Just finished Empire on very hard difficulty. I feel your pain OP.

The green tide washes over everyone

So the game isn't sandbox-y where you just conquer everything like previous TWs right?
It's more driven by quests and event armies?

You're restricted by which provinces you can occupy (about 50% of the map), otherwise it's still the same old sandbox. Events are an addition, not a replacement

OP's pic isn't an event, that's just the greenskin AI being a fucking cunt

Nah it's still conquer everyone, but you have more defined targets depending on your race. There are quests of sorts but they revolve around doing things that make your lord strong by giving them sweet items. They don't do anything other than that really.

I was just asking because I saw people complain about rivaling Chaos armies spawning and stuff like that
Overall the game looks more like King Arthur: The RPG than a TW game without having played it, at least

Should have paid what you owed next time umgi maybe we would have stopped them then.

how the fuck am i supposed to move without having my men die off chaos/vampire shit? just camp 2 turns and than move on the third and repeat?

Go away reddit.

Either move from settlement to settlement, or use heroes to lower corruption

Raiding works I think. I know it let's vampires survive in normal areas. Also, dwarfs can use the underpass to travel without attrition.

The Moot will not fall this day.

Be Dwarf and go under the corruption, otherwise you will have to bite the bullet and walk over it. Never let the vampire or chaos get such strong influence.

Its at this time you gather up your three stacks of empire handgunners artillery cav and infantry and beat the shit out of some orks, They have abysmal morale.

>They have abysmal morale

Is this true in the warhammer fantasy lore? I always thought they're just dumb shits who fight until they inevitably die. I mean sure, they might be fighting each other instead of the actual enemy, but fleeing?

That's a big waaagh.

>allies are actually useful now and attack enemie units with you.

i like it. in shogun 2, everyone was a cunt who did nothing even with a huge army at their side but attacks you with it as fast as the declare war on you.

Its kind of true, They fight until you kill the warboss then they run away, Orks are entirely dependent on warbosses and chiefs to keep their warriors fighting in the lore.

Does Fantasy have the whole thing wth Orks becoming bigger the more fights they win?

>play multiplayer campaign yesterday
>playing dwarf and rolling in dosh
>almost finished engi hall for gyros
>my Ork friend attacks full fucking WAAAAAAAGH mode
And that is the day that the dwarven kingdom fell.

>attack enemie units with you.

Is there some way to make them follow my army? I know I can assign them war targets and they're actually very competent at taking their targets out, but so far I've never had a AI coop battle

>enemies losses moral and runaway
>few seconds later, they come back and attacks you
>try chase them down
>cant because they faster and you turn away
>they immanently attack you if you do.


They tend to stay when they are in he thick of ot, and it is an even fight, but despite their brutality they are big cowards, and will run if they don't stand a chance.
Except Grimgore and his black orc at least. They will stay.

Sounds like Medieval 2


Chase with cavalry

I think so, but thats due to the way the orcs magic work, With the orcs subconscious being able to bend the rules of reality to some degree, Essentially a warboss of a million strong ork horde is going to have every single one of those acting as a mini battery because they thing "Da boss is da greenest da meanest and da stronkest!"

>play dwarf
>tfw no cavalry

>play as dworfs.
>pushing greenskins out of muh dwarven holds, making friends with the other dworf kingdoms, occasionally bitchslap vampire cunts around because they keep warring against my northern kin.
>turn 80 or something, have reclaimed most of the dwarven realms of the world's edge mountains and the surrounding regions, greenskins pushed all the way to the edge of the map, barely surviving.
>suddenly chaos invasion storms trough the lands of the humans.
>Help out the empire a bit here and there, though mostly focus on reinforcing my realm against chaos, and unifying with the various dwarf kingdoms I am allied with.
>Empire takes most of the beating from chaos, but a couple of warbands wander into muh mountains, and start attacking a northern dwarfhold that I am allied with.
>send reinforcements to aid my kin, but get there too late to save anything besides their last remaining hold.
>war of vengeance commence, corner the chaos fuckers into a mountain pass by outmaneuvering them via the underways.
>Destroy the warbands, suddenly get a "Warriors of Chaos have been destroyed" message.
>send and army to the north, reclaiming the holds chaos ransacked trough.
>wander trough Kiev, see that everything is in ruins, but chaos has been beat back by the combined efforts of humans and dwarfs.
>Think "Well, that was rather anticlimactic, time to unify the remaining dwarf realms and win I guess."
>Not so fast, says the game. Suddenly, two Dwarf holds I am allied with start a war between each other, both demanding me to side with themselves.
>nope the fuck out, and break our alliances, I ain't gonna participate in killing my kin.
>the two other holds go picture related at me, and the other remaining independent holds also start hating me.
>no amount of diplomacy can get those two holds stop their war, nor sooth their relations with me.
>end up saying fuck it, and start a war of conquest with all of them just to bring peace.

