Alright Sup Forums has convinced me and I am buying Overwatch tomorrow