What are you going to do when no new PC game works on Windows 7 and requires you to upgrade to 10?
What are you going to do when no new PC game works on Windows 7 and requires you to upgrade to 10?
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Give up on video games.
All new games are shit.
debotnet windows 10 and close all connections to minecrosoft and microsoft related ips
pretty much drop modern videogames, and go retro
and take up pinball
Get a pirated copy of Windows 10
Install Linux and virtualize Windows 10
Buy a really big HDD
Create three partitions:
A linux one for all the computer stuff
A Windows 7 one for certain games
A Windows 10 one for the rest.
I'm thinking about buying a router (like, a legit Cisco router) from my workplace's flea sales and use it as a firewall for all the Windows 10 fuckery.
what the fuck
just get windows 10
i thought everytrhing was watching you already. skype, online transactions, email accounts, phone convos, the NSA already has access to it all, what is Win10 doing that every one loses their shit over it?
I'll go full retro and start emulating till boredom and after that I'll try linux
Virtually ever modern router can block sites/IPs.
Kill self
>not multibooting
and all you steamers call yourselves PC master race
There will be a different Windows OS by then, and it wont have all the shit people hate about W10.
W10 was a failure for Microsoft, they'll switch back to the normal buy the new OS system in a few years again.
That or ill just use a different OS
What is even so bad about windows 10. I have it and I've never had any issues
None of that shit actually fucking slows down my internet connection or killer performance as much as W10 does, thats fucking what.
3.Stop playing Vidya
Why not just use a virtual PC?
Actively forcing itself on users
1. I already upgraded
As far as I can tell:
>the spying shit
>ads on start menu that can be removed
>File Explorer STILL does not have tabs so I still need to use a third party file manager
Takes and makes a recorded of all the images on your hard-drive and sends it to Microsoft to check for illegal things and sell to advertisment companies.
It's basically what modern day printers do, but now in direct connection to everything you do.
>There will be a different Windows OS by then, and it wont have all the shit people hate about W10.
Nothing because I'm not some meme faggot with Winblows 7
Just stop playing games.
I'm already almost at that point.
Push me Microsoft I fucking dare you.
Does gaming through virtualbox even work well?
W10 adoption rate was horrendous, even for a hated OS.
Fact is the majority of Microsofts business is businesses and they dont give a fuck about upgrading, they can run off older OS forever if they have to. W10 failed to grab that market.
They'll have to switch back to normal releases and make a better OS system if they want to recapture that market.
There has not been a single game in the last 15 years I have had even a passing interest in. So far I've just been playing older games and enjoying myself.
>operating system on an HDD
There's no advantage to normal releases. Sticking to Win10 and just upgrading it forever makes things easier for them.
Move to Linux and play decades of old games.
I wonder if there are any people still using XP
>W10 is one of the few OS ever that has had regression soon after release
Microsoft will drop W10 like a bag of bricks anyway
Already had to so I could play Killer Instinct.
What exactly is so bad about it again?
Boco coming in with his shit taste and shit opinions again
>W10 adoption rate was horrendous
No it really wasn't
>They'll have to switch back to normal releases and make a better OS system if they want to recapture that market
They wont "have" to do shit for you. Intel, OEMs and others will force feed it and cut windows 7 off
>that has had regression soon after release
Literally what? It has the 2nd highest market share after Windows 7.
That's where the gaming industry will go next. When Google fiber is implemented everywhere in 10+ years. Right now, you can barely play runescape through a vpn and get decent latency
And? It had months of regression, particularly after that forced W10 update fiasco.
It was a free OS and did capture as much of the market as 7 did on release, thats fucking horrendous by every metric.
>They wont "have" to do shit for you. Intel, OEMs and others will force feed it and cut windows 7 off
Read it again, you totally missed the point and in turn just said something irrelevant
This. It won't affect anyone.
Okay kid, you keep living in lala land
I have no opinion, actually. Just curious why W10 is considered so evil.
>Computers started off with terminals all connected to one big machine, sharing resources and processing time
>Computers moved away to people having their own resources and not having to share with anyone else
>Moving back to all users accessing a central point, having to share resources and processing time again
What a terrible time to be alive
The spying stuff, which is really easy to cockblock with pastebin.com
If you do this, and a couple other tweaks, there is no disadvantage to having Win10.
All those "fixes" have been proven multiple times to not work
Wait, spying?
I don't use it.
>online transactions
I don't buy very many things online. Vidya and car parts mostly.
>email accounts
I check my email about once a month and send emails even less frequently than that.
>phone convos
I have a flip phone, calls and texts only, and there are things I won't talk about on the phone.
I'm not even tin-foil-hatting in how I live my life, but Windows 10 is much more invasive than what I reveal already.
Yeah. They can also remotely delete your shit too
There is also no disadvantage to not having windows 10. And when the time comes that there is one, I'll be long gone from Microsoft and their terrible practices
its free you fucking retard
Hm. Well, the only thing they're gonna see is way, waaay too many visits to TFWiki.net.
the fuck you talking about
Just because you say it with such conviction doesn't make it any less bullshit buddy
Adoption rates have been consistently higher than 7 and that's just a fact and undisputable
And no the majority of Microsofts business is not business, despite what you may think and their is no market to capture when talking about huge operations using legacy software they bought ten, twenty years ago
>blocking an address through a router doesn't prevent Win10 from sending information to that address
Okay pal
So is a burglar breaking into your house and stealing your private documents and other things you care about. Being "free" alone doesn't make it good for you
>There will be a different Windows OS by then, and it wont have all the shit people hate about W10.
Holy shit I haven't seen the Bill cheetos image in years
Thank you user
Is there a daz loader for windows 10? I haven't really kept up with anything after windows 7. Probably just stop playing games if not. All I play now is monster hunter anyway.
A piss-ass UI, poor performance, and another layer of incompatibility with legacy software/drivers are disadvantages.
knowing that most of Sup Forums will be forced to pay for 10 instead of getting it for free, fills me with determination
>And no the majority of Microsofts business is not business
Pfthahah, holy shit, just wow. You have no idea what you are talking about
No more replies for you shitposter.
>Keep all my important files on my Windows 7 machine
>Build another PC for gaming that runs Windows 10
>It's an investment, now I have a backup PC
>H-haha, I sure showed those consolefaggots
I already upgraded. So I guess nothing.
If you're too stupid to understand there is no hope explaining it.
Stop playing new video games
I haven't played anything good except the wticher 3 that came out in the last 3 years and I doubt that's going to change
I have enough of a backlog to keep me going until my death
stalk humblebundle for a few years and play old games I find on sale
so basically nothing changes for me
>piss-ass UI
It's more or less the same as Win7
>poor performance
>old software
Compatibility mode works fine.
My neighbors windows 10 machine bought last year runs slower than my Linux machine from 3 years ago
What are you going to do when file editors change code so that modern games will work on all the older operating systems?
My new tablet runs slower than my 5 year old pc
Would dual booting not work? Just buy a cheap second hand SSD and use that one just for games that need W10.
Continue enjoying games on my current Windows 10 machine.
It's kind of sad, really, all these promises of faster machines and they can't keep up. To be fair, you're comparing a tablet to a desktop (I'm assuming) while mine was laptop against laptop.
That's because Linux is better than Windows
Win10 is better or the same as Win7 in every area of performance.
>I check my email once a month
So you're literally underage as fuck?
Go back to tabletop
Give up gaming, forever.
Chuckle at the tinfoilhatters and Linuxfags who now have to pirate/buy Win10 because they didn't get their chance for a free one.
damn right
But my windows 7 work laptop from 2 years ago boots up faster than her laptop, still. And it's bloated with stupid work related things
>It's more or less the same as Win7
No, they removed the Classic Theme, which is what I run on W7, and I don't know if you can still overwrite applications like Paint or Media Player with their older, lightweight, and ribbon-free equivalents like I've done with W7.
I admit it's anecdotal like .
>Compatibility mode works fine.
Windows 7 already doesn't play nice with W95 or W2k era games and some applications. W10 will be worse. There's tens of thousands of games and programs out there, compatibility mode is not a fix-all.
How is that being underage? I only check mine twice a month. Three times, tops.
>Windows 7 already doesn't play nice with W95 or W2k era games and some applications. W10 will be worse. There's tens of thousands of games and programs out there, compatibility mode is not a fix-all.
Just use freaking DOSbox already
Guess I'll switch to mac and buy a console.
>windows 10 is a botnet!
Shouts the neckbeard, while using windows 7 botnet.
>And no the majority of Microsofts business is not business
How the fuck do you think they utterly destroyed IBM in the OS market?
I'm technically self-employed in a two-man business and communicate with my boss by phone when necessary.
I love my job. Sorry if you got sucked into a traditional office job or something like that.
>tfw I use Mac OS X 7.5 and Parallels
>tfw I can run any OS as a virtual machine and have unique configurations for each
feels good
>tripfag is such a waste of life shut-in that he has no need for email
>What are you going to do when no new PC game works on Windows 7
Install Windows 12?
I probably wouldn't care about updating to windows 10 if they didn't push it so fucking hard.
The fact that they are willing to try to make people update to windows 10 via trickery is what really gets me. That isn't the behavior of a benevolent entity.
I do, it runs warframe fairly
You can parrot memes, but it's pretty meaningless unless you back it up. The parts of win7 that get botnet-y are the recent telemetry updates (which if you managed to install makes you a retard) and a somewhat suspicious "_NSAKEY" which long predates modern NSA surveillance techniques. Nowhere near as bad as 10's integration to the entire OS
I'm getting tired of computer bullshit
I might just join the console master race