God damn Dwarfs, they ruined the Old World

You don't need gyros when you can rain down napalm from the sky.

I meant cavalry.

Dayum I'm glad I bought this one even though I was unconviced, this is by far the best total war

What are their plans for DLC?


That's why you get thunderers, quarralers, and artillery.
They can run away all they want, but they won't escape from the wrath Grimnir raining upon them.

>mfw enemy lord tries to flee after his army has been pulverized, but gets gibbed by a grudgethrower boulders.

>be a jew and finance's your allies so they can build more and better tropps against your foes.


oh shit nigga


There's also paid DLC planned

Lord Packs

Race Packs

Campaign Packs

Can't wait for elves to be included desu.

I'm all about Lizardmen and Tomb Kings
Shit would be so dope.
I have a feeling the free race will be Brettonia in campaign mode since they would be the easiest to do

First elves are woodies, they can be added without expanding the map and we've seen the animation scripts in the game files, but considering elves will probably share many animations and to include the elves last in a warhammer game would be exceptionally haram, they can't be that far.

I hope they include different chapters for chaos.

>finish Dwarf campaign
>started playing empire
>melee units are shite morale is shoddy and breaks for slightest thing
>only impressive range is hellstorm rocket battey which has piss all aim

I miss playing Dwarf, i could just throw a melee unit into 2 others and not worry about them breaking and actually rely on my ranged weaponry.

>Playing Chaos
Is it ever possible to take settlements? Why do these other Chaos guys I'm fighting in the north have settlements

Hey buddy, you forgot to turn off your trip

Wood Elves are cool too. They are freaky as fuck.

Welcome to every other race in the game.
You have to research grave guards and black knights as vamps to even be on par with dwarves.

Brets are pretty much confirmed to be the free faction, the orcish legendary lord should be wurrzag, while for vampires I hope it is vlad but it's more probable to be krell.

I don't know what that new hero could be though, are imperial engineers and knightly orders champions already in?

You're supposed to be a horde army

They are supposed to be raidable

How do you get around infighting though?
Do I just move my armies in to support when it's time to dish it out or do I actually have to spread out across the map.

Honestly I see where you are comming from but it's only really like king Arthur in the sense that's is a fantasy setting with real time battles. Everything else really has the total war flavor

Which faction is the most boring to play?

How about the most fun?

I tried Vampires. They can be effective, but holy shit can it be boring. The most fun I had was on turn 3 when my lord and a varghulf took on two other vamp armies on their own after all my zombies dropped, and still managed to win.

yeah i did the same dwarfs to empire order as you but that feel as the reiksguard plough into the back of your enemies makes up for it

noice seems like a lot of fun

Real talk: did they finally get the AI working? Every single TW game I played had retarded AI.

That isn't how orcs in fantasy work. That's mostly just how they explain orks having technology and psychic powers in 40k. In fantasy they just call gork and mork for magic, and sometimes they get it.

This motherfucker turns up and slaps your everqueen's ass. what do you do Sup Forums?

So I'm kind of new to Total War, but absolutely love this game.

Sucks I'm fucking shit at it and don't really know how to play on the map, I just try and conquer as much as I can, but then seperate armies of the WAAGHS raid my settlements and destroy my economy

Any tips for a noob?

Take it a bit slower, raid more.

>missile calvary the most obnoxious unit types in the game
>don't want to use them because then every match would just devolve into spending an hour pausing and unpausing the game and individually moving them all every few seconds

God, I want to have fun with this game. But it really is in love with either grossly oversimplifying armies or making them very micro heavy.

When are they going to add formations and town maps?

Just take one or two and have them scout and cause some damage while the enemy come to your lines, or use them to harass artillery.

AI in this one is excellent, can't believe I'm saying that about a TW game

It seriously fucks your shit up, both in battles and on the campaign map

Like raid stance or loot towns?

rockets are shit though

You're overextending

Always expect one full enemy stack to go around your invasion force and invade your home

If you can't support 2 full stacks (one offense, one defense) you need to turtle a bit and get more money

loot towns.

