This game is freaking amazing. The gameplay, customization and ascetic. And the game just has so much character to boot

This game is freaking amazing. The gameplay, customization and ascetic. And the game just has so much character to boot.

Why do people always call it a let down? Everyone's so hard on the enemy turn speed but there's a fast forward button so what's the problem? I don't get it at all.

Lots of people dropped it pre-patch and never looked back.

Releasing a game that slow doomed it from the start. No one cares that it has fast forward now.

It wasn't like that at first. It got patched in.

Wait you're telling me there's a patch that added the fast forward button? That's weird, I don't even remember patching it.

Did you get it from the eshop?

Usually eshop games come with their current update by default.

But yes, it did not start off with fast forward.

Yup I did. Guess that makes sense. Grabbed it on a whim for a long train ride. Really glad I did. Shame folks around here still seem to rag on it despite the fix.

Plenty cried about aesthetics too.

what is the complaints about aesthetics?

>Looks like shit
>Plays like shittier versions of better games
>It's shit
Unless this is literally the first game of its genre you played there's no reason to like it.

Not muh weeb

I don't see what's to complain about but I'm sure there are but there are always folks with shit taste.

While I'm at it though, I was wondering something. Is Valkyria Chronicles gameplay like this game? I've been a bit interested in the series lately and they seem similar.

Did you get it for $5, brand new, from EB Games like I did, fellow Canadanon?

Nope, got it on the eshop.


For the record OP, the whiners were virtually all shitposters who never touched it.

Everyone who has actually played the game loves it, as a quick glance on Miiverse can attest.

It is simply becoming more and more difficult to praise new Nintendo IPs on Sup Forums, especially niche ones like this. You get barraged with all of these nonsense complaints that simply do not matter.

Yes but no "chess-map"

The Silver Age comic book style would have been better in HD

Yeah, it's a lot of fun, but sadly didn't sell well.

i did
10 US, still haven't touched it since im trying to finish the shit on my plate first, but i wanted it because i heard it was a 3DS xcom style game with abe lincoln or some shit

Just bought it last week for 10 dollars. This game didn't deserve to die like it did.

Honestly, it's an okay game outside of the infinitely respawning enemies and enemies who cheat with their Overwatch. You get a whole one attack but they can hit you indefinitely..

You're doing it right, user. The fewer expectations you said, the more pleasantly the game will surprise you.