Why are video game companies playing into this shit? Is it just to maximize their profit at any cost...

Why are video game companies playing into this shit? Is it just to maximize their profit at any cost? Also when will it finally stop, what if I want to be a pansexual gender fluid dolphin that has a self imposed disability?


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Go home, Nathan.

I'm sticking with Sims 3. Open neighborhood is still the best thing ever.

>game about character creation and managing people having more options

What is bad about this again?

What said.

Who cares? If you don't want to use those options, then don't and move on with your life.

>a sandbox game where you can do anything
>complaining about being able to do something

damn dude get over it, other people have dumbass life styles, deal with it

Keep bringing it up, friend. Don't let the vocal minority shout you down.

Question is why do you care exactly? It's not like the game's going to force you to watch your avatar get sodomized by a gay guy or anything.

I care because pandering is never a sign of quality

>not building your own sims KZ to kill those characters

It would be nice if this was done (and perceived) as just a quirky feature of the game rather than WOW SO PROGRESSIVE WHY DON'T YOU OTHER SHITLORDS FOLLOW SUIT LBGTBQUODUOQWGEDUIQWG3ROZ PRIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Honestly, the sooner that people think of this shit as just "haha that's interesting and kind of funny" rather than making a huge fucking deal about it because they have to make gender politics infect everything, the better off everybody will be.


>They give us more options
That's good
>But the choices are stupid
That's bad
>But it will probably be free
That's good
>But it's an EA game
That's bad

It's a neat thing, even if you're not interested in combating gender norms (I might just want better fitting jeans or something).

The things I worry about is how randomised it is for other sims (will 50% of my sims start wearing dresses and flower hats?). I also hope it doesn't make choosing clothes that much more tedious, since there's already quite a large selection

>we want the non-existent audience that doesn't even play games

>You can make traps
>This is somehow bad


>degenerate sim slaughterhouses

But it's still EA, I'll pass.

>here, you can make any psuedo gendered amoeba you want in our game!
>it doesn't fucking matter, we're patching out any differences and any impact those differences would have had

I guess having more choices is nice and all but the game itself is still shit.

based hulkster

>literally linking to shitaku
you're no better than other thread

also, people still play The Sims?

This is what I am worried about

Hopefully they'd add it as an option you can toggle off.

This was my first thought. At last my degenerate Sim households can be even more degenerate with traps and tomboys.

Exactly this. I'll probably just pirate it again, make some cute boys and then uninstall again.

Does EA have a secret potasium benzoate refinery? Would that be considered bad?

instead of doing their jobs creating better games they waste every minute of it on this shit. this is h&m levels of waste of time money and energy while the game is still a pale shade of 3 at best

That's it, I'm a #CruzMissile now.

But this makes the game better.

>Why are video game companies playing into this shit? Is it just to maximize their profit at any cost?

Basically yes, put yourself in the shoes of a salesman.

Imagine if there were no nationalities
no race
no sex
no different cultures
there was simply one thing: consumers

when everyone's a special snowflake, nobody is.

it adds nothing and expects you to praise them for it.

Technically letting us get more choices for ponytails for males and letting girls go full tomboy is nice

Or should we look at Skyrim and the sheer amount of "female armor only" mods

Its the jews user.

>anti-sj's: "Those dang ol' ESS-JAY-DOUBLEYEWS are so offended all the time! I wish they'd just lighten up and let us have fun!"
>developer acknowledges the existence of people who aren't white, male, or cis

The most surprising thing about that picture is that Maxis is still a thing. I thought EA dissolved them years ago.

>Sup Forums is just as easily triggered as the SJWs

>buying EA shit

Nice try

That's nonsense. This very specifically catters to millenial Twitter twats who join any and every just cause to get their quixotic fix. It just so happens that Twitter is a wonderful place to advertise nowadays.

I blame it on too much welfare and the internet as a means for radicalisation and circlejerking.

still rather have more content

It's only one user in the thread that hates this, everyone else is fine with it.


This company does not exist anymore, just like blizzard doesn't since activision bought them. These names mean nothing at this point.
>linking to shitaku

>linking kotaku
>not only linking kotaku, but also the article is written by one of the 5 guys burgers and fries

S'wrong witchu?

Who even plays Sims 4?


>expecting quality from EA
How retarded are you?

Oh look, its another Sup Forums gets triggered episode.

Jfc this is not your personal blog. "Game adds more features." Shit, plenty of games have had a gender slider that let you create all kinds of combinations.



They aren't a thing. Original Maxis is no more and Will Wright doesn't make games anymore.

depressed single widow ex-mothers whose family had died in a car accident

>30 posts talking about how Sup Forums gets triggered easily
>no one is actually triggered

>pandering is never a sign of quality
But I like it when games pander to me

Non-white ''people''

Nice try

Don't really care since I got sim 3 and shit man the mods make it so I won't ever pick up sims 4

but this sounds terrible for townies though.

Can't people try to make something funny without filling it with shitty Sup Forums memes?