Post YFW you see one or more of them on your team
you must have really shit Zens and D.vas on your team.
Zen is not a bad character, it's just that everyone is horrible with him. is just fucking shit.
i dunno i've seen some really good D.vas and im a Zen main.
>Gays, into the Irish
What did he mean by this?
Symmetra is only good on the first half of defense on Objective maps, but she's pretty much good for the entire game of defense on the desert one
Torbjorn is alright for certain points. Same goes for Symmetra. A lot of people forget that they can switch heroes mid-game.
Symmetra can be a fucking monster with certain captures. Really locks down momentum unless if someone actively counterpicks.
With Zen it's not that he's bad, but I very rarely see a Zen who helps his team more than he would if he played Lucio instead. That and the moment anyone on the enemy team picks Widow it's game over. can't do anything for her team that Winston or another character can't do better.
zen is really useful if the enemy team have a 2 tanks, and your team a tracer. completely shreds niggas.
>A lot of people forget that they can switch heroes mid-game.
It's not that they forget, it's just
>b-but muh ult %!
Symmetra is ONLY useful for her teleporter, meaning that she's only good when defending the first point on defense. Once you have to fall back to the final point near your spawn, she no longer has use.
She is absolutely worthless on KOTH and on offense, and I STILL see people pick her on these modes. It's disgusting.
Winston can tear down tanks in under 2 seconds? Other characters can negate enemy ultimates entirely by pressing E? What other character lets me stay alive to harrass after death?
>Winston can tear down tanks in under 2 seconds?
can this cunt does more damage out her mech.
>tfw you accidentally get PotG as Zen
I'm so sorry.
>Other characters can negate enemy ultimates entirely by pressing E?
Mei's wall
Reinhart's shield to an extent
Winston's shield to an extent
I'm not understating its usefulness, I'm just saying there's others who can also cushion such stuff. Especially Mei.
Her turrets can be amazing for harassment, area control, and kills, having a little extra regenerative health is nice, especially for squishy fucks like tracer, and her gun is like a fucking leech. Can also penetrate Rein's shield like a fat cock.
I could see the teleporter being super useful on attack, but it would just essentially function as a makeshift Mercy Ult.
Winston cant break turrets as easily as she can, for instance. When talking about chasing squishies I agree that Winston is almost always on par if not better.
But D.VA shield can do a fuckton of things that other characters can`t, like completely negating some ults (Pharrah, Hanzo, Reaper comes to mind)
The dwarf and the poo chick are annoying when they're defending.
>that fucking turret placed in a hard to reach corner
>the laser sentries stuckd behind a wall you need to go through
D.Va would be top tier of her shotguns weren't so weak.
Zen is basically a walking ult who spams little pew-pew weapons in the meantime. Great in game modes where you have to capture or hold something for extended period, because being INVULNERABLE while making sure your team doesnt die around you is pretty damn powerful when you're capturing something.
Trick with Zen is to follow other characters who are tanky or otherwise soak up the damage for you. Funny thing is Zen works really well with, he both gives D.Va health regen and makes it easier for D.Va to kill stuff, while can just bodyblock most projectiles coming at Zenyatta.
>Winston can tear down tanks in under 2 seconds?
>implying can
Literally fucking Mercy has better damage than's mech.
>Other characters can negate enemy ultimates entirely by pressing E?
>What is Reinhardt
>What is Roadhog
>What is McCree
>What is Mei
>What is Winston
>What is Genji
Not to mention Lucio and Zen have ults that basically negate any incoming damage for a few seconds.
Yes. Try not being shit, each pellet does damage. Big targets get toen to shreads.
Those only block ults, and only some. DVa can completely negate them entirely. With shields, the ults still go off, lime Zarya and Hanzo ults.
I play D.Va and Zenyatta and I have 61.4% and 56.5% win rate with each respectively
maybe you're the one pulling the team down, user
>Winston's shield to an extent
I don't know what character has the Stiff Breeze ult but I don't think Winston's shield could stand up to it.
>Especially Mei.
Meifag here. It's the best.
>Wall to the face blocks his line of sight
>Wall completely shuts off his tire's path and/or absorbs the explosion
>JUSTICE RAINS FROM ABOVE into a wall if they're not high enough
I got a POTG as Zen once. It was me shooting balls at a Reinhardt shield then hopping on top of the payload and double headshotting a Hanzo who was about to ult. I also had the most eliminations on our team, we couldn't push the payload around the second corner on Dorado
literally only waifu fags pick over winston, this is fact.
Nigger, read >mercy has better damage
You have never so much as played Overwatch.
>Zen works really well with
This is actually true. Zen works well with, Symmetra, and Torbjorn. has loads of shield which heals slower, meaning Zen gets lots of ult build, on top of having her soak up damage for him, and Symmetra / Torbjorn keep him from dying to bodyshots.
Bad characters gotta stick together.
The tire can climb walls, stupid.
A good D.Va kicks ass, as does Zenyatta, and Torbjorn can be really good on defense. Symmetra is literally shit though.
anyone who thinks zenyatta is bad doesn't play tanks and anyone who thinks symmetra isn't disgusting simply hasn't played against one ever is probably the weakest character in the game (not that that means much) and torb is pretty fine overall, can one hit tracers with his right click easy
Zen is the ultimate Roadhog bully, as long as you stay out of range of his hook, he's a free ult and you'll force him to keep hiding and healing
Casual skins when blizzard?
>each pellet does damage
Yeah so the half a second you're actually close to a big target before they just walk away from you because you're essentially immobile while shooting you'll be dealing good damage. Then you'll be back to dealing damage so low that it will be healed off by their Lucio faster than you can dish it out without him even needing to press E.
It is NOT the engie's teleporter, it can only be used a max of 6 times (so once per teammate).
You bet your ASS that shitty tracer who dies instantly is going to use it 2 ~ 3 times instead of someone who genuinely needs it.
I guess they're all horrible then. They've always detonated or turned around and ran out of time/suffered too much damage doing so.
I wish I had saved it, but the only PoTG I got with Zen was at the very end of the payload route, I popped the ult, and then afterwards got a triple kill on a Widowmaker, Hanzo and Mercy that were looking the other way
Torb's problem isn't the character, but what he encourages; and that is turret humping when it's completely unnecessary for him to do so, since his gun is great and his turret takes only 5 seconds to upgrade and armor pickups basically act as health packs for him.
>not wrecking as Dva
I'm sorry we can't all be good, OP.
I play Torbjorn as a Reaper and I do pretty OK.
How do you intend on a jetpack that big integrating into casual attire?
Her sentries are fuck amazing at protecting your back line from flanking assassins
>how to lose in Overwatch
playing Overwatch means you've already lost.
D.Va can l make Pharah fuck herself with her own ult. Just shift up them when you activate your shield.
She can fly by expelling all the semen that's crammed in her ass.
Torb is a beast on defense.
Zenyatta + Lucio wins games for you
DVa you literally need to get gud, she's not a tank like Rein
Really, it's when I see someone instalock genji that I know I'm fucked
If there's two I leave
what happens if mccree uses high noon on people in it
mercy has a penis?
Is there anything more annoying than a good Tracer player? Holy shit, its impossible to hit that bitch unless you're a Mcree or a Soldier 76 and she can destroy your tank without a problem
Only thing shit about Symmetra is her weapon range. Certain maps she can be a pain in the ass if she decides to hold some bottle-neck area with her turrets and her weapon. You cant get through without some huge aoe ulti. Well placed teleporter means you win the match no matter what. But get any map with huge open areas in crucial capture-points or similar and she sucks.
played about 40 hours and have yet to see a single decent desu.
Nice thwory crafting, but D Va can just stop shooting and walk foward. She never reloads, and can use her Shift to push people into walls and corners.
I'll fucking rekt your shit with Zenyatta m80
Zen just needs a tad more health and he should be fine
D.VA is incredibly useful for leading a push on a bastion / sentry. Shield and boost can be used at the same time to get right up in their face, then bullet it down. If you don't succeed, you even have a stronger pistol after being forced out of your mech.
I've had matches where it was a roll just because I was on the turret's ass all game, it gave my team a lot of breathing room to position and fight the rest of them off.
Then you can also force the enemy to fuck off at chokes with your really stupid ult, maybe even catch a person dumb enough to stick around.
B-b-but D.Va is best waif
Luckily, most tracers are waifufags that get pushed over by stiff breezes. I shit on tracers and I main Lucio.
But a good one changes games. Same thing with Winston.
If the opposing team has a good widow? Shit. People actually bitch about mccree when this purple piece of shit got through and it infuriates me. I think the person at blizzard responsible for balancing frost mage did this
Tfw when I shit all over everyone as D.VA and wreck supports all day
Yall niggers need to get on my level.
I'm one of the worst Overwatch players in the world and I got a 22 killstreak with Torb, WTF are you talking about?
but I don't want to be level 5 again
How do I play widowmaker guys? I always get killed by assassins before I can have an impact. If I play too far back I dont get kills.
Torb, Mei, Zen and Sym are all pretty good against tracer. Torb's auto-aim turret rapes her, Mei builds a wall, Zen can two-bodyshot her, and Sym slows the fuck out of her.
Again she can't do anything that Winston doesn't do better
>tfw like play torb
>defending on hollywood
>place sentry on vertically moving platform
>sentry never gets touched
>enemy team yells at me
I don't get why people hate him so much.
You must be the one good D.Va player then
I'm rank 40 and they've all been shit to mediocre
if you don't play reinhardt/mccree/lucio/mercy/widowmaker, your team don't need and you may as well not even play the game.
I only pick Widow when we're at a one entrance chokepoint, otherwise she's too much of a target to be useful
>mfw doing this on the moving platforms in Volskayya
He waits five seconds for a Lucio to fart in its general direction then kills them all, meanwhile they can't shoot back because they're all hiding in the bubble :^)
I'd say work on your aim, but widow doesn't really need to at 150 a body shit and one second between shots
It's honestly sounding like your main problem is maps. Get familiar with them. You have vertical movement, which is silly in this game, use it. You have a venom mine for flankers. Your assault rifle is way too powerful if you get some monkey dick.
You forgot tracer
Try 39 nigga.
Are you only playing with gooks? To be honest I still do see a ton of shitty frontline D. VAs too.
>killing two people is the "play of the game"
>Blizzard actually made a class based FPS where some classes are completely worthless in multiple given situations that can't be overcome with skill
People play this shit?
>meanwhile they can't shoot back because they're all hiding in the bubble
>regularly get potg as D. Va with detonate
Learn your boostfu.
It's PotG because Junkrat's tire blocks Hanzo's face for a second and gets destroyed
>They don't know about Torbjorn stack.
>5w - 5l
After beta haven't seen anyone getting hit by ult anymore. Or that many Bastions.
> can't do anything for her team that Winston or another character can't do better.
Winston is worse than D.Va and is pretty shit TBQH.
It's a team based game, mong. Literally no one needs a character that's good for "epic kills" and that's it
If you want to play a bland homogenized game where everyone is exactly the same just run all soldier 76
>Other characters can negate enemy ultimates entirely by pressing E?
Yes. He literally can do just that.
>Winston can tear down tanks in under 2 seconds?
His damage is much better than's, as he can move while attacking and hit multiple targets.
I've only ever lost one game playing as Symmetra. You have shit taste.
what is this meme?
How do you find yourself on that site? I can't do it.
Winston is superior to D.Va in every way and is amazing if you know how to play him
That's been happening a lot lately
It'd break after the first few targets and hit the others
Only homos play McCree
I used to think forced 50 was a meme until I hit 30 and had 107 games and 65 wins
Look at the stats of the literal top five players in the world. They're hovering around 55%. They're NOT bad
They can try as they might to do that, but you can still make it work. 65%-70% master race. Flanking is god-tier when you do it right.
Gotta save detonate so it hits its mark as soon as it blows up. Can't do it too soon. Helps of you're ambushing or you have a Mei building walls
>play predominately as D.Va, Mercy, and Bastion
>After six hours of playing, only have two potg
>join match, needs builder
>fuck it, I'll play as torb
>only play for five minutes, win match
>get potg with a double kill from turret plus ult kill
Honestly torb is awesome
>he doesn't play McCree
It doesn't do anything to help balance if no one abuses broken characters. It'll never go away otherwise.
Playing a lot of Torb, Zen and D.Va I feel like all three require a bit more teamwork to function well. More teamwork than most other classes really.
D.Va doesn't kill very well on her own but is an excellent distraction with her chip damage and mobility. Sadly a lot of players just charge the point alone or in pairs because loltankclass but can't seal the deal. Also her ult is really easy to avoid.
Toblerones turret isn't really that strong by itself but is great when the enemy is preoccupied with somebody else, either a teammate or Toblerone himself. Problem is people just play him like a set-and-forget engineer.
Zenyatta is my favorite character in both design and function but he really needs teammates in front of him to get shit done. It's always those awful teams where everyone just trickles into the front line one or two at a time after they respawn rather than grouping up or pushing. Zen has decent healing and solid damage with Discord Orb being really fucking strong, assuming you have a team worth working with. Alone he's practically defenseless and can be melted by every other hero.
tl;dr they require more teamwork than other heroes and teamwork can be hard to find in soloqueue.