Is Resident Evil Revelations on the 3DS any good?
Is Resident Evil Revelations on the 3DS any good?
If you're wondering whether it's worth $5, the answer is yes. If you're pirating, get it anyway.
Can't say the same for the other game.
The Mercenaries 3D was decent but completely overshadowed by RE6's version
It's the best version gameplay wise
Definitely worth it if its cheap and you are craving a RE game and are fine playing on your 3ds. It fills its niche perfectly
Yes, there was something about playing it chapter by chapter in my bed before I went to sleep.
play it for the Jill's ass.
Fuck if I know, but from what I know from the PC version it's mostly okay apart from having to spam the fucking Virtual Boy in every room to actually find shit.
The game is pretty good. I got a new copy for around 10 bucks and had fun playing it I have some minor gripes with the game but overall it is definitely worth it if you can get it for cheap.
I have this both on 3DS and PC.
Which one should I play?
Yes, it's really good and cheap as hell.
The unlockable missions got me completely hooked back in the day.
Oh well, time to replay it.
are you on the bus or at home ? this is important
bus : 3ds
home : pc
is online still alive?
>playing vidya in public
PC it is then
its just better
i remember i had to do some shit to improve the shitty aiming with m+keyboard
you'll figure it out
This is the best resident evil since 2
There are too many action-oriented chapters, especially with two literally who characters, but it's probably the closest RE has been to survival horror since 3.
Raid mode was a neat little distraction as well, though I imagine the online is dead on nearly every platform at this point.
that's CV or Gaiden / Zero mate
Tell me, why are you so insecure user ?
>There are too many action-oriented chapters
This is one of my main issues with the game too. The game would have been better if:
>they had left the action-oriented chapters out
>if Jill was alone for most of the main game, instead of being followed by Russell Crowe
>if the game was less linear and had a couple of hard puzzles
There's not even co-op or any partner partners or whatever. There's no reason for them to tag along.
BTW if you guys like Revelations, check out Cold Fear.
>why are you so insecure
I'm 26 and on Sup Forums. What do you think?
>There's no reason for them to tag along
The problem for me was that I somehow felt "safe" in company, even though that may sound strange. Being on your own in (most) RE games has always felt more scary to me.
Revelations 3 when?