Great game Bethesda-Drones!
>battleborn not at the top
Fake stats.
Absolutely no one besides 16 year olds cares about FO4
you're really bored, huh?
>tfw I like both games
Idort master race wins again
>football manager (not even a game) above witcher
is cdp even trying
>fallout 4 is nearing 5 years old skyrim number
>not even one year
i think you should worry the bottom
>there actual human beings still playing tf2
Same thing could be said about TW3
Both games have terrible combat and story.
Just kids and Russians who can't afford Overwatch.
>Both games have terrible combat and story.
Seriously wth makes football manager so popular? Is it that good?
i know right it's almost like they have fun playing it. not that you would know anything about having fun
My guess is that it's the kind of game that is played by people who tend not to play games.
>buttmad slavshits
Didn't The Witcher 3 just get an expansion pack, literally a couple of days ago?
That probably explains it.
Also who cares how many thousands of other people are playing a *single-player* RPG game? You need to chill.
as a former regular of /trb/ i can answer that:
1) normies who are football fans, so basically everyone not living in the US. they love football and grew up playing these manager games, so they still buy them every year.
2) sick people who have absolutely nothing else in their life than the FM games, they love their regens more than their family,
the second type can be found over in /trb/ on Sup Forums.
what's with the suspicious quote marks?
Thanks for proving my point
Your posts are as repetitive as TW3's "combat"
I'm reasonably well-versed in football but when I tried playing it there were just too many crazy stats to consider for each position
>survival MMO dinosaur shooter
Fuck I hate this meme so much.
Give singleplayer dinosaur shooter
Nobody is interested what you think. TW3 has been shifting copies (especially on the PC) like people think it'll stave off death. It's big, and since they made enough money for another project what you think about it is irrelevant.
>TW3 has been shifting copies
Just like FO4, doesn't mean it's a good game.
March Madness proves that people will eat that shit up. People have been developing fantasy teams for years and having lengthy discussions about them, too. Giving them an actual structure to that fantasy is an instant sell for that crowd.
Also add Souls games to the list, except those dont eve have a story, just plain shit gameplay.
>doesn't mean its a good game
Have you seen the reviews on Steam?
In fact everywhere in comparison to Fallout 4?
It's a better game.
This is fact.
No need to be butthurt because your precious Todd make another half arsed shitty game.
>Ark still that high
>AND Unturned
What I was trying to say was that the games look like they could be a lot of fun (who doesn't love taking a sport team from village league to premier?) but I don't fucking know what stats I should look for in each position
I used them to highlight single-player because the player-base for a single-player game doesn't matter, so using it to comment on the quality of a game (one with no multiplayer component, and which most people who bought and enjoyed probably already finished and moved on from) is not remotely valid. For neither TW3 or FO4.
Hell, as I sit here now playing Ultima 8, I could be the only person alive playing and it wouldn't make a difference to my experience.
How are this many people still playing Civ V regularly? I know Civ VI got announced recently and all, but it's just weird seeing it so high up that list, and it's been doing it for years. Would've figured it's not that popular with normies, it can become a drag.
Fallout 4 had the bigger hype at first but people eventually got bored while Witcher 3 won all the awards and the mainstream audience.
Don't forget that there are more Witcher 3 players on GOG than on Steam. Witcher 3 is absolutely whipping the floor with Fallout 4 on PC.
Oh, well, might help to look at a guide, then, if you're not doing well by yourself.
And when people play through the new expansion it will drop like a rock again while people will still be playing FO4.
Notice Skyrim is still one of the most played games while Witcher 2 is nowhere to be found.
Haha great game Witcher fags.
Isn't Ark one of the few Early Access games that gets regular updates, though?
yes, it has a very steep learning curve. there is some sort of casual mode but i'd really try to play the regular one. it takes some time but if you really get into it it can be quite rewarding.
as a guide i always used guidetofootballmanager dot com and the blokes on /trb/.
i had the most fun starting with a smaller team, getting them promoted over and over and watching youth players (regens) rise through the ranks all the way to your first team. there is no better feeling than when one of your youth players you watched develop for 20 or 30 hours finally makes the team.
but honestly, the game is very, very addictive so i'd only recommend it if you're not prone to playing only one game like a maniac.
just looked it up on Wikipedia and W3 sold half as much as FO4
Do you think Bethesda will ever implode with their "just make an empty reasonably big world, filled with boring dungeons" model? Or are there always enough stupid kids who haven't played Skyrim?
because beyond earth is garbage and VI is garbage with shit on top
I like how my friend insisted on buying it and he stopped playing it
I disabled updates for it but from what I could see, yes.
>560,843 owners
Atleast it saved CE from the Atilla flop.
