Who plays a PS1 in the year 2014?

Who plays a PS1 in the year 2014?

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I keep wanting to play the first crash. I must have turned it on like 10 times over the past 5 years, but I get bored before finishing the first level.

can you actually play it, or is it just a cutscene?

me, and I guess peoplewho played it back then and have fond memories of the system.
The games haven´t gotten any worse and a lot of them are worth revisiting every now and then.

Thank´s for based emu devs

That happened to me too but then I tried not being a faggot

You play it.

You can actually play it.

Whole game or just a level?

let´s make this into a ps1 thread

>Street Fighter Alpha 3
>Breath of Fire IV
>Megaman Legends 2
>Ridge Racer Type 4

They're still solid in my eyes


last webm

>Clearly I will go sailing no more

Obligatory pic. 2016 Crash, ND will turn it into a cutscene-filled, story-based disaster

Just a level. Not even the actual level from the actual game.

But will they make Coco sexier.

>Finding that one bizarre find at your Blockbuster to rent



>Played through the Crash trilogy two weeks ago.

Those jetpack levels in 2 were awful and I'd take any of 3's gimmick levels over them any day.

the jetpack levels were only in the last warp room.
I love all three, but Crash3 was probably the least challenging

Why are you being such a god damned faggot?

>Activision gets the rights
>Doesn't even attempt to use them
>Won't sell the rights to Sony or ND and earn a fuckload of money
Are they doing this on purpose?

>[Epic METAL Remix]

who currently owns Crash?

Did we ever get confirmation on Sony buying him back?

Yeah that title is pretty stupid. It´s still a great remix.
Also everyone who isn´t a new fag wen´t through the epic phase even if they don´t want to admit it.

i could see Crash going the ratchet and clank route

Activision isn't mentioned at all in the credits of Uncharted 4, and copywrite information is not something you forget unless you want to get sued up the ass.

It is actually the whole level.



who the fuck knows? maybe sony paid them for the one-off, a chance to stick it to Crash fans.
everyone knows a 2016 Crash will be utter shit. current ND doesn't even know what a platformer is

just put the tweet


> 2016-03-14

That was taken and played in 2016, not 2014. You fraud!

I think that legally they quoted and inserted a game from Naughty Dog that is actually property of Sony
I don't think they should have listed Activision for that

The character is still Activision's, they'd still need permission.

That still requires copyright info

It's on the back of the game box.

love the cumshot

I guess ND consulted with Sony before doing anything and so they got legal conunseling

Based people

I loved that game but god damn were the boss fights awful.

I'm looking at it right now and it just isn't there.

Fuck I really want to play crash again. Is PS1 emulation on phones any good now a days?
I have hour lunches so I might as well take advantage of them.

It's a segment of a level from the second game. Also the "scoring" system is completely bullshit and made up for the purpose of the little bet between nathan and elena

Honestly I'd prefer a Jak sequel over Crash. I know they already tried that and it didn't work, but that was because they were trying to hard to make it "realistic;" the fact that they're doing Crash shows that they're not so high and mighty to do a "kiddy" game so I don't see what the problem is.

because if it was any more recent then the graphics would compete with those of the actual game


So the end shot with Cassie playing PS1, we can assume that's like 14 years later? If not more? Thats pushing 2030 and your telling me a young girl is playing Crash 1?

Naughty Dog doesn't have the right people to make a good Crash/Jak game anymore. Unless some in house Sony studio was gonna do it that were hyped about the old games I don't think it would turn out good

>I have the same sweater as nathan drake


>>I have the same sweater as nathan drake
It's a pretty bland sweater

I'd prefer it even more if I could legitimately play PS1 games on PS4


Whatever then, it doesn't have to be ND.

I just want another Jak game goddammit

>playstation 1 with ps3 triggers

Quality naughty dog.



Drake's probably like me and had a PS1 when it first came out, so he likes to revisit them old games from time to time.

Hell, I just started up a new game of Spyro: Year of the Dragon this week.

What game? That looks fun as shit.

Elena kept her PS1 from her college days.
She's most likely a casual and played very little on it. She just keeps it around for fun jokes with Nate.
What is more baffling is that her daughter plays the game 15 years later.
Some people are pure nostalgia gamers.
My brother is one. He only plays games from the PS2 era and is disgusted with newer games and find them boring.

Omega Boost

It's an arcade style space shooter for the PS1. Lasts about an hour or so, but definitely worth playing.

wow such attention to detail ND bravo

What game is this?

With Druckman at the helm? Fuck no.
Hennig was the last bastion at that sinking ship that favored artistic integrity in favor of throwing steaks to the SJW crowd.
She quit after Druckman pushed for Left Behind and basically pandering to the journos who'd rather read a fucking book than play video games. He also just shoe-horned in her little lesbian fling and her dying for dramatic effect as a cheap tear-jerker.
Chapter 12, where the Drake Bros break into that mansion, is extremely reminiscent down to the 'making friends with, only to have that character die for dramatic effect'(minus the sexual fling) along with looking at shit and walking around.
You bet your ass that there will be tons of walking, less puzzles and less firefights in any potential new IP or possible TLOU sequel.

I honest to God thought that was Mike Matei in the thumbnail.

Ghost in the Shell

i do :^)

Holy fucking shit, I was at work thinking about this game today, and didn't know the name of it. I was literally thinking that I would go my entire life without knowing.

PALGN don't even exist anymore.
