete this.

Have a friend who has 4000 hours on this shit..

Picked it up because I thought I was missing out on a great meme, played it once, and haven't even picked it up since.

>Never understood the appeal of le sillyface maker while posting le sillyface


delete this

Why were RP servers ever a thing
Absolutly no one even vaguely pretended to do their job, it was just gun dealers bunkering with their friends and then random street shootings

Not one of these threads

I hate these threads


How do I delete my post?

Gmod became useless on January 21st, 2015.
R.I.P. in peace, you furry bastard.

got any screenshots of your old creations?

Nah, Gmod became useless/unfun once pic related happend

gcombat + wiremod

I always wanted to make machinemas and had a good time like those youtube videos did with friends building shit and sometimes roleplay in that one map where it had a computer store and other shit with apartments.

577 hours later i never did any of that, i just fucked around in the game, its a shell now

>January 21st 2015
What happened then?

>tfw no more Gmod squad
>tfw everyone in those videos is washed up

Gman squad, rather

ths actually made me sad. i think im going to kill myself now

I used to download female player models and put them in lewd posts and make my own fap material

downloaded some models and it had some random nude female models from some random game I never heard of

Needless to say I did the same thing

Game is still fun to play but be ready to mute everyone if you play on a server, its 90% squeakers now and the non-squeakers are all furfags/annoying queers

What is it about Source maps that makes them so comfy
I remember when there was a renaissance of all those guys like Minifett, HeavyWeaponsGull, and gb7zone7 who would regularly make TF2/GMod videos when I was in high school and now they've all stopped making videos or disappeared. Where does the time go?

you know i always wondered if this kid grew up to shitpost on Sup Forums here faggot?

Ruined all the old Wiremods.
First they ruined Expression gates, when introduced E2 wire, it also brought griefing to another level.
Later updates broke down old Advanced dup saves again.

Now it's all E2 creations, no prop physics.
Sliders still don't work and spasm the shit out of objects.

I don't blame you



But I still have fun their
>tfw I still unironically play DarkRP

That's my birthday :^(

DELETE THIS!!!!!!!!!!

>even if hl3 did happen, gmod has ruined any possibility of me taking the "mysterious" g-man seriously again ever

Neither did I until I realized how easily entertained I was, a battle between the russian commissar and his army of westar weilding conscripts fighting a covenant/nazi alliance is all I ever really wanted, especially when hitler sword fights clone troopers. Now that I think about it, I should be ashamed.

this is actually a pyro skin too

I use it, it's great

that spooky room with no light in the back

you need me

i do

i remember trying to figure out how to make the AI do an actual war properly between each faction.

everything has to be VERY scripted and it has to be VERY reliant on path finding and ensuring that there is a gordon freeman character SOMEWHERE in the battle field where pathing can work with.

fuck gmod 8

>single red light at the far end
>this appears



garry's mod/sfm give me the best spook vibe


>that exploit where you could modify an lua file to access admin-only weapons

Being a shitter and accessing the Redeemer never got old.

I got really good at:
making cars with suspension systems
general house-building with PHX plates

this game was a huge fucking timesink if you're creative and an engineer of some sort

Gary's Mod

Hours of my life lost on this map

Did anyone else lose their shit playing this game?
If there was one thing GMOD did is lag and crash no matter your setup. So imagine your building in spacebuild or sandbox and some players start trying to crash the server. No admins on, or even worse, the admins are the ones fucking around. Imagine building over and over again because of server crashes.

>Fucking finally snap
>Create a floating platform
>Target enemy player set distance 999999
>Strap teleporter to the top with GPS
>Wire it up to always be above enemy player
>Wire a pulser to the teleporter and set the value to 0.5 seconds (laggier severs should be 1)
>Cant put guns or lazers because of spawn rules? Use a GRABBER and set strength and velocity 999999999999
>Nocollide each part to the ground and it will follow the player perceptually (even if they noclip in the ground)
>Watch players get flung constantly around and in some cases it will cause them to crash if they noclip and get flung under the map.

