Has capcom finally done something right in the past 10 years?

Has capcom finally done something right in the past 10 years?

>Over the past weekend, we were notified that an unfortunate case of sexual harassment occurred at Combo Breaker 2016, a Capcom Pro Tour Ranking Event, where a female attendee received unwarranted and unwanted contact from a male attendee, who is confirmed to be Noel Brown. This incident was also captured on camera during the live stream before the Street Fighter V Losers Finals match.

>We have worked closely with the tournament organizer of Combo Breaker to gather all details surrounding the incident. We have found that the victim, who wishes not to be named, has gone on record and confirmed this was an inappropriate act from Noel Brown and was not consensual.

>As a result, we are banning Noel Brown from competing in the duration of the 2016 season of the Capcom Pro Tour as a first offense. A second offense will result in a lifetime ban from participating in all future Capcom Pro Tour events. We will use this as a baseline penalty if similar incidents occur in the future.

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he barely touched her

>pinching somebody's ass is now considered sexual harassment

I can't believe how pussfied the world is becoming.


>women ruining everything for others once again

hi millennials.

Why cant niggers contain themselves when around women?

yes, this is the right thing to do

hopefully she takes the right steps too and files legal charges against him.

sexual harassment is a crime, it's not okay to just touch women on the ass.

Are you denying he was trying to swiggity swooty get at that booty?


>This incident was also captured on camera


Open your eyes next time.

Wow. With such a big crowd, could he not have waited until he was in the middle to lightly touch someone's butt?


[gets banned from tournament]



So are you 70 years old?

>nigger acting like a nigger
Woah, what a surprise!

I would love to hear a judge say that

that is so fucked up and way too punishing. what if they were friends? people do that to each other if they are friends or dating

Is it time for SJW vs SJW?

I want to see them destroy each other please.

>that is so fucked up and way too punishing

Keep your hands to yourself, nigger.

Didnt Noel Brown already go to prison for beating up his gf?

But I thought millennials were SJW faggots?

>people do that to each other if they are friends
nigga this isn't an episode of naruto or some shit

Just because you're desperate for someone to touch you doesn't mean everyone else should be cool with unwarranted physical contact, user.

The case of Fat Feminist Dyke VS Nigger Rape Ape
I like it.

Im sure they find someway to blame this on white men.

>Has capcom finally done something right in the past 10 years?

Nope because Devil May Cry 5 turned out to be a fucking pachinko machine.

How is it SJW vs SJW?

Well he is a negro, so the chances of that being true are pretty high.

lol I briefly touched more ass with my hand in a club then this nigga did. What a dumbass to touch so little ass and get caught by the woman and authorities.

>Noel Brown


fuckin lol

>Stop being misogynistic!
>No, you stop being racist!

Shoulda been Ricki. at least >She would have wanted it.

What made him so mad?



Being a nigger.

You know a video game genre is shit when black people can reach competitive levels.
Like imagine a nigger playing starcraft

You can't even bullshit an argument for racism in this case. Even if you could and even if it weren't bullshit, nigga would just get thrown under the bus. There'd be no SJW vs SJW.

The victim is a woman and the harasser is a nigger.
In an SJW's mind the follow mental gymnastics take place:
>women are always the victims and all men are of rapists
>at the same time, blacks can't be criminals and HE DINDU NUTTIN HE WUZ A GUD BOI

Knowing them, they will probably blame white people for being oppressive both against blacks and women.

>Not having flirty friends.
You poor bastard.

Is this the ebic /r/Sup Forums thread for 16 year olds?

Smooth Viper was heckling the entire match and Noel got salty afterwards. Basically it.

It's funny how i immediately thought it was the black guy

>Bionic Armed a man
>Did an Unblockable setup on some poor fool when he caught the guy Crossing Up his girlfriend
>went for the booty assist but got snapped

Noel Brown just can't catch a break.

You think SJW's think black people can do no wrong, which isn't true. They will throw black people under the bus when it suits them, especially when it is a man.

It's more like a paradox, because there are some SJWs who feel that white women are incapable of being sexually harassed, or even raped, because being white implies a station of privilege.

There are people who believe this shit.

Is this your facebook profile pic, Jamal? You need a haircut fαm

>way too punishing
a 7 month ban doesnt seem that bad


You mean like Debo?

>he's only suspended and not completely banned

Capcom has done nothing good at all.

truth be told, half of the "people" in that room are niggers


Capcom knows it, that ass wasn't phat enough to warrant a grab.

He only got this soft ban considering it was his first offense, and its unprecedented that it was caught on camera.

but never want to hear the fgc talk about smash events again considering you're gonna get that ass raped at them.

Did the chick report it at all or is this just other people wanting justice for something that happened to someone else?

Wow, Capcom really is nerfing grapplers.

