What game ya been playin Sup Forums

What game ya been playin Sup Forums

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metro 2033

The Finals

I played and beat Kingdom Hearts for the first time this week. Ansem a shit. That motherfucker can take his submit attack and shove it up his ass.

Working away at Persona 3 when I can. Overwatch otherwise.

Mainly work and catching up on TV shows though desu.

Resident Evil 4


Hoo, boy, just wait till you play the sequels.

oh wowee those games are neat

what were your favorite parts thus far

Ansem didn't actually give me trouble, it was just the submit attack that had me raging. The only boss I had problems with was Hades and that fucking spinning fire sweep thing that kept wrecking me until I figured out where to hide from it.


Did you fight Sephiroth

None because I hate myself and my life.

Village chief boss fight. His transformation was cool looking.

Battlefield 4

Lots and lots of Battlefield 4

What have y-you been playing then huh user

Been playing Pikmin 2 again a lot this week.

No I gave up and finished the game after the ice titan like the underachieving pussy I am

Final Fantasy IV. I can't believe people actually thought this game had a revolutionary story or gameplay.

Street fighter alpha 3rd and Morrowind

I started a new Bloodborne character

I still haven't played the DLC and I'm very excited to finally delve into it after working a whole lot lately

I love video games

Witcher 3


The DLC has some of the best(and hardest) bosses in the game, and they are amazing and I love that DLC so damn much. You'll have a lot of fun with it!

Just beat D44M today. It was bretty gud.

BF4 and overwatch on PC. Gradually growing my 360 collection for the hell of it.

what is that game user

ive been kicking ass at CoH 2 3v3

too scurred to play 1v1 tho :(


hey neato is that really all yours user

Movie Battles

Dota :D


I'm sure you'll be fine user

It's only a video game after all, as long as you're enjoying yourself

NFS: Most Wanted

It's pretty fun comfy street racing. Can't wait to get to carbon and undercover and then find out what racing game to play that's anything like them and be sad

that game gets real cool in after that part

castles are okey dokey

Skyrim, playing with mods for the first time, I am pretty excited to see how it goes

Ya it really is all mine, here is my PC setup

Peace Walker all this morning
DQ IV for a tiny bit in the midday
Persona 3 all this evening

You're right

It really is too bad that racing games have been sort of been falling off the radar lately

they're real fun and I love games that let me go real fast vroom vroom

what kinda mods you got downloaded user

I haven't played any of the Persona games, is there any you'd recommend? Do you have to play them in chronological order to understand stuff?

Oh gee it's like something from all those spy movies I saw

Whiterun enhanced, snow texture and water improvements, alt. start mod, and followers can relax
desu im not sure what to download, i dont care much for weapons but i would like some suggestions

>I haven't played any of the Persona games
This one (Persona 3 Portable) is actually my first. Its generally regarded as a good point to jump into the series, I think; I also believe all the mainline Persona entries are stand alone from one another

I'm certainly enjoying P3P a lot more than I thought I would.

Every once in a while I'll try beating the final boss I'm Ratchet and Clank (2016) but it seems beyond me.


it's a damn fun game

Etrian Odyssey IV came in today. This game seems pretty cool so far. Never played a game like this before.

Also, been playing a few games of Overwatch every now and then.

Persona 1 and 2 are significantly different beasts than 3 and 4 and the upcoming 5. They're fun, but they're oldschool, have unforgiving amounts of random encounters, and are cryptic as fuck with a lot of their bullshit like getting certain party members or getting specific better Personae.

3 and 4 are more slice-of-life with tied in dungeon crawling. I'd recommend 3 then 4, but to be honest 4 is the superior game on a standalone basis - The combat is slicker and you've got more control over how it plays due to being able to properly control your party members.

The great debate of what *version* of each to play is a lot harder. Original P3 for the PS2 has gotten several updates, but whether FES - Which has some new stuff and a (kinda shitty) extra dungeon at the end of the game, or P3P, the PSP version that included the option to play a female character, has a lot of the gameplay updates that P4 has, but skips over some content like some of the voice acting and getting to wander around the town has been replaced with picking the spots out of a menu with backgrounds of the area. Meanwhile, Persona 4 and Persona 4 Golden is basically just adding in more content in the Vita version, but I've heard a lot of people didn't like the changes in the musical score, especially the battle themes.

