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hair reskin when?

But user there already is one :-)

good hair reskin when?

that hair makes her face look fatter

She fucking looks like Jim Sterling

what did they mean by this?

>anyone with dyed hair is an extremist politically
I hate this maymay

Why else, if not too rebel against something?


It's a literal "look at me, I'm different".

Which is ironic since they all end up looking the same.

It's more like anyone who's Russian is an extremist.

And that's true.



What did she mean by this?

Despite her hair choice, she's my favorite tank.

>I'm going for the totem steal!

Is what I hear every time

Jesus christ I can't believe how bad Blizzard is at making skins

A lot of their skins are decent, even SJWs probably agree that's her worst skin.

Zarya has the worst skins though. Ironically Zenn has the bests.


Oгoнь пo гoтoвнocти!

Is there a dank heardwrong for Genji's ult?

So she's a hot topic shirt?


>have to save up 1000 blizzard money to play her

I'm so glad the skin RNG granted me for her was Soviet Front. I'd be so disapointed if I got one of those shitty cybergoth ones.

just fucking play her
you can't even see her, YOU ARE HER

But yeah those skins are great

>Strong female character that doesnt feel forced
>Russian charm akin to the Heavy from TF2
>Tough, protective playstyle to protect her team while annihilating the enemy
>Isn't sympathetic to the Omnics after they ruined her home village, unlike a majority of the cast

>Dumb hair color and style

>nah user that characters dumb
>dude what an SJW character
>dude how do you like the feminist russian

Should I get this game? Or should I get Doom instead?

I want an fps but don't know which meme to cash in on.

Why the actual fuck even bother getting married?

thank you

insurance reasons I guess?

Clownfish pls go, we're not going to be distracted by your hair into blundering into your anemone boyfriend

I do play her but fuck man I just can't get over how fucking stupid her hair is. I'm this close to sinking some real eurodollars in the game just so I can buy a Sovjet skin.

Go back to your general.

I like you

>anime girl has pink hair
>no one complains
>cartoon girl has pink girl
>literally unable to play as her in a first person game

If you can only get 1, I'd get DOOM, if you'll get both eventually, get OW first since it'll hold you up until you get DOOM

>ugly haircut
>stupid tatoo
>DO YOU EVEN LIFT ? XDDDD voice line
>ugly ass accent



I really wish they would change her hair color to something that isn't bright pink.

couldn't play her seriously until i got this skin

Her white ushanka and overcoat costume is the fucking best. I've got like 2.8k Overwatch Funbucks due to some super lucky unboxing, and I'm definitely considering getting that. Or whatever really cool Mercy skin comes out that isn't the Nordic or devil costume.

Social expectations and low self-esteem.

When most people think of a man with a life that's complete they think of a man with a desk job that has a wife and some kids while owning his own house and teaching his son how to be a man.

It's hard to match that image for a lot of reasons but most men strive towards it because we believe that marks our life as complete. And there are enough people willing to whip those out of line out of respect for that image.

So as much as some people deride the traditional marriage they adhere to the concept of a ring and family with a house. So you end up with a situation of a man settling down with a wife that doesn't want to commit to just him even though that's the image men are fed. Rather than accept that and move on, social pressures and the idealized image drives the man to settle with at least a "wife and family" to his name. Because no matter what he has a wife and kid, and that means his life is complete.

No spitting on the idea of marriage and families. That's a wonderful thing. I just imagine that male ideals eventually force some men to settle with what they can get out of fear of never getting anything by the end.

>Easily the shittiest default design
>Arctic skins give her one of the best designs in the game

Fucking Zarya is too bipolar.

probably a control mechanism outside of sexualizing women. Which could be a couple in the attempt to control people.

Joint filing.

Cute as fuck, wonder what her feet look like.

>blizzard employee is actually really cute
How did they mess it up so badly?

I'd fuck her

Best misheard ult.

the world needs more zayra sfm

who will rise to the call?


> Liking dukes

Shit taste detected

>not wanting to be her fuzzy bear

Shit taste detected.

>Sup Forums is still raging and complaining about a fictional woman's hair color

How does it feel to be exactly like those you deride and mock?

You're a white male, fuck off


>phone posting
>outed by autocorrect while phone posting

>not liking tomboys
>not wanting to teach her what it feels like to play with her clitoris
>not wanting to watch her melt around your finger

Extremely homosexual tbqh


Seriously, the fuck?

the sfm has her with such "THICKNESS" I absolutely need it in my life.


Bottom panel ruins it. Top two are so well drawn and then they just finish it with that same lazy tumblr bullshit style.
They were so close and then just said fuck it.

I still don't know who the girl on the left is supposed to be

Obviously Widowmaker.

Widowmaker, I assume. Impossible to know for sure because of the shitty artstyle.

it's Swiss German for Heroes never die


How did they get away with this?

>Use ULT as 76
>"I've got jews in my sights!"

jesus christ
blizzard REALLY doesnt care

>I'm a one-man holocaust...
Fucking Roadhog is brutal

I had a gf that was poly and it just meant sex wasn't exclusive, she was a slut for sure but I am too so it worked for awhile - but most people can't handle it. I eventually couldn't and we broke it off pretty mutually but it's really not hard to imagine ways for couples to have sex with other people without it being cuckoldry. Swinging is pretty common too, that's more of a mutual cheating agreement.

So people should just dress to what is considered the norm?

Allahu Ackbar!!

Why did Pharah say this?
Who finds jokes like that funny?

Swinging is something old folks do to spice up their sex life because fucking in missionary for 20+ years gets boring.

This poly relationship bullshit is just the new trend for lazy fuckers like you and your girlfriend who don't want to have to work and commit to a relationship. These relationships fail every goddamn time.


Monogamy is for self conscious faggots.



>ching chang chong cheng I hate mongorians



Mongolian Hero, whos sole purpose is to fuck over Mei all the time, when?


Monogamy was once a strong pillar of civilization but it has been chipped apart over the years becoming a hollow husk of its former self.

That was the only good OW thread ever on this board.

zarya makes me rock solid.
the thought of her taking her big fat girlcock out and ramming it up my boypussy is just too good.
no homo, its not gay if its a girl's cock

I'd say D.Va, her in-game model looks really scrawny

If they removed the dumb as fuck visor it'd be 100% better

this one is purrty guud. so was last... and the last...

It really wasn't funny and I'd love to know how many of these replies are samefags

stick -(( bum

>I've got jews in my sights

I'm glad I'm not the only one who says this

That is amazing. I really wish there was more Zarya r34 thats not futa. :C

that towel is much too short, how can she possible by hiding her 10 inch cock like that?

>not a hole in the watermelon for her to stick her dick into
whats the point?

What does she actually say? I still don't fucking know.

>Oi guv'nor wouldya like to stick me in me bum, I swear tis' tight as a jew's pocket so it is

This voice line was really uncalled for Blizzard.


Tip: Ults are spoken in their native language by enemies and are spoken in English by allies.

So in English, she says "Fire at will!"

>My name is not important
Don't know why Blizzard referenced such a shit game

>that genji one