How is your Total War: Warhammer campaign going?

How is your Total War: Warhammer campaign going?

Is it good?
After that shitfest of Rome 2 I avoided TW games.

>Is it good?
Doesnt matter, most people will wait until its on sale on other websites with dlc for 30-40 anyway

Pretty boring considering that after the first 3 hours everything is the same. AI acts the same, fights the same, builds the same things, its just a matter of jacking off to battles and cheesing your way through the obvious battles.

I actually have that image on the wall of my childhood room back home. I dont remember where I got it though. Mighthaev been cut out of a magazine or something.

Playing Vampire Counts and 4 full stacks of Chaos showed up at one of my castles. Its going to fall, but I think I may need to start over. Dont think I played Vamp Counts right since Im struggling with just the humans to the west.

You need to get rid of skellies and zombies. Grave Guards and monsters wreck everything in my game.

>Having a poster of chaos in your room

I shit all over Sigmar

Ive just been playing them like I just came out of Attila. I have around 3 armies and already feel like I spread myself too far. Not enough magic money to fuel my war efforts. Im just going to start over and build right this time. It was only a 70~ turn game anyway.

Dead game

Just Beat chaos on turn 126 as a VC, i had some problem because archaon showed himself as i was close to taking altdorf. Now empire have few millitary allys and i dont know if i should attack them or wait till they cancel it after shield of the realm diplomacy buff wears off. Oh I forgot about azhag , he showed himself with another 3 Goblin stacks, but i handled him with garrison and one good stack. Thou i hate fighting as skellies with fast misle cavaler.

Are there any bolters on the Chaos side?

Do they stay dead and stop sending those sorcerer fucks to troll my settlements after beating Archaon? Chaos just spawned in my VC game.

God damn provinces won't join me, and chaos keeps ransacking trough my shit.

Pro tip: Get an ssd for this, seriously. Loading times go from 50sec to 5 sec, I don't even know.

He respawned one time after i killed him but with maruder/chaos warriors stack. He fell into my ambush, it was last stack, so probably he will keep respawning till you kill last army.
Its a bummer because i did all tye hard work (Franz runned away and hid himself in that keep north from hohland city, he still just sit there by himself) and after i wiped chaos noone remember it, but i still got negative rep for signing some chaps/varg/skelligan prace treaties from 30 turns ago.

My very hard campaign is going good. I've unified the badlands as Greenskins and ended the Border Princes, started moving north as Chaos invasion started. Now I'm recalling back south because of the Bjornling fuckfaces. Gonna ruin them and then end Chaos.

I'm strength rank 2 barely behind Chaos with 5 full stacks and 4 WAAAAAGHs, 3rd place is like 1/10th of the faction strength bar. Chaos is going to have some fun.

who /reiksguard/ here?
I made it so that they could be recruitable from altdorf directly. Made them so much more viable.

Pretty shit
On my Empire campaign I'm getting reamed by Chaos and the nordic fuckboys
On my Dwarf campaign top knots are b8ed the fuck out of me and now they have like 3 full stacks and I don't have any armies nearby

Also fuck agents

>Tomb Kings still not announced

Chaos Campaign fund a bloody end by retreating from three Varg armys directly into Karl Franzs ambush followed by an of an Ostland stack.

Empire campaign is quite good this time. Most of the empire is united and Archaon, Sigvald and the Changer are already destroyed. Now I have to march north to stop the endless waves of Norscan doomstacks.

>start campaign
>random orcs come out of nowhere and fight my armies
>fellow humans constantly declare war on me despite only taking my province back from secessionists




>Space marines teleporting to to attack a chaos stronghold

I don't see what this has to do with WHFB...

>Nice day for a stroll lads, feels like everything is going to be ok


this needs a bump



Dwarves are bloody great in this game.

It's alright. I'm playing Chaos campaign first, and the first half was a blast but now it's turning into a grind. There's not much variety in situation. I'm kind of doing the same thing over and over, methodically sacking and razing everything to ground. I wish there was more flavor and more to do. The infighting attrition is annoying as shit and makes maneuvering my armies really awkward. It needs more content and factions.