>people are pretending that Fallout 4 isn't going to be up there for the next 6 years
alternate start live another life is already out.
You're both missing the point that the OP started with. They tried to state that one game was better than another due to players, when TW3 only just had a 20 hour + expac drop, while FO4's Far Harbor is shorter and released -two weeks ago.
Even if you ignore the objective quality of the games, it isn't a fair or valid comparison.
How long does a match take in that game? I don't wanna watch 20 minute matches where I just sit on the sidelines
>Counter-Strike 1 ahead of Dark Souls III
>Terraria ahead of Dark Souls III
>FUCKING SKYRIM, a single player game from 5 years ago is ahead of Dark Souls III
That doesn't make it a good game.
Its nearly at the level that Skyrim is currently at yet that's been out for 6 years now (So in a sense F4 is doing terrible).
Fallout 4 isn't a good game.
Its a 5/10 at best, average.
How people can defend such a mediocre game from such a big-budget developer that has the time, resources, fans and experience to create a better game is ridiculous.
People need to stop feeding Bethesda and buying this shit.
>Would've figured it's not that popular with normies
You would figure entirely wrong there, unfortunately. Tons of people play Civ. Even at Uni, people were playing Civ IV and Civ V on laptops, and (despite the chunks of education they missed out on) it was entirely fine.
Do people from any of these 3 games even realize that other games exist?
>>Terraria ahead of Dark Souls III
Nothing wrong with it.
Why do obsidrones care so much
like fucking really
go actually play a game and stop being a shitposting nigger faggot
you can customize it like you want. you can simulate everything, you can only show highlights, you can only show goal scenes and you can speed the general game speed up and down. it's all very customizable.
the match engine is ugly as fuck by the way but the moment you "get" the game you will stop caring about that.
>you will never be Christian Bale.
It hurts.
They know about League and Minecraft
Tell From to fix their PvP.
After that people might start to play again.
forgot to actually answer: if you only show highlights a game maybe takes 7-10 minutes or so.
>you can only show highlights
wait, but I thought you have tactics input during the simulation
Counter-Strike is a multiplayer-only game with a high skill ceiling and dedicated fans.
Terraria is an easy multiplayer sandbox building game.
Skyrim has a fuckton of mods. Don't underestimate the draw of lewds.
As much as I hate seeing players drop off since I love the Souls games, most people aren't that interested in PvP once they finish the story, and many who are only care about getting covenant pick-ups for weapon/ring achievements.
>dis nigga probably can't even squat
lmaoing@urlife anglo
that doesn't make an argument. it's going to be up there for the next 6 years, period.
yeah, you can. you can stop the game at any time and do your tactic changes, subs, etc. if you make a sub/tactical change it will be in effect as soon as the current highlights/scene is over.
And how important is that? I'm just asking all that because it feels kinda silly to have matches that long if I cannot properly play like in Pro Evo
I'm not trying to argue you idiot.
I'm just saying it's not by any stretch of the imagination a GOOD game.
your mom's asshole is a good game, bub.
i'd say it's pretty important. subs are crucial, tactical changes always depend on the situation of course. doing nothing will probably not end well too often.
and yeah if you don't like the simulation aspect i would recommend pro evo or fifa if they both weren't so shit nowadays. FM is great because it has so much depth to it.
People are playing B&W
Give it 1 week before pic related happens.
Hi user. What's your favorite game? I'm eagerly awaiting to hear back from you so we can discuss your taste
This was confirmed to be edited.
But again, you have to shill your Bethesda games right user?
>confirmed to be editied.
First GOTY awards, now people in-game
Cogratulations, you're literally counting CS:GO players playing The Witcher 3.
It's a good game but holy shit, why do you need to use reddit arguments like that to defend it? Why not talk about the story? Characters? Graphics? Music?
Will these games ever permanently leave their respective spots? No, temporarily losing position to a hyped up game does not count because they'll get back eventually
Because it's story and characters are generic and graphics are worse than a last gen GTA V
Why? The people love that shit. Elder Scrolls games since Morrowind (and I do count new age Fallout in there) have all been bestsellers.
Bethesda's worth as a company must've increased 50 fold in the last 20 years.
>Witcher 3s DLC just released
That's literally it, FO4 has maintained a 40,000+ average playercount for months now meanwhile was literally Witcher 3 a few weeks ago.
Witcher 3 is beyond dead, don't let the Expansion pack fool you. It also sold around half as much as FO4
Why did you make this shitty bait thread?
The garbage that is FO4 will be above Witcher 3 again in a week just like 99% of the time, and will stay above it until TW3 Enhanced Edition.
F4 gets new content all the time.
When did Witcherdrones become the most annoying cunts on this board?
>Skyrim has the same amount of players since 2012
shut up, everyone know that you soulsfags are the worst