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Video Games #3397
Video Games
We are going to change this work because it hurts our feelings...
Fuck everyone. This game is amazing
Call of Duty is suppose to be bad because?
What does Sup Forums think of Angry Birds?
Would this work?
I don't know what the fuck is going on but I like it
Doom 3's shotgun is objectively the most unsatisfying gun in video games
I miss Tech TV
So... all the hype has died down
What is wrong with this image Sup Forums?
This game is pretty good so far...
Now that Crash Bandicoot is all but confirmed for E3 2015, let's talk seriously
What went right ?
Acceptable Video Game Clothing
Fallout 4: Far Harbor Ran So Bad on PS4 that Bethesda's Actually Re-Released It
Stealth game
Is anybody else immensely proud to be a gamer? We're part of such a big industry now and it's only getting better...
Are you scared of heights in video games?
Mei will keep you warm
Game you thought was 11/10 growing up
How can justify stealing software Sup Forums? It's as simple as this
Why is the internet acting like this is the second coming of multiplayer first-person shooters? like jesus. its WW1...
Doom sucks
Who are you spending E3 with Sup Forums?
What this the greatest thread in the history of Sup Forums?
I set my blue eyes white dragon
What is the absolute most dog shit game Sup Forums has ever tricked you into playing, and explain why you hated it
Why is it apparently so difficult to make a good Mario Party game?
What the...
Anyone playing the pre-alpha? I just tried it for the first time today...
Injustice 2
What the fuck
Why does she wear the mask?
Is she fat or is it just a big coat?
You have 30 seconds to prove him wrong about Overwatch
Away at college
Who /bad at video games/ here?
Why would Soldier 76 take the risk of breaking his secret identity when he interacts with Pharah in Overwatch?
Are those people not aware what has become of Konami and that they don't give a shit?
They finally let you make traps in The Sims 4...
Games that are very very far from perfect but have a lot of spirit & are still pretty fun
This is a 1998 PC game
What's a good game that's completely revenge driven?
Pay respects to your favorite vidya ripper
Your favorite game in a series is the one everyone hates the most
What's your opinion about shopkeepers in the japanese games?
EA adds custom gender settings in Sims 4
Can we all agree that Vectorman is the best Genesis game?
Risk of Rain: Deep depression edition
Haha.... lol :-)
Why is videogame journalism filled with pasty white hipsters with degrees in Journalism and English?
Castlevania thread
Fallout 4 mods on Xbox One
Do you guys think GTA could work in a foreign country?
Overwatch: Only Top Tier Heroes Edition
Ara ara
Why is this game so damn comfy? Even when hiding in a locker or under a desk it's comfy as fuck
Blood and Wine endings
'Master Race' beaten by the worst console
Is your WoW character hot? Or are a fag who likes constantly looking at male ass when you play?
Into Mega Man and Dragon Quest right now
Op can't be blank durrhurr
What games would you label as comfy, Sup Forums?
How this game
What game has the best knight combat?
I have 350 hours in this game, but I always quit at Hard mode. I don't mean the new setting they have...
AMD won
Final fantasy xv at e3?
Who is the sexiest Nintendo character?
Are slot machines an videogame?
Super Mario Maker
Let the rant begin; As a person who played LoL, SC2, and CSGO at the higher end of MM level of play, [masters, masters...
Name a better Blazblue. You literally can't
A Sup Forums MMO with classes based on boards
Failout 4 Mod fiasco
What game ya been playin Sup Forums
Do you import Japanese games or do you emulate
Are there any multiplayer games that require actual teamwork?
Real nigga talk:
Based Xseed working their magic again
How this game
Why is the FGC always an embarrassment to video game community?
How do you feel about Luke?
The King of Fighters XIV
LeL is not fun anymore
ITT: Post ridiculously replayable single player games
What's the worst kind of drone? I vote valvedrones
Can we have hail hydra thread? Keep it vidya related
Make 10/10 trap
I've done it!
Are poise heavy builds still viable in Dark Souls III?
What games let me punish pedophiles?
This game is freaking amazing. The gameplay, customization and ascetic. And the game just has so much character to boot
ITT Comfy music
Dwarf Fortress stories thread?
MGS3 remade for Pachinko
This game is fucking awesome
"I don't like CoD"
What was the point of the hole?
What would you like to see in future installments of Splatoon?
Let's just say that a close friend of mine has it on good authority the Dragon's Dogma 2 will be announced at Sony's E3...
I'm not feeling it
Have you ever cheated in a video game before?
How can anyone be attracted to this moldy Christmas cake?
Finally got around to playing pic related. Holy fuck is this a masterpiece. Next Middle Earth game when?
I was convinced this was Sup Forums shitpost it fucking isn't
Names of PC games that don't require steam (or similar programs) in order to play them:
E3 2016
Ask a Nintendo E3 Exhibition Bug Tester Anything
Wan Piss Vidya Thread
Zoo Tycoon Thread
He hasn't bought Project Diva X yet
Update soon fellow juicer
Why is this game getting shat on so much on this site...
Where's my PC port?
D.VA IS _________!
Is this the best weapon in Dark Souls 3? Those rolling r1s and charge attacks are wicked...
Holy shit this fucking whore god damn piece of shit reeee
Why are the Arkham games so easy?
When Did You Grow Out of Singleplayer Games?
Memewatch thread
Level up
Silent Hill Thread
Hey /v wanna play a game?
What are you going to do when no new PC game works on Windows 7 and requires you to upgrade to 10?
Video Game Ideas
Do you play with your handheld in public?
Incredibly cute
What games actually let me go on an adventure?
Trophy / Achievement Thread
What, exactly, is Bethesda good at?
Kill demons in a small room
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma
YGYL - Mashup Edition
Encontre una web genial
OK so we all know emulation is a thing, but i'm gonna ask this anyway
Anticipated games thread: "On my way to page 10" edition
The seal still looks like shit
You've been absorbed by Kirby
Even Japan has gotten on the angry kirby boxart bandwagon
Pokemon that represents the Sun
I just finished EarthBound for the first time today. The first time I played it when I was in like 4th or 5th Grade...
Name a better game
People think Overwatch's intro was better
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Contestants, please buzz in with your questions
Post your Skyrim characters
What is your favorite arcade game that isn't metal slug
Comes out in 4 days
Late night Melee thread
Who plays a PS1 in the year 2014?
Who /Junkrat? here?
Disgaea PC
Is Notch the most based game designer in the industry? Look at this shit, he's just fucking destroying these cunts
Post a game
When Did You Grow Out of Multiplayer Games?
Dark Souls/Soulsbourne DumpThread
PS4 Neo to use RX 480
Ace Of Spades: Host when edition
What vidya game music is stuck in your head
Why is this the only good mercy skin?
What are some games where you befriend younger people?
So, I decided on a whim to read the plot summary for this piece of shit on Wikipedia
Dark Souls III PvP Thread
So did people actually play Crysis or was it always just that game to test benchmarks?
Go play comfy game
Gamer Fuel Thread?
How the fuck does DoomGuy not have PTSD?
Why is she wearing a oversized tshirt?
Why do so many of you Sup Forumsirgins like Morrowind so much?
Online multiplayer game
You like digimon, right Sup Forums?
Need your help quick guys since im a retard on online shopping
Do I have a single chance against this guy his weakest attack kills me in one shot...
You've just completely destroyed your opponent in the most humiliating way possible
"I don't like CoD"
Doomguy invades the last Anime/Cartoon you watched, hellbent on killing the main protage
Game company goes to complete shit
Man. How can distinguised developers like Bioware and Bethesda ever compete ever again?
Just played Persona 3 and the expansion
Nintendo now will win
"The situation Red finds himself in is one we can all relate to"
Evo has just broken yet another record! Super Smash Bros. for WiiU is officially the biggest smash tournament ever!
This kills the nvidia
And yet again! Blizzard resorts to the same vague language in order to appeal to their investors
What games let me be part of a police/security force?
Hey guys, here's a Mirrors Edge key for Steam. In honor of the new one coming out soon. Hope someone enjoys!
Let's get this shit underway Sup Forums
Possibly E3 leak
Is this any good?
Will Gamefreak ever make a stronger protagonist
Red barrel
This girl crash lands her spaceship, gets out, and tells you she is here to bust some balls. What do you do?
Flooding in game
Filename Thread - Keep it Vidya Edition
Winky face!
>western games
Has capcom finally done something right in the past 10 years?
My in-depth Odin's Sphere review
Good Free PC Games (No MOBAs/TF2 shit)
Holy shit
What games have cute snakes?
Did they save Guilty Gear or ruin it?
Anyone bored enough to discuss what is P2W ?
IGN is a gift from God
What went right?
Gamestop tipping
What would Sup Forums do if Atelier Totori gets ported to PC and/or NX?
Sakamoto on Metroid: Other M criticism in June 2010
Webm thread
Do you actually think this is utterly necessary Sup Forums? Hmm?
How do you save Pokemon?
Can you name a game that is scarier than P.T.?
The Original is back E3 2016
Dead game thread?
What is the best legendary skin and why is it mechaqueen?