I'd recommend P3P and Persona 4. If you play p4 first, expect to be a little frustrated with Persona 3's combat when you step back to it

Also really wanting to play SMT: Nocturne, for whatever reason.
Does that game emulate well? Or should I play it on the ps2 or the PSN version?

Total War: Warhammer.
By far the best TW so far.

>getting to wander around the town has been replaced with picking the spots out of a menu with backgrounds of the area
Well fuck, I didn't realize that was removed content. I suppose you actually get to explore areas in the newer Persona games?

Just beat Dark Souls, been playing a lot of Overwatch with friends, just got to the library level on Metro Redux and I'm stuck on the part where you have to defend yourself outside of it

I played some Dawn of war with the ultimate apocalypse mod, did an exterminatus on some helpless orcs, felt good

Overmeme (which fucking melts my video card, somehow and causes massive overheating)
and Talos Principle, which did that too today. I think it may be time for a new computer, but I'll wait for cooler months to see if it's just the fucking weather.
Probably, it's fucking awful in Florida this time of year and only gonna get worse.
Anyway, A and B down, was about to do the Messenger in Building B today. Have gotten every Star in A and B without cheating, there's some horribly tricky shit going on in this place with some of those Stars.
>Spent an Hour on the B7 trying to get the star in one of the Courses
>Trying to get the Red beam from another course in
>Finally realize the trick
>Don't even feel like a retard, more of a fucking genius because at that range, the gap is 1 pixel fucking wide
>Used the Jammer from across the way on the door.

The ps2 version is a lot better for me, cutscenes, you can actually walk when exploring the city, and the extra animations when something happens. And you should read a recap of The Answer, it shows what happens after the ending

Mostly been playing some Doom and Twilight Princess HD.

I've been playing bravely second. It's pretty neat.

Beat Sonic 2 some minutes ago.

The final boss is fucking ridiculous, but aside from that it was pretty fun.

Just beat all the side ops in mgsv, now trying to find something else to waste time.

SMT Nocturne. Holy shit, that second Dante fight was great.

>Dante uses Showtime!
>DMC2 Style ranks flash on the screen while he's attacking my whole party

I couldn't force myself to finish all that filler, congrats, I guess.

I've been playing untranslated eroge.

Technically video games

Trails in the Sky SC.

I just beat FC, and I'm about 15 hours into SC. TC comes out next year. Can't wait.

what kinda weapon did you main on darksouls?
Really? that's good because i'm really into the rest of them
Nice, what's your favorite zelda?
Have you developed all the shit you can? and kidnapped all the cute animals?

you're not allowed to like video games. do you know where you are? i hope your next post will be an angsty contrarian opinion and/or bait

i've been playing Overwatch, Total War:Warhammer and DOOM

I pre ordered the new atelier game and odin sphere so I will be playing those soon enough.

>Have you developed all the shit you can? and kidnapped all the cute animals?
No, because I'm not autistic and that game isn't that fun.

Enjoy it while it lasts. SC is fantastic.It deserves to be placed with the greats of JRPGs from the SNES and PS1 eras.

>what kinda weapon did you main in dark souls
Zweihander the entire time. Now in NG+ I'm going to level up strength and dex some more so I can use black knight great axe and shit like that

I think I'll start with 3 but which version would you recommend overall?

What did you think of it user? I really really like that game. Did you play the DLC? Sure took me a long time to beat that mean ol dragon

Twilight Princess is one of my favorite Zelda games. I know a lot of people don't think it's as swell as I do but the dungeons are real cool and it just has such a nice charm to it

b-but they're a lot of fun

TFW Reply user skips your post.

Today I uninstalled ds3 after raging harder than ever and almost breaking my keyboard, downloaded metro last light, condemned criminal origins and started playing metal gear revengeance, seems pretty good from what I've played, and that soundtrack on boss fights..

Heroes of the Storm. I think I'm finally done with it though.

Community is starting to remind me of the Final Fantasy XIV:ARR community, it's either -

1. Special little snowflakes that want to experience HotS as if it was a majestic single player experience (tunnel vision players)

2. Typical try-hard moba babies that will spew shit 60 seconds into the game if it isn't going perfect

Playing through Phantasy Star 4. Really fun rpg.

Hearthstone and Starcraft usually on the weekends.

If I just had more time I would play all these cool RPGs that have been coming out lately but they're just so long :(

is that the RTS with all the robots?