>When you lure Orks into a Patriot style slaughter worthy of a Mel Gibson movie

>play as dworfs.
>pushing greenskins out of muh dwarven holds, making friends with the other dworf kingdoms, occasionally bitchslap vampire cunts around because they keep warring against my northern kin.
>turn 80 or something, have reclaimed most of the dwarven realms of the world's edge mountains and the surrounding regions, greenskins pushed all the way to the edge of the map, barely surviving.
>suddenly chaos invasion storms trough the lands of the humans.
>Help out the empire a bit here and there, though mostly focus on reinforcing my realm against chaos, and unifying with the various dwarf kingdoms I am allied with.
>Empire takes most of the beating from chaos, but a couple of warbands wander into muh mountains, and start attacking a northern dwarfhold that I am allied with.
>send reinforcements to aid my kin, but get there too late to save anything besides their last remaining hold.
>war of vengeance commence, corner the chaos fuckers into a mountain pass by outmaneuvering them via the underways.
>Destroy the warbands, suddenly get a "Warriors of Chaos have been destroyed" message.
>send and army to the north, reclaiming the holds chaos ransacked trough.
>wander trough Kiev, see that everything is in ruins, but chaos has been beat back by the combined efforts of humans and dwarfs.
>Think "Well, that was rather anticlimactic, time to unify the remaining dwarf realms and win I guess."
>Not so fast, says the game. Suddenly, two Dwarf holds I am allied with start a war between each other, both demanding me to side with themselves.
>nope the fuck out, and break our alliances, I ain't gonna participate in killing my kin.
>the two other holds go picture related at me, and the other remaining independent holds also start hating me.
>no amount of diplomacy can get those two holds stop their war, nor sooth their relations with me.
>end up saying fuck it, and start a war of conquest with all of them just to bring peace.

God damn Dwarfs, they ruined the Old World

Also, why do all the chaos missions seem to assume I'm still mucking about in the north? At the beginning, you told be very cleary that the time to move south was now. I heed this advice and haul ass south all game, but now they keep asking me to go back to Baersongling Camp, where I started the game. I went bankrupt going back north once (already razed everything on the way there and back, no sackan) and then stopped bothering. Are there ANY chaos flavor quests that don't require me to drop the main objective and march back to bumfuck nowhere over and over?


Fucking Dwarves.
I can't wait for an actually civilized race to be included.

I hate how they dumbed down the economy and building system.

I hate how the AI just deathstacks and you can't make significant gains because another AI deathstack will just waltz in.

The game is very "warhammer" and it's a very faithful recreation of the universe.

But the way it plays just doesn't appeal to me at all. Units break in seconds, fights last barely any time. The campaign sucks.

Playing as VC. I marched Mannfred and friends up north early on to suppress Chaos as quickly as possible but now the Varg and Skaeling are fucking me up everywhere. Any good solution to ending chaos permanently?


sounds like you're playing it wrong, boy-o

Is this supposed to be this easy on normal? I mean, as VC I just slapped Franz in one battle and that's pretty much it, before that it was just autoresolving all smaller shits with a full stack on the way there. Empire's capital is just across the street for the taking and they apparently have nothing else in terms of troops.

The long and hard way. Raze their camps, one by one.
Either that or get a nice, strong buffer state between you and them.

I am not liking the campaign AI one bit. They always just zero in on settlements that you haven't built walls for, even if it takes them across half the campaign map. Then they keep force marching just out of range of you while making their way to the next settlement. This is why I liked playing dwarfs and letting the AI intercept me in the underway since there's literally no downside fighting in the underways as the Dwarves.

Thanks. Unfortunately Kislev has fallen. I set up military alliances with most of the empire and dorfs in order to wipe out the chaos for good. I fully wiped out WoC but they just spawned another stack
Anyway to stop that?

won't buy until they release elves desu

also, is the racially restricted conquest mechanic as retarded as it sounds?

>enemy routes directly to my own stronghold
what the fuck is this shit? that's not how "retreating in terror" works

Sounded terrible to me too, it's... okay. It's probably better than getting 90% corruption.

I think it's interesting, it prevents you from simply blobbing in all directions. But it leads to some stupid situations.

Not really since there are a shit tonne of settlements and the AI can get out of hand if they are allowed to settle everywhere. There are plenty of settlements to occupy in every starting location, for dwarves especially since you can conquer the entire corner of the map.

You can just send a hero. You don't need to move your entire hoard.

I tried just sending a hero first, it didn't work. They want an army, one that'll effectively be out of commission for over a dozen turns for little benefit. It's not a huge deal, I just wish a few of the quests took place in the other parts of the map. The places where I'm actually doing things, instead of the starting corner with nothing in it.

They don't though. I left a chaos champion in Baeorling until I finished all of my quests for every lord and the only time I had to involve my armies was teleporting them to the actual battle.

Could you explain more, I realize now I may be severely confused on how these missions work/

I wish this wasn't $60 for what seems to be a reskinned dumbed down version of a good total war game.

You can pay 5k gold to fight a quest battle from anywhere without moving having to move your army to the marker and back.

Holy shit, thanks. Wish I knew earlier, would've saved me some frustration.