What's the worst kind of drone? I vote valvedrones

What's the worst kind of drone? I vote valvedrones.


The ones in favor of the company/game/fandom I hate most

Everyone knows it's Sonydrones.

2015-??? Nintendrones, there's no excuse.

People who defend Overwatch

objectively this

there's usually a paradigm shift in perception after a company gets enough goodwill and praise and starts making mistakes

>2014: Nintendo is getting lots of praise and love on Sup Forums after E3, future looks bright, excitement
>2015-present: more disdain and dislike for Nintendo showed after said year and a very disappointing E3, general obnoxiousness of the Nintendo fans, etc.
>2000s: Valve beloved and praised, Gaben memes, seen as the savior of gaming, etc.
>2012-present: more dislike and disdain for Valve after TF2's downfall, paid mods, multiple Steam security breaches, general obnoxiousness of the Valve fans, etc.
basically applies to everyone. honestly your biggest hope is to be a niche japanese company


They always shit up every RPG thread up with "PLAY A REAL RPG LIKE SMT xD" faggotry

>yfw TF2 really did invent payload

apple drones
they were electronic cancer before you were even born

SMTdrone here. /smtg/ was a nice, small general for 2 years until it got flooded with DOOM RPG DUNGEON CRAWLAN RIP AND TEAR!! SJfags that threw temper tantrums when anybody dared to talk about anything but SJ. This turned the general to complete shit and infested the fanbase and later spread to Sup Forums.

Now all SMT discussions are just trying to one-up anybody by proving you're the most "hardcore" and only like a single game in the entire series, and making really shitty unfunny dick jokes. It's like the worst parts of Sup Forums condensed into a single fanbase.


Just saying that if a company started with making all those mistakes they'd be dead within a year or so; you can only make those level of fuckups/scummy moves after you've developed a solid fanbase/foundation from being genuinely good (ie see Samsung's phones past the S2/S3 era to now)

I forgot to add that the SMT x FE reveal trailer last year was basically the killing blow and drove everybody into bitter shitposting overdrive. SMT fans entered that dangerous stage of being upset that anybody could dare enjoy any of the games now where they just sit around bitching and moaning about how much they hate the series constantly. It's been a slow recovery.

>until it got flooded with DOOM RPG DUNGEON CRAWLAN RIP AND TEAR!! SJfags that threw temper tantrums when anybody dared to talk about anything but SJ.
I thought it was because/smtg/ tried to organize a literal circle jerk?

Look at it how you will, but nintendrones are very rarely seen outside of their threads these days. However, Sonydrones are literally everywhere. Want to talk abiut TW3? BLOODBOURNE. Want to talk about DkS3? BLOODBOURNE. What about just talking about hardware of a gaming system? PS4 HAS BLOODBOURNE AND UNCHARTED.

Sonyniggers are actually horrible. They cant take critisicm or discuss anything negative about their respective franchises.

The games may be good, but jesus christ, stop shilling so hard.

Atlus USAqueers, bar none.

Dronedrones. Always pointing out fanboys being shits while being mindless fanboys themselves two threads over. Only tribalistic fags go out of their way to attack other fanbases.

>Praise GABEN
>Guy hasn't released a game in about 10 years
>Just runs a DRM online store


Any person who only plays games on systems from one company and doesn't branch out.
>PS4 and/or Vita = Asshole
>Wii U and/or 3DS = Asshole
>Xbone = Asshole
>PC = Asshole

However, make a combination of any of the systems and suddenly the person becomes more tolerable. The more variety, the better the person.

>PS4 + 3DS = Okay
>PS4 + PC + 3DS = Cool guy
>PS4 + Xbone + Wii U + PC = Envy of all his friends and doctors hate him

It's a popular opinion that sonyggers are the worst fanbase on Sup Forums and that's because a lot of people on Sup Forums can only afford one system. What do you do when you can only afford one system? You Google exclusives and find out which console is the most popular to help you with your decision. So, those people tend to get a PS4. Then of course they become bitter assholes when they realize one system isn't going to offer constant entertainment. You need variety to tickle different gaming interests.

It really is a copy paste. That's the reason I don't buy it; I've already played it. May as well play a chinese knockoff of some other franchise.

Great to know I'm an asshole because I don't have enough money to be an idort.



>oh hai guise you're discussing The Witcher 3?

Trump drones

>yfw you bought an S5



>I have a gaming PC that runs everything at 60fps with a nice resolution and nice FOV with mods and free multiplayer
>I'm an asshole if I don't want to play games at 20fps with a tiny FOV at 720p while paying 15 bucks a month to play online with shit connectivity

I guess I'm an asshole

Literal cancer since 1995

Yes user, it's all because of contrarianism. None of those companies have done terrible shit to justify a sudden shift in public opinion.

