Mfw solo'd a zarya and won with about 1/4 of my health left

>mfw solo'd a zarya and won with about 1/4 of my health left

The damage on her pistol is ridiculous. Who else /battlemercy/ here

Pretty much only way to play her what with Lucio being better and all.

it's pretty easy to rape roadhogs with headshots as well if they miss their hook, passive regen 2 strong

>mfw I can't escape this game anywhere

Sup Forums? Overwatch
Porn? Overwatch
Reddit? Overwatch
Friends? Overwatch

Ah the porn makes up for it anyway

I find Zarya's damage far too little and weak so its no surprise.

If mercy kills a roadhog that roadhog is a sack of shit.

>admits to browsing reddit on Sup Forums

so like most Roadhogs then?

Yeah, what are you going to do about it?

I'm just posting this here so the thread is more enjoyable.

Possibly, I play him a lot and Mercy has never been more than a nuisance at best when attacking me.

I love shoving my big thick hook into her.

>Oh, no! This anonymous individual, browsing on the internet just so happens to browse both Sup Forums's Sup Forums board, as well as reddit?!
>The absolute madman!

>mfw i 1v1'd a full health roadhog and won

havent bought it yet but in the beta the pistol felt weak against anything other than the lightest characters or if they were unaware, have they buffed it?

If you actually did/felt like that you'd have saved a replay.

>snot trailing from nose


No, theres just a LOT more shitters in the game who can't even handle Mercy with a gun.

20 bodyshot, 40 headshot. I don't think it's changed

Most roadhog players just seem to let enemies charge up their ults on his fat ass. I've had multiple times where I was hooked in and they didn't even shoot.

I'll join you

Fuck you


how glowy was the Zarya?

>wallhacks on
>see dude coming across to a doorway
>trace a line of dva/mercy pistol shots on their predicted line of path at head height

I swear to god I stay in pistol form as dva for about 3 seconds before I build enough ult to get another mech

Fuck you

>Battle Mercy

Fuck yourself, I hate dumb mercy's who fly around with their pistol whilst their teammates die around them, just play Lucio or Zenyatta ffs

Not very. She was trying to lob grenades at me rather than laser me, which I think is the main reason why she lost.

God it's identical.

ah, she's retarded
that makes sense

the grenades are slow to start with, and without charge they do piss poor damage

I only use my pistol when absolutely necessary, and if a teammate is getting low on health, I switch back to healing

>get killed twice by Tracer/Reaper flanking and team not giving a fuck
>fuck it, whenever I see either of them, I drop the healing and deal with them myself
Team gets heal if team is worthy of heal.

Well the true idea is to use the pistol to pick off shit that could be a threat to you, or pick off shit safely before healing teammates. Mercy's pistol is fuckin good and has no falloff at range. I've found its great for pressuring pharah, bastion and snipers

>tfw get told off by the tank for not healing
>proceed to get a triple kill and res 2 people

battlemercy truly is the best

>Zarya catches like 3 people in her ult
>watch as my team runs into cower for some god forsaken reason
>end up shooting them up with my peashooter and practically spent most of the match killing all flankers with it while my team sucked themselves off in some corner

>I've found its great for pressuring pharah, bastion and snipers

Indeed, especially Widows, nobody fucking seems to bother with them so I always end up having to defend the team by sending a bunch of shots her way.

>Oh..! I've been called out!
>Better insult him, that'll hurt!
>"fuck you"
>HAHAHAHA what a cuck, I got him good! He'll never come back from that, rest assured, I bet he'll just kill himself!

Can I get your address and post code? I'll be sure to send an extra-large pack of bleach.

Could you at least try not to make it so painfully obvious how retarded you are?

Holy shit nigger, I don't need some white knight faggot, get the fuck out of here



Yeah, her gun is so good

I'll stop taking my pistol out the day piece of shit like you will take care of the flanker coming for my ass you stupid little cunt.