this kills the nvidia
This kills the nvidia
Other urls found in this thread:
>any moment in the universe's infinite timeline
Not now, not tomorrow, not 30 years ago, and certainly not 5 days from now. Dual gpu solutions are a blight on humanity and need to be cleansed with fire. Die heathen.
>amd fags clinging to hope
One month, m8. I cannot fucking wait.
I can't wait to play Shadow Warrior 2 and No Man's Sky with this.
with vulkan/dx12 dual gpu will actually not be shit
I think the point they are trying to make is that the 480 has an amazing value for what it offers, it goes without saying that using dual mid-end cards is a bad idea
Until Nvidia announces the 1080ti the following month.
And then AMD puts some other thing out after that.
We've seen this a million fucking times before, just buy a card and be done with it.
June 29th
Yup, this will be my next card. Should be enough for 1080p.
Didn't they say that it would be $200?
Or is that just the reference card
480 is the new indisputed king of 1080p, 1070 and 1080 are for 1440p
This. My buddy bought two cards to crossfire. 9 out of 10 times he has to turn it off to make it run better
They said it starts at 199, probably the 4GB version. The 8GB version is most likely like 20 bucks more expensive.
199 for 4gb, 239 for 8gb
>2X the tdp
>half the performance
Poverty: the card.
Enjoy the widespread development of games that use either in about 3-5 years.
Meanwhile your underpowered card is going to be a white elephant waiting to be good while Nvidiafriends enjoy excellent funtimes.
>with vulkan/dx12 dual gpu will actually not be shit
Even the new rendering techniques offered by vulkan and DX12 doesn't change the fact that compatibility is required at driver level for each new game that comes out.
>Those prices
How do you think it'll match up for vr against nvidia?
>Inb4 le vr is meme xdddd
>200 dollar card is almost even with a 700 dollar card
AMD won again, didn't they? Like a broken record.
Show them with tesselation turned off too.
>2 cards still weaker than 1
>AMDrones crow about this garbage
Post frametimes too pajeet
>Nvidiafriends enjoy excellent funtimes
>3D mark
wow who cares
>amd fags think VR has any future whatsoever
>amd fags cant handle the perfect bang for buck of the gtx970
I think you mean 2 $200 cards. Don't forget to mention frametimes and excellent dual gpu microstutter and no CF profiles out for old games meaning you get the excellent advantage of literally half the performance or shit not even working correctly.
>gtx 980/r9 390 tier GPU
>150 watt usage a single 6 pin connection
This. AMD is absolute madman.
>single 6 pin connection
Having more connectors feels and looks more badass in my opinion, I never asked for low power consumption, fuck you AMD
nice biased benchmark familia
All this crap is faked. Watch the driver support make these "benchmark results" take a plunge.
Whats that, you use Radeon ? You are also a Vegan ? And you do Crossfit ? Wow bro, you are so out there
Fun fact: It was confirmed that the AMD cards were running on lower graphics settings.
>1 game that nobody plays
oh don't worry nvidia is paying devs to install gameworks and use dx11 not 12 as we speak. they are afraid
its ok when nvidia does it
3 Nvidia™ credits have been added to your account. Thank you for providing such a valuable advertisement service!
Actually it was the 1080 that struggled to render the shaders / lower looking graphics
Blown the fuck out but keep grasping at straws nvidiacuck
>buying nvidia
no one said this was ok
you shouldn't trust benchmarks directly from manufacturers unless you're retarded
>AMD lies
Here's the actual benchmarks straight from the Ashes website with the 1080 scoring higher.
>yfw you didn't fall for AMD lies
A lie is not gona save you. Check
>Nvidia tells devs what to do meme!
Nobody uses DX 12 because it's Windows 10 only, that and you basically have to throw out 5+ years of work or use a new engine + port all your assets onto it.
They'll use DX11 because it takes less work and Consoletards can't tell the difference considering they buy CoD: Rehash 24/7 and still get fooled by Naughty Dog/Sony bullshots.
Nvidia is on the right retard. AMD is missing shadows and other effects.
Actually it was confirmed that Nvidia cards didn't want to render some shit because of driver and had less work. The meme is entirely because retards thinks that more snow = lower details.
It's going to be hilarious when AMD is still clinging to Ashes of the Singularity in 5 years.
>tfw building a new PC soon
>trying not to get jewed
>always been an AMD Boi
>might just go for the 1070
what'll be the AMD equivalent?
nvidia...had a hard life.
480, and it's half the price
>Turn the graphics down so my AMD trash can compete
Loving every laugh, m8.
Apart from price is the AMD experience any different from Nvidia?
but you'll have to buy two, or is that just for the 1080
You wont get jewed and your card wont get gimped when newer cards come out.
You get to wait 6 months for a driver to fix the problems with 99% of releases.
But hey at least you can plays Ashes and Hitman.
I can see shadows in both of those blurry screencaps
The graphics settings aren't the problem. The problem is with the benchmark itself. Every time you run the benchmark, the terrain is procedural. This is why you see different shadows and shit because the right side has more raised up terrain as hills in certain areas unlike the left side.
Shittier drivers, poor game optimization, and higher temperatures. But it's okay because you save money!
just for the 1080
>people arguing over ashes of the singularity benchmarks
>people thinking ashes of the singularity benchmarks, dx12, or async compute matter
"our new flagship is half as fast as their new flagship! just buy two!" is not a viable business plan
from the article:
At present the GTX 1080 is incorrectly executing the terrain shaders responsible for populating the environment with the appropriate amount of snow. The GTX 1080 is doing less work to render AOTS than it otherwise would if the shader were being run properly. Snow is somewhat flat and boring in color compared to shiny rocks, which gives the illusion that less is being rendered, but this is an incorrect interpretation of how the terrain shaders are functioning in this title.
The content being rendered by the RX 480--the one with greater snow coverage in the side-by-side (the left in these images)--is the correct execution of the terrain shaders.
So, even with fudgy image quality on the GTX 1080 that could improve their performance a few percent, dual RX 480 still came out ahead.
Again blown the fuck out
What? If you use crossfire, you get more than 1080 performance, at almost half the price.
If you buy 1 480,you'll get almost 1070 performance at half the 1070 price
I can't wait to enjoy these terrible games.
Thanks AMD, always thinking of us gamers.
I think it's funny that Sup Forums and Sup Forums are such AMD fanboys.
480 isn't the flagship, you dumb nigger
It's not their flagship retard. It's literally 200 dollars poorman card. Vega is flagship.
i appreciate the info anons, thanks alot
Its not "The way you're meant to be played".
>hey guys Nvidia isn't rendering right on this cherry picked benchmark. Buy our card!
All you have to look at is TFLOPS
okay that's a distinction that you make. now let's see what joe consumer says
"hmm, that's weird, AMD only has these way slower cards on the market"
The fact that AMD's R480X @ $199 is 90% or equal to a GTX 1070 for $379 should have you thinking why you overpay for Nvidia products user.
As well as crossfire beating 1080 for $250 less.
Vega is coming and it will kill nvidias enthusiast cards just like the 480x has blown the fuck out of every nvidia 9xx series and the 1070
name a faster card in the AMD stable.
Oh wait there are none, also it's not even out yet because once it's out the real world benchmarks are going to shit all over it.
post frametimes pajeet
Yeah I'll wait for benchmarks other than fucking Memes of Singularity
>is 90% or equal
Benchmarks when?
>Pulling shit out of your cunt.
>A real RTS hardware intensive benchmark
>Nvidia can't keep up
>B-but we win in this DX11 game you can play on a toaster! Look 200 fps!
lmfao I'm dying
Is Ashes of the Singularity a real game? Or is it just a benchmark whore?
When the dust settles, let's all admit it was never good from the start.
If AMD's cards are so good, why is the company dying?
I am that buddy
nvidia cucks, they are worried. scared.
Guys I need a new GPU and my local store has a GTX 1080 Founders Edition in stock, only one left.
Should I do it?
I know it's inferior to AIB coolers and whatnot.
Hold off until E3 since AMD should be making more card announcements at PC Gamer Show
ITT: If you want to play Ashes of Singularity, Hitman and Tomb Raider buy 2 AMD cards and enjoy your housefires.
Otherwise the only right choice is Nvidia
t. I own a R9 280x and a GTX 970
One caused the plaster in my home to crack, and sounds like a vaccuum cleaner 24/7. One barely emits heat and is quiet as a mouse.
Please never buy AMD memes unless you enjoy these terrible things. Performance is not the be all and end all.
>inb4 my card doesn't get over 60c memes
Yeah the heat is pumped out into your fucking room so it's still a space heater with the added bonus of sounding like a wind tunnel.
Nvidia has one of the best marketing teams ever seen
>on medium
5 Nvidia™ credits have been added to your Nvidia™ account. Don't forget you can buy Razer™ products with them!
How much $?
>buying founders edition trash
wait for vega or at the very least the normal release for nvidias trash
no, wait for the aftermarket coolers
yikes the delusion in this thread, wanting nvidia to lose so bad against all reality
you guys realize that nvidias engineering budget is literally like 10 times that of AMDs, right?
NVIDIA has a slicker and better-funded advertising department. As well as more subtle viral marketing.
Nice memes.
>Unironically implying nvidia cards dont overheat like fucking crazy
max settings my friend.
No wonder your shit melts, you only buy shitty memecards
Do it if youre idiot who cant wait for a better product.