Are there even any "valve fans" per-se? HL fans aren't crossed with CS fans who likewise don't carry over into DOTA, etc. Memespewing portalfags sure as hell don't care about any of the above either. They don't make enough games to have a general fandom.

Steamdrones are a thing, but when all your competition looks like OS/2 trying to compete with windows, that's not exactly a surprise. Origindrones are too embarassed to even mutter a word, and even GOGgleheaded ninnies won't defend galaxy.


Any kind of drone is the worst drone.
why would you want to blindly follow anything simply because it has a name?

Haven't seen this one in a while. Some things never change.


Which is the worst?

>Frumpy Trumps can dish but can't take it
The white thin skins

It's the same way around though.

>oh hai guise you're discussing Bloodborne?

Meme politics drones

Berniebros are the worst, but they'll go away once Sanders drops out.

One way or another.

I'm gonna have to agree with this.

As bad as PC, and Nintendo fanboys can be. Sony Fanboys are the most vocal and defensive. They will go full damage control, and attack anyone that doesn't agree with them. You can simply give a harmless opinion, and they will attack you.

What the fuck?
Is it just genetics for Sony fans to be fucking assholes?

>4.6b USD revenue in 2015

>one of the biggest companies in the world


these are the same deluded retards that get EA voted the most evil company in the world

Sonyggers. How is this even a question? Nintendrones are a close second though.

Never once has that happened you fucking revisionist.
Go back to ciclejerking over how the PS4 is a super computer you mong

If it's genetics, I think it started with genesis does what nintendon't.

Once Sega turned full shitter, other companies had nothing to lose by encouraging it in the future.

>Sup Forums
>not a giant designated circlejerk

That was the PS3.

Yes it has though. Have you literally never been in a Bloodborne thread?

>bought a 32x just to play DOOM
Once a poorfag always a poorfag.

Thread seems pretty open and shut.


Their company has been shitting the bed since the Gamecube, but they'll stand loyally by, gladly sucking dick for any new game from one of Nintendo's 5 franchises.

The worst part is, Nintendo showed some potential growth with Splatoon, but Nintendo won't learn from this, and they're going to shoot themselves in the foot over and over again.

And everyone knows this but the Nintendrones.

Literally posting from an S5; if it wasn't for personal inertia and my cheapness I'd have melted this piece of fucking cancer ages ago.

I consider myself one. Even games they've made that I haven't been especially interested in I've recognized have been well-crafted.

And before some smug cunt chimes in, yes, I'm aware it's not clear when if ever they're going to get back to producing games, but I've got my fingers crossed for it.

No, because unlike you faggots I don't go into irrelevant threads just to shitpost.

jeepers criminy, this guy's retarded

>beleiving politician lies
>he will surely take away my student loans

I'm paying off 700 a month in loans but I'm not about to believe that a politician isn't lying to me through smiling teeth.

Based Sweet William

Is there a fanbase on Sup Forums that hasn't gone to shit in this exact way?

That's what I thought, now fuck off.

Everyone who cares about any of the candidates in this shitty fucking election cycle are on the same tier.

Honestly, both Sony and Nintendo fanboys are bad; however, mustards definitely take the first place as the worst userbase IMO. Just go to any JRPG thread; they're infested with port begging. Which isn't exactly wrong, but still.

The only person more willing to lie to you is a wealthy businessman
Mix them together and you may have Satan

Oh, trigger warning for this post.

Where the hell did you find this shit?

is a S5 a samsung product? What's up with it?

>I have a flip phone, and I don't really need a smartphone because I have a laptop and a tablet
>I pay like 15 bucks a month

>Since the GameCube
It's way more complicated than that; it arguably really started before that when they let Rare be bought Microsoft, ie letting third party talent walk (and it was fucking Rare for fucks sake) and then the actual design of the Cube (small capacity discs, no netplay, no DVD playback). The Cube had some great games, but then the Wii comes along and no one really wanted to dev for their motion controls, especially since Sony and Micro snapped up alot of third parties of would then have to spend ages porting to the Wii's unique design/aspects.

Most of the genre generals are pretty chill so long as there isn't some new game bringing in cancer to the party.


It's always the other way around, if you go into a witcher thread discussing the game, there's always some Bloodborne fag who comes in and starts claiming it's the best game ever.

I'm a bloodborne fan, and it's very clearly evident there's a massive level of salt amongst the fanbase regarding the witcher.

Thanks for admitting it, I will.

Not him, but I actually posted in the BB threads and hardly did a PCfag try to derail it.

