Holy shit this fucking whore god damn piece of shit reeee
It's fights like this that really make me notice some of this game's short comings. Like the bullshit camera. And how you need to farm for blood echoes when you run out of vials and bullets.
How do you beat this boss? I'm using ludwigs, with the arcane damage from the phantasm shell. Old hunter bone when needed.
Landon Diaz
I beat her with the Kirkhammer. She's fairly easy to parry and big lunges can be baited by putting distance between the two of you
If you think she's rough I guarantee you'll be making a thread about the boss after her
Ryan Russell
Pistol the best weapon to parry with?
Nicholas Fisher
I didn't have any trouble with her. I used the Chikage and didn't parry, 'cause fuck the cheese. I didn't even bother to restock on vials after Failures and went balls deep in her ass.
Evan Cook
>he gets bullied by Lady Maria
How? She was made to be bullied
Jack Wilson
Eye-hand coordination worked for me.
Dylan Garcia
>Beta-abyss watcher >Hard
Ethan Hall
Is she called pizza girl in the image because the whirligig saw destroys her? How did I never make this connection before
John James
Dodge towards her, not away from her. Learn her parry timings. If you can handle Ludwig, you can handle Mariah.
Ye boi
Jace Hall
but user, Abyss Watchers = Lady Maria lite
Liam Walker
Literally beat her my first try. Must be hard being a non arcane scrub
Levi Barnes
She can be stun locked which means she's piss easy. If I can do it with a Doll build you can do it with the Ludwigs overpowered sword.
Gavin Cox
Might as well give up now, Laurence and Orphan make her look like a tutorial level boss.
David Martin
If you can't beat her legit use the Augur, the ultimate bullying tool. Also if you are running out of vials/bullets on her godspeed if you make it to Orphan.
Logan Thompson
how do you beat this boss >equip a gun in your left hand
disregard phantasm shell and hunter bone, waste of bullets. shell only gives flat minimal arcane, and no boss requires you to use OHB.
>step 2 parry and visceral for the win
or just don't wake her up
Grayson White
I must have died to her over 20 times. Here's how you do it: parry everything Not good at parrying? Go back to the first tombstone and practice on low level mooks. Also, if you start tensing up and feel like you're gonna put your foot thru your TV, turn of the game for a few minutes and start it up later. You must be serene.
Isaac Cox
I will never understand how people have a hard time with Maria.
Benjamin Howard
Well maybe you shouldn't have woken her up!
shhh don't wake her up
Blake Morgan
Thomas Parker
Ian Sanchez
What do you expect from LHB wielding noobs
Use a real weapon OP, pound and grind her into a fleshy pink pulp.
Angel Nguyen
How could she be a wall if you managed to beat Ludwig?
John Ross
This helps.
Jeremiah Smith
press r1 until your stamina bar is empty, tap circle once, regain stamina, press r1 until stamina bar is empty. there, you beat Lady "bully me" Maria
Joshua Nguyen
OP here I've put the most points in Arcane, 28 I'm level 91
Leo Roberts
I've been playing DaS1 on PC at 60fps. I played BB at the 30fps lock, but it feels and plays fine. When I take of DSfix for DaS1, the locked 30fps feels terrible. Why is it like this?
Owen Brooks
Every human boss is easy as shit when you learn to parry.