>attacking late game Dwarf stack as Orcs
>entire frontline explodes simultaneously when dwarves get in range

AMA boys

What melee units should i bother with as empire?

Thanks, I'll try that

1 more question: I usually try to balance my army by having about 1/5 archers and throwing 2-3 artillery units in there, the rest melee stuff, I don't know if that's how it works though

>There is a Total War game with a good AI
is this real life
I'm buying this instantly but if you've memed me I will kill myself and haunt you forever

Dwarves are tough as nails and not afraid to die.
Partially cause they know they're ultimately a doomed race and partially because they're so fucking mad at everything.
They are not the standard to which you should uphold other races. They're all about long, brutal slugfests.

For the Empire you want to avoid that. Your troops are competent but severely outmatched on a 1 to 1 basis with pretty much everything. You use infantry to lock down enemy forces and cavalry to smash them. You need supporting ranged units to survive not just to help out, because in melee you will get FUCKED by pretty much everything except Vampire Counts.
Who kind of terrify the fuck outta your men so even though they can stand up to zombies in a fair fight if you let it drag on too long they'll piss themselves and run.

None, melee units are shit

>start out as dorfs
>dorf king moves around on a throne carried by other dorfs

This, empire cavalry is fucking godtier

Demigryph knights wreck shit, especially if you send a hero / lord with them

If you are playing Dwarves, take it slow.

Also Quarralers are the shit.

Work on getting hold of settlements with resources for trade. And build up your trade for mad gold stacks.

Once you start getting Cannons things start to get easier.

>send gryphs chargin into a poor line of goblins
>they literally exploded, goblins flying everywhere, gryphs just rode over them

Made me laugh

So I've noticed, what are some units that usually should be picked in your army?

>the computer says victory is impossible
>i prove it wrong.

The AI actually probes your lines for gaps, simplifying the game has done wonders for the AI.

the AI is still shit, don't believe his lies

Being Vampire Counts is truly misery. Melee, melee and more melee. And all are severely weak. When you use calvary, they collide, get glued to units and often get sucked into the swarm of units, in between your enemy and you.

And using better units is insanely expensive.

How's it for a beginner? Never played a Total War game before.

>Playing as Dwarves
>Wreck some grobbi stack that was raiding
>All that is left is literally their Goblin hero when I catch up to it again
>Infiltrate two full units of Demo charge Miners near him
>Watch as they all throw their charges at once and game nearly siezes up because I was zoomed in on the Goblin hero that got instantly vaporized



they shit against none large targets and you wont fight them any time soon.

As Vamps you need to focus on destroying enemy morale not enemy units.
Makes fighting dwarfs basically impossible until late game or with massive numerical advantages.

>big chunk of my population suddenly go missing

What? They are more accurate than Grudge Throwers, and mow down more units due to their angle of fire. Experienced once decimate things.

And even if they aren't removing decent amounts of the enemy, they wreck the enemy morale thanks to the bombardments.

>Your troops are competent but severely outmatched on a 1 to 1 basis with pretty much everything
Unless they happen to be greatswords, demigryphs or steam tanks, in which case they fuck up everything else

In that leg campaign I ran, in the early game, general, officer (witch hunter or captain), 7x swordsmen, x6crossbowmen, 2x mortar and 3x cavalry. Empire knights then reiksguard, eventually going to demigrpyhs.

The idea is that swordsmen are great against early empire enemies (other humans) and you really want the crossbowmen to take out pistolier spam. Cav because they're fucking awesome and artillary for instant sieges, spearmen for taking out any cav they sometimes decide to charge.

>battles in easymodo

Cavalry. Pistoleers with skirmish. Pick your fights with melee infantry at the rear and flanks, run away whenever things might get hot. Have artillery firing from a corner with your main army as guard. Reiksguard to the side in reserve. You can have units routing before they even reach your main force if they don't commit their cavalry to chasing the pistoleers. Mop up with Reiksguard, call it a day and Sigmar be praised.

Lets not spend another 200 years debating over cannon versus grudge thrower and quarellers vs thunderers.

Battle difficult just increases enemy morale, everything else is the same.

Elite units do not conform to the given faction's standard weaknesses.

play dwarf and read about your units and little bit of everything.

the old man will give you some good advice along the way.

go to /vg/ total war thread for tips.

Start with Total War: Rome, then never look back