However, I've seen pureblood Sonyggers forcing U4 screenshots down everyones throat

Everyone wants to be Top Dog.

Too bad they can't beat Top Dog.

>some Bloodborne fag
To be fair, those are Soulsfags in general, not only BBfags.

And that happens between BB fans and Souls fans, too. You can't have a BB thread without DaSfags shitting it up and viceversa.

Somebody post more oldfag shitposting

lol, you're getting mad because I'm talking poorly about a candidate you were supporting

>Believing ANY politician, EVER
>Believing their CAMPAIGN PROMISES

You were tricked, and you can feel a little better if you imagine if Bernie had won and he didn't come through with any of his campaign promises.

Samsung S5 Galaxy smartphone
Laggy, comes full of bloatWare that needs to be Rooted to removed, since the 5.0 update (last one because my carrier hasn't pushed the latest Android) SD card access has broken for most of my apps, just simple shit that drives me spare

Samsung has always been a piece of shit. They stay relevant because they essentially own the South Korean government and are able to force themselves into whatever market they want through diplomacy. The ONLY thing they were good at was their hard-drive line in the last couple of years before they sold themselves off to Seagate or whoever.

>Buying the same game twice, on different systems
>720p meme

This screencap makes me happy, even better knowing it happened to a redditor

As a fan of nintendos older stuff it pains me to say nintendrones today. Any modification or fan creation of a nintendo game and you get some purists bursting through the door saying they hope the mod/fan game gets a cease and desist. They logic use is that you cant improve perfection.

Its kinda weird seeing everyone else having embraced mods and yet nintendrones dont. Its extra content to a game at no charge, what is not to like about that?

To be fair Overwatch seems like a complete TF2 rip off to someone who hasn't played it ie: the guy in OP and myself

Sparknotes: Nothing has changed since the beginning of online boards and the retrospective triviality of their discussions may make you reflect on what exactly it is that we're currently doing.

>lol, you're getting mad because I'm talking poorly about a candidate you were supporting
I never stated anything about Bernie, I simply stated my actual opinion on the matter. A rich ceo will always out greed, out evil, and out-sociopath a politician in my book.

I am sorry seeing a non-alt right post triggered you senpai

When will Sup Forums start hating CDPR?
And I mean actually hating it, not the epic ironic shitposting "hate".
Will it happen when they introduce shit that Sup Forums hates to Cyberpunk 2077?

Any drone, there's a difference between enjoying a game and sucking off it's makers forever

Nah, you assumed I was supporting trump because I talked poorly about an old, lying shitbag.

It doesn't matter who you vote for.

I like how people complain about games copying other games like it's a bad thing. It's called inspiration, Blizzard has explicitly stated that they were heavily inspired by TF2 for Overwatch, which I think is something more devs should embrace.

People who defend blatantly bad practices are a top contender.

>companies should have to go through steam/origin! options are bad
>you should have to pay twice for online,
>you should thank sony for losing your credit card info!
>you need to be grateful for MS selling your information to marketers
>you should be thankful that Nintendo locks content behind amiibos. It's just cosmetic! And even if it isn't, you're not allowed to be entitled to that. You owe them all your money, Nintendo is god
>Fallout is so epic no other game can compete
>omg Overwatch is amazing! I love paying 5000 dollars a month for loot crates and cosmetics, even though I hate TF2 for doing the exact same thing!

In the end, all Fanboys are bad, and everything would be a lot better off without them.

As someone that played DeS almost at launch, and really loved BB, Sonyggers are hands down the biggest cancer I've ever seen, and they stand toe to toe with the tumblrtale fags that infested this place for some months, and the most deluded Nintendrones.

>inb4 post your PS4, vidya copies, platinums, etc.
They are so deluded that they constantly ask for this shit, and when someone actually feeds them, they go through more mental gymnastics.

It's the same fucking game

With more characters and better maps. I could give a shit who made it, it's the TF3 we never got.

Nah. I'd much rather play TF2.

TF2 did invent payload though and Blizz isn't the first too copy it.

ITT: Biodrones

No post has ever been more true

I'm pretty sure that that's mostly one user that's really, really committed to pushing the furious Wojak wearing themed hats thing.

People hated TF2 because Valve made an ECONOMY around their MTs
OW is okay, if the cancerous faggots want to blow money on virtual items let them. It doesn't effect people who play the game

Team Fortress is fucking boring in the first place, and a carbon copy of boring schlock is boring schlock. I won't even go on about the price tag and the obvious future of hats.

Holy shit this post.

What the fuck is he even trying to say? Is he Bane-posting from the past?