For space build if the server has asgard teleporter use that instead and you can teleport even admins into the sun using a laser pointer. Also I turned the whole device invisible and flung it into space. Watch admins shut down servers in outrage.

I hopped on some random servers and attached balloons to shit

that was the entire extent of my trolling phase, and it felt awful

who /devilish/?

>playing spacebuild
>admins go off for the night
>begin making pumps on spawn planet
>drain all the oxygen
>wearing a life suit so I'm safe
>get in my ship and fly off
>first BR dies while building, doesnt realize its the oxygen until 3 deaths later
>butthurt in chat commences
>no vote functions

basic wiremod used to have a teleporter
I wired a nailer to a teleporter that would warp to random people's shit and nail it to the floor



did anyone have gm_fork? it was fucking huge


god yes

i remember when i made my first catapult, just like in the trailer.

and then i dont remember what else. i think most of it was mindless. i followed a few wiremod tutorials but never really got into it. i thought i was badass for making a wiremod plane with phx props that steered pretty decently.

i waited for the addons. fucking loved destroyable prop mod and going into servers and making "tanks"

also being a mingebag was too much fun.

yeah, gmod took care of me a lot. i do miss it.


Recently built an APC I tried to style after a LAV-25

Turned out nice, gun is a slightly higher caliber and the armor is decent enough but it still needs some finer touches

ACF+Wiremod+SProps is the fucking shit, I was hoping space engineer would turn out as good as gmod but so far it looks dead and dull

Do they even update Space engineer still or is it locked in early access hell for eternity

>make a shitty mounted gun prop on the roof of the building
>call it the "physics cannon" and just stand behind it pretending to interact with it
>spawn invisible propeller trap wheels all over the grass
>everyone constantly being killed by it while trying to approach this useless prop
>eventually they get up there and spend fifteen minutes yelling at me and trying to figure out how to operate this killing machine

>want to watch videos with other people via cinema
>mostly empty servers
>only populated servers is an anime theater where no one watches anything but chat and literally Sup Forums the server.

i just wanna watch and have some giggles with some bros


I'm currently trying to nurse Haven's SWEPs back to health.

I merged the minigun into the standard pack, and used the AI scripts from the minigun with a little tweaking for all the other weapons, but the AIs still aren't handling the weapon correctly; Metropolice won't reload and instead T-pose when given the revolver, soldiers hold the revolver like an SMG, both fire multiple revolver rounds simultaneously, and they both fire automatic weapons rather slowly.

At least you can now safely shoot grass.

a-user I need that background image....

>gmod will never be like this again
>nobody who plays has an ounce of creativity in them anymore
>popular youtubers playing meme modes like ttt overrun the game with kids
>darkrp is now just edgy 12-13 year olds and is all around cancerous
>ywn play pre-13 gmod again

i don't know the source of the hentai which is why i screenshotted it hoping google image would find something

Good times.

Ahhh, Gmod...
I remember playing it on a toaster I once had, I overestimated the capabilities of the toaster and downloaded a nuclear bomb.

It toasted my toaster.

I still play it, if I'm by my self I spawn alot of shit and just have fun killing and building shit, if with freands have fun playing ttt and fucking around


I liked wielding couches inside vehicles, then making the vehicle part invisible, not collide, and then drive around the invisible couch.


Dude, stop! Let me go!

Trouble In Terrorist Town if it isnt filled with people who take it seriously

my brother works for Sup Forums youre being banned

I miss spacebuild 2

I miss GMOD when it wasn't 100000 DarkRP servers

What the fuck is even that?

Build some shit and check out what modders can do with addons and gamemodes.
Current gmod is only good for TTT though.

It was on only fun to go on cinema and spam gachimuchi videos

Gmod singleplayer is god tier, prove me wrong

Construct flatgrass was better. It was construct, plus more underground areas, underground and above ground rails, large flat area, large body of water.