Which ones did you get? I also haven't tried modded Skyrim.

a little bit of hearthstone since the tavern brawl came back. doin my quests.

i stopped playing dark souls 3 last friday and i wanna get back into it but i just NG+'d my first guy so idk if I just wanna roll a new character or play through NG+ on him. He's kinda boring me.

>What did you think of it user? I really really like that game. Did you play the DLC? Sure took me a long time to beat that mean ol dragon
I really hated demon ruins and lost izalith, nearly made my eyes bleed. I didn't play the DLC, but I have the prepare to die edition so I just need to figure out how to get to it. I picked the dark lord ending because I think having a game end with the main character dying is stupid

You make a fair point
Sick, that's how i finished the game 1st playthrough

I've been playing Dungeon Travelers 2. Finally beat the main story and now I just have the post game (and however long it takes me to get that 20k kills trophy)
Also been getting mad at how bullshit some of the later cavern floors in Human Tanks Alter are.

Modded Skyrimjob and Overwatch.
Shit taste, but it works out for the moment.

Started playing Shadowrun Dragonfall yesterday, it's pretty fun so far. Really like the portrait designs.

been playing some witcher 3, overwatch, and civ 5

been debating on playing banished, but i find it a little stressful sometimes

very excited for no mans sky, even though it was delayed by quite some time.

what games allow me to explore space casually, and/or play as some sort of merchant? got the craving for this specific thing once i heard you could do it in no mans sky

I tried getting into hearthstone today but that fucking battle.net locked me out of my account for not remembering my password and secret answer,fuck them, uninstalled it.


Lowsec and wh exploration in eve. I'm clenching my anus all the time.

Shinovi Versus

that's like saying "fuck mcdonalds i tried getting in through the drive through window and they pushed me out and told me to go around to the real door"

Were you trying to play a souls game with mouse and keyboard? user you know better than that. Hook up that xbox controller broski

Also Revengeance is great, don't let anyone tell you otherwise

yeah those levels are real bright. And getting to the DLC is actually pretty confusing but following a guide should make it pretty simple

I started going into NG+ with my pyro but being a pyro in this game basically only means "destructo disk everything to death" and it was cool at first but I dunno if I wanna do that for another playthrough. Just role a new dude, it'll be real fun

I'm excited for No Man's Sky but I feel like it might get boring after a bit if it just doesn't have any objectives or goal you're trying to reach. They haven't really talked about that and it worries me. I'm sure there'll be something though

Final fantasy Tactics Advance
Kinda hard to get used to after playing the original, but it seems charming so far.


Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn and Halo 2

cute boy
i just don't know what to roll for my new character. might do a str/dex or sorc. the build diversity is pretty shit in this one since a lot of weapons are shit.

>yeah those levels are real bright.
I had a mod installed that made it look better but my computer got a virus and my antivirus uninstalled everything, now I can't get any mods to work

I'm in the opposite boat, playing the original

They make it so strict, instead of sending me an email or something, no, let's just fuck people trying to play our games, ands locks me out of it. Fuck them

>is that the RTS with all the robots?
That sounds like supreme commander, so nope.

Dawn of war is the one with space orks and space humans and space elfs

getting all those older classics out of the way there user? Whats next on the list


Just Overwatch and I picked up Vanquish over the weekend. Well I've had it for a few weeks now, I just popped it in to the PS3. What an amazing first hour. It gave me that same feeling I had when I first played Bayonetta, that pure joy that I received when I played video games as a kid. It made me think "this is what gaming is all about" all over again. The insanely fast movement, the powerful weapons, the melee attacks just feel so amazing. It took me about half an hour to beat the first boss though, that may be because I'm retarded and ran out of ammo halfway through but still what a fucking blast that game is. And the campy story, cheesy dialogue, and the protagonist are just icing on the cake. Plus your superior has the voice of Tank Dempsey from Black ops zombies, which I love his meathead voice and witty one liners. I can't wait to play more of it.

Lone Survivor. Got 3/5 endings, time for the low mental health endings.

It's shit. The gameplay is arse (because dropping not chaff grenades and waiting for enemy patrol routes is SO FUCKING GOOD, GUYS). it looks like arse, every ounce of the backstory is deliberately obfuscated for the sake of being obfuscated. Even the sound design isn't that great, the static of the zombies gets fucking annoying and you'll get your Silent Hill panic tunes when NOTHING is happening.

Made by a SIlent Hill 2 fan who didn't understand why the game was good. Nice music though, made by a dude who did some Hotline Miami tunes after all.