Why is online gaming so much better on consoles?

Why is online gaming so much better on consoles?

Console online game
>Active community for all the top games for many years
>Everyone plays fair and does not cheat

PC online gaming
>Community for new game disappears completely after 2 weeks
>Everyone is constantly cheating and being retarded

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PC players are too busy playing modded versions of the game with their friends instead of kicking around in public servers. Console games don't have that option.

>Mortal Kombat X on 360
>Constant shit talking and people calling me cheap or asking me to stop spamming the same combo

>Play Mortal Kombat X on Play Station
>People inviting me to groups, commenting on who I'm good with and giving me advice on who I'm bad with

Never bothered with a fighting game on PC, I'm sure it would be full of hackers.

>console online gaming being active
not every game is a FPS

lol you're a fucking retard

oh its this meme face again. do you think this helps your case? even if you are right.

I still have people to play Bloodborne with.

>Active community for all the top games for many years
Because they got nothing else to play

>hear Sup Forums cry about people trashtalking and whining in Overwatch
>barely had any of that, people barely even talk and I literally only ever heard one guy use voicechat for one sentence

Is it a console problem, or is it just America?
Yurup here

Well yeah that's why they're the top games retard.

Same with Dark Souls.
Basically it boils down to x360= kids, ps= older people

Yeah except people still play QuakeWorld in a tightly knit community after fuckin 15+ years. Mind giving me a console game that has that? Oh wait you can't because consoles are hopelessly behind and online gaming is still relatively novel in plebland.


Faggots like you make me ashamed to live on this continent.

Does DAI have fun multiplayer?

>Faggots like you make me ashamed to live on this continent.
That's great and all, but I fail to see how anything in my post mocks anyone

Unless you see it as murrica hate, which is pretty far-fetched

>Cherry picking

There are plenty of PC games that are over a decade old that still have active communities.

>mfw playing SC broodwar on battlenet up to 15 years after release

I definitely hear a lot more faggots berating everyone on PC, or giving compliments.

It was actually really fun back when it had a community. But it followed MMO tank and spank formula so it was unplayable unless you had a tank who knew what he was doing

Like I said, literally only one guy I ever witnissed to use voicechat
Only 2 salty kids in text chat.

Anyone else in Yurop having this? Or is it just me somehow?

>tfw playing Battlefield 2: Project Reality or Counterstrike Source: Zombie Mod


Yeah and FAR MORE so than any console game. There are online pc games that still have a community that have existed longer than online play on consoles has.

PC is for poorfags

more like PC has a poorfag and a richfag option.
you can only be a poorfag with console

PC is for everyone.

Poor? Get a toaster and pirate your games.

Not poor? Build a better one and buy your games.

Never heard a pub use voice. Most games nobody writes anything either. Really cool plays sometimes get a comment or two, but that's about it. I haven't met any scrubkids yet at least.