Lets have a Banished thread. Post your towns
It's almost the year 2016
Any recommendations for a beginner build...
You will never play Uncharted 4 for the first time again
Is it any good?
People are nostalgic for Gen 4 pokemon
What's your stance on pixel art?
Why do you watch him talk about video games and his depriving life?
Moon Pokemon
Warframe Thread
ITT: Video game red flags
What is the worst thing we can realistically expect this E3?
What's the worst thing to come out of Sup Forums?
Can Blizzard nerf this anti-fun, blatantly OP character already?
1440p or 144hz
Dead by Daylight
Which of the new Pokemon protagonists are the canon ones?
Who /ultrawide/ here?
How do I get more people to watch my Twitch stream?
What's in the box, Sup Forums?
Serious Sam 4 possibly at e3
GTA:O new update
Will Argumented reality be the next step in Vidya?
What would make you want to buy an NX?
Monster girl game when?
Genji Main
ITT Games only liked solely because of nostalgia
I miss the orange balls
Kids that were born when Skyrim was released will be in primary school next year
How do I get started with the MSG universe?
What went wrong?
Reminder that we're going to see some unannounced 3DS games at E3
What does Sup Forums think?
We are so close to see this game translated, I'm the only one hyped?
Not videogames
And who says geeks/nerds can't be hardcore or "cool" and bad ass? Fuck you...
Who was in the wrong here?
A touhou fangame being published by XSEED
Valve, the king of FPS, abandons the genre and lives exclusively out of DOTA2
How this game
Is double jumping possible?
Literally impossible
What's so great about PC gaming, again?
Why do people like Frank west more than the other 2 dead rising protagonists
The fuck was the point of this room? Other than to get my dick hard?
If you could choose a new playable race for Xenoverse 2, which would it be?
Did you masturbate to ow porn yet ?
Do you actually mind Gamer Chicks?
Windows 10 "Upgrade" now unavoidable
Dark Souls thread
Did anybody actually "buy" this game?
Help me Sup Forums. I bought battleborn and spent nearly $900 on merchandise alone...
The matchmaking of this game is unbearable
Ok faggots, let's settle this once and for all. Who would win?
No More Gender Barriers in Sims 4
Does anyone remember when pokemon's art design wasn't handled by people who couldn't draw for shit?
Is there something that shows the dangers of video game addiction?
What is your opinion on the use of Mo-Cap in gaming?
What does Sup Forums think of talking Pokemon?
Updated models when?
What games let be combine superpowers/effects for new moves?
This is a female(male)
Only $299
This is a japanese man. Born to japanese parents, 100% asian
Time to open a box
Is this man our enemy?
Choose wisely Sup Forums
It's so fucking pretty
Who else Terranigma here?
Here's your controller, bro
Why is online gaming so much better on consoles?
ITT greatest moments in video games
Creepy parts in games
I thought Specter Knight was next. Are they doing King Knight first?
Overwatch is a Global Hit with 7 Million Players
Games you like aka comfy thread
Why is she so perfect?
Oh I wonder wonder hmmadmmadoo
Why does Sup Forums hate Bioshock Infinite?
Mortal Kombat
Looking forward to play on used DS with R4
How is your Total War: Warhammer campaign going?
Post chair-fus. Just ordered this. Looks comfy and looks like it wont absorb swamp ass
Lewd Pokemon character
Nature loving robot
Games where the first half is way better than the second
Rate my Wii U collection, Sup Forums
Doom Snapmap
Mario Maker - Shaun the Sheep
Physical shantae announced
What are some games that let me be Dio Brando?
In battleborn you can be a space luchador who can bodyslam a rocket launcher toting american eagle man...
There is a lot of PS2 games on PS4 that are on sale right now
Well, Sup Forums?
Post your 3ds collection
Simple and Clean or Sanctuary?
I'd like to join the mustard race and I got about $1200 (canadabux) to blow
Who is the George Lucas of vidya?
God tier RTS game thread?
Skyrim came out in 2011
He didn't main Judy in GH3
Hello Sup Forums, I'm here to remind you that Tsubasa's game is only 22 days away
Why do you play as a girl in video games?
You could be playing Diablo 3 right now. Why aren't you?
I will officially shill GOG for a while in this board
What are you looking forward to the most at E3?
The sims tranny patch is here!
Serious Sam 4 reveal at E3 confirmed
New AoS thread since the other one's a clusterfuck
XSEED publishing HGH
So now that senran kagura is on steam, did you guys pick up a copy yet for best girl?
Seven months later, Valve’s Steam Machines look dead in the water
ITT: You just won a contest to create a new hero for Overwatch. Who do you make?
Comfy Vidya Game Music
Kirby Thread
Rock of Ages 2 CONFIRMED
Shit posting aside we all can agree that this is the best written vidya related character ever right?
Bgm changes once you activate special ability
XSEED Games to publish Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, Touhou: Scarlet Curiosity, and Exile’s End
Games only YOU played and/or
No one here actually hates Nepgear right? How could you hate such a good girl?
What's your idle animation, Sup Forums?
You have been banned. reason: racism date ban will be lifted: never
Steam Machines a flop
What are some beginner's traps in vidya?
This omnic is coming to you and wants to share peace, tranquility and harmony witthin the Iris
What would happen if Apple would release their console?
Minecraft has sold over 100 million copies now
Why don't people like it? It has flaws but I thought it was solid
Atlus explain yourselves
You were chilling with some vidya and these guys slaps your favourite game/franchise into pachinko exclusive...
Overwatch has only been out for a bit more than a week, and Blizzard is already showing cheaters and hackers the door...
Which Senran has the fattest ass? Is it Homura?
Acceptable vidya clothes
English translation when?
Witcher 3
What is the most underrated Mega Man game?
Summer sale is less than a month away
Devil May Cry 5 ? Hey no wait lets just make PACHINKO !
Zero Escape
Is there a white male vidya character that can beat her?
Hey Sup Forums what are some games
Skyrim character thread
The new cast for Pokemon Sun and Moon is looking good
What games are you waiting for?
DS1 Thread
Hello Sup Forums!
You can no longer get gear through PvP at all
Breath of Fire series & Katt/Rinpoo
Mfw Star Fox Zero failed
Is DCSS the 2D Dark Souls?
Steam emotes
EA Removing Gender Boundaries From The Sims 4
Daily reminder that this is the only right choice
It's really quite something. It's been 18 years since Xenogears came out...
25th anniversary predictions?
Ask a guy that plays games until they're fun before dropping them...
Lovecraft Influenced Games
So Sup Forums, what are you playing ?
I'm scared. I'm not even joking, I can't get into horror genre...
So I was at a friends house and he had an unplayed copy of SFV, which I decided to break in...
The King of Fighters XIV
This is the best game in the series. Prove me wrong
Criminal Girls 2
Which is the BEST ultimate in all of overwatch?
What did he mean by this?
Dead by Daylight
Dead by Daylight
Do you want to see Seth return in SFV? Your feedback can make it happen
The Asterisk War: The Academy City of the Water Houka Kenran being localized
Can we all agree that this is a wonder filled game
How should they improve on DE:HR?
Wow, thanks for telling me Spec Ops The Line! I never would have figured that out for myself!
ITT: Post your career profile and receive assumptions from others based on it
Hey guys, I'm making a new Indie Platformer-RPG about post modernism called Yeep: The Current Year...
How hyped are you for the Dungeon Travelers killer?
Fact: there is no better boss in the franchise
Your third party exclusives belong to PC now
ITT: Games you were super hyped for that completely let you down
Overwatch - 1572 CHEATERS BANNED
Rainbow Six Siege Shills BTFO
Can someone explain this games plot to me? I watched all of the animated shorts but I still don't get it...
How do you feel about games like Fallout 1 having a 500 day limit until game over...
Serious question, why do people enjoy watching other people play games, like on twitch...
"I don't want to play game"
Worst video games you ever played? For me it's
Name a more sexy vidya character than her
Do people still play Skullgirls?
The average Sup Forums user was born in 1998
Released two weeks ago
Any news on this Game?
So, I'm playing Etrian Odyssey Untold in Classic+Expert and I don't see how it's worse than the original
Game has an anime opening with japanese lyrics
Play Widowmaker
I don't care about gameplay. does it have a good story?
Is Joshua attracted to Neku?
Remember when people seriously expected this piece of shit to be GOTY...
Risk Of Rain Hosting/ ROR
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Rate Japan´s taste
Alright Sup Forums has convinced me and I am buying Overwatch tomorrow
Stop calling my girlfriend and healslut
Any games made in italy?
Video card died. Need a new one
This is the only game that Sup Forums universally likes
Now that the dust has settled, was Skyward Sword really that bad?
Witcher 4
Games only you played. It sucked. My childhood was nothing but shit games
Why do people love Overwatch but they hate Diablo 3?
PS3 recommendations
Why are video game companies playing into this shit? Is it just to maximize their profit at any cost...
Splatoon x Swapnote x Warioware collaboration
Planing to get a new gaming monitor for my PC and consoles
What are good games where i can play as a knight?
Another Pokemon Game
What went wrong
Extremely underrated/hidden gems
Just how good is this game?
This is the best design unveiled for SF5
Serious Sam 4 Hype thread
Nintendo Treehouse: Live at E3 2016 detailed
You can operate on trump in surgeon simulator
It's an escort mission
Should by Senran kagura SV for PC? Or should I buy a pack of my favorite cigarettes? What do you think Sup Forums?
How do you feel about the next Wonder Boy?
Are there any truly good gaming laptops? Should I just build my own...
Wide range of male character designs
Can we have a fucking DOOM thread? Why was this game so fucking perfect?
Level 31
This is your extra boss tonight
Controller Thread
Can anyone tell me if this game is any good and if the community is still populated?
Fuck you, this was a good game and the third act wasn't that bad
HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG. Who else here is waiting?
What games do Italians play?
Sup Forums's trolley
How did we go from this
So should I get MGS 5 or TW3?
What made Troy Baker go from based VA to insane SJW?
Only chill games allowed
Why is she so perfect?
No matter how much you shitpost I'll never stop loving my vita you Sup Forumsermin~
Kirby has just inhaled you. What power does he get?
"Let's see them get past this!"
You will never live in your own apartment
GTA online New Trailer
What game would you take a diarrhea dump on?
This is your rival tonight
Despite being discounted by 40 per cent over the weekend (which is almost unprecedented for a AAA game in its first...
Dont mind me just being the best Witcher game
Decide to play new vegas again because you guys never shut up about how great it is
My family just gave me about 600$ as b-day gift...
Hey Sup Forums, i came here to ask you guys for help
Why videogames avoid jiggle physics?
What are some essential fast vidya?
PC Mustard Race wins again!
"Girls don't play video games"
Play game
Am I the only femanon around here who thinks that the video game industry is actually getting better?
Which games belong in here?
Dead by Daylight thread continued from >>339681638
Your ideal vidya woman
Game calls it 'power sliding' instead of drifting
This is your healer tonight
Are you fucking kidding me?
You can talk the villain into killing themselves
This is the current sprite of my game's protagonist but I'm bad at pixel art. How would I fix this image?
Just got a 3ds, what are the best games for this and why?
Mfw solo'd a zarya and won with about 1/4 of my health left
Let's make this game gud
Pokémon Sun and Moon
Game has achievements relating to Facebook and Twitter
Easter Eggs
There are quite literally no good online co-op games for PC
E3 Expectations
They just couldn't fucking wait could they?
Oh shit
Why are video games much more enjoyable on mind altering substances?
I've just purchased Overwatch
Nipple bumps
Rumor: Nintendo NX mass production postponed to early 2017 to add VR functionality
Gaming desktop thread?
Thank you for making my dick rock hard, CDPR. Very happy lads
Why are italian gamers so angry?
Now that the dust has settled
ITT: We laugh at games that crashed and burned right after launch
Ed Edd n Eddy online patch notes v 0.67
What did she mean by this?
Okay this is getting ridiculous
What would your ideal Zootopia game be like?
When will the fucking Open world meme end ?
Steam avatar r8 thread
10 days until E3
Is dungeon fighter online fun?
You think he'll strike gold again and blow us the fuck away with his new IP like he did with the Souls games...
Will Sup Forums main evil goku in xenoverse 2?
When cheaply made Roblox games end up having a thousand times the playercount of your favourite multiplayer game
Post the TOP 3 things you want to see at E3, no matter how unlikely
Karl-Anthony Towns, the reigning Rookie of the Year, is streaming games on Twitch
Forced to pick reinhardt or lucio every single game because the entire rest of the team insists on being fucking idiots...
Why do people like her and even play her?
Most useless videogame peripheral ever?
Play a lewd game after a month without fapping
Player on your team claims your the reason they are losing
Lets play some Gwent
Sup Forums simulator 2016
Say the first thing that comes to mind when looking at this picture
Dark Souls #2
Dark Souls and 60fps
Are video games superior to having a girlfriend?
I am mad. Looking at character polls on the internet, she is either near the last or 4th place and under...
Their entire team specifically targets me when I play Mercy
Why do people use this fat pig again?
Find a flaw
Just downloaded the game, What am i in for?
Make billions on being the cheaper, more powerful equivalent of playstation
Fucking Miyazaki ruined what could be a great game
What was his problem?
My fucking PS3 died on me. I can either buy a new one or get it repaired (with the likelihood it'll die again anyway)...
Is Resident Evil Revelations on the 3DS any good?
Filename Thread
Should i get overwatch or elite dangerous
Tfw super Mario 64 is the first second person game in existence
Show roommate overwatch
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...