Domestic violence and rape cases are under reported. In fact, you can bet your ass she wanted to remain anonymous because you mouth breathers would dox the shit out of her for not wanting her ass groped for the world to see.

imagine if this wasnt recorded, he prob has done this several times

>capcom event called combo breaker
>that is from killer instinct and nothing capcom related

Capcom is lame as hell.

the grape looking slut is in a relationship with another FGC nignog.

she didn't ask for it and it was right in the middle of the camera fuck out of here

>We have found that the victim, who wishes not to be named, has gone on record and confirmed this was an inappropriate act from Noel Brown and was not consensual.

I wonder.

>dude sitting on chair just thinking
>man I just wanna play vidya
>why this nigga gotta nig so hard damn nigga

>Domestic violence and rape cases are under reported

nice feminist meme, got any proof? oh thats right, if its unreported then it can't be statistically proven. stay btfo faggot.

Apparently, The girl, her boyfriend, and Noel Brown dealt with the matter in private right after it happened. That was before the video came out, however. Since then, she was contacted and she expressed her desire to remain anonymous, but basically corroborated the fact that it was an unwelcome act.

i keked hard, holy shit user

Eh the touch wasn't that bad but this guy has been a faggot several times in the past so
>Get that ass banned

>Capcom event
But it's not. It's part of the Capcom Pro Circuit, much like MKX there was part of the ESL seedings.

the weak should fear the strong

Actually this guy has a history of punching people. It might be his first offense at that venue, but he's well known for being a shit.

I think even for all the talk of race relations, 'Dindu Nuffin Defense Force' immediately surrenders to 'White Woman Upset Squad' 99% of the time. Black people are only infallible when they don't harm women, whites especially.

Why would you do that when a camera is on you?
Everyone there should know, especially a regular to events like this, that there is a camera to show the players and the crowd.
Sure maybe at that moment it won't be on the crowd, but why the fuck risk it?

>people do that to each other if they are friends or dating
I don't know, dude, but it looks like the girl didn't know him nor wanted to know him.
If they were friends or dating, he would've had a swift slap in the face and get dumped, not get reported to higher authority.

yeah my sister was literally just shot and killed over the weekend buddy. Autopsy report suggests months of abuse on her body, which she didn't tell anyone about.

So yeah, anecdotal, but my story isn't the only one.

The event is called Combo Breaker, the capcom side of it is part of the Capcom Pro Tour, which means it gets sponsorship for Capcom and it counts for their points system, but it is not owned by Capcom. Combo Breaker is one of the biggest multiple fightan events each year, and it covers several games, including Killer Instinct.

Fightan tournaments, generally, are created independently and when they get big enough, the big companies want in. This case is no different.

>its not that bad
>not a big deal

HOLY SHIT is Sup Forums RETARDED? DO YOU GUYS GO AROUND IN PUBLIC VENUES/ETC AND GRAB A WOMAN'S ASS AND THINK ITS OK? I dotn know if you guys are shitposting or not but im flabbergasted that people think its okay to do that even if you're a male/female

>shot and killed over the weekend
Damn, the dude was shooting at her for a WHOLE TWO DAYS NON-STOP? Jesus man, I'm sorry. Her body must look like Swiss cheese now

how would you feel if you learned your sister was being a grade A cunt which lead to her death

>being this intimidated by an alpha male

wow that's disgusting

I'd never go to a "gaming" event if this was the type of shit taking place.

At least Microsoft pays women to dance, they don't have fat black guys groping chicks openly. They should've banned this guy for life.

What would you do if someone grabbed your ass in public like that?

Moan like a slut i am.


prob fake, but in case not: sorry mate, that's fucking horrid stuff.

I hope mommy didn't help you with that one. After all she has so much work to do dusting the cheeto crumbs from the doorknobs, and then coming to the room to suck off tyrone.

But at least your grammar is good.

>people defending this who dont know noel brown

guy's a thug who randomly jumps people and almost killed his gf

Sexual harassment isn't alpha, you don't need to sexually harass if you're alpha, the pussy just drops in your lap.

>his first offense
This guy has been shit plenty more times, but he is J Wongs friend and got passes. I truly believe he would be fine if it wasn't caught on video or he punched another dude with a broken leg.

It's always been.

does anyone remember that bearded white guy when they did that show for the sf vs tekken game. Is that when this guy kept saying sexual stuff to some female player on camera? Did he get ban from the scene too?

Yeah killing people is A-OK as long as they were hurting your feels right? That's sjw shit friendo.

Where did the hair go?

So when the fuck were Millennials born? I keep seeing different answers on that and it seems like no one knows.

was she hot?

>that hairline

lol, seriously though. black "people" shouldn't be allowed to compete at gaming tourneys it's supposed to be competitive and fun. loud aggressive intimidation isn't wanted by anyone.

What's the mans name in your gif?

A biased sample of 1, how incredibly valuable. At least it's no big loss if she was as retarded as you.

>People defending this
>If some hambeast touched thier ass they'd be invoking these same tenants of harrassment.

Gaming events and anime conventions are pretty degenerate, all kinds of shit happens at them

I'm not saying it's A-OK retard. It's a legit hypothetical question. Sure if she was being a major cunt and someone killed her for it the murderer surely took things too far but it doesn't make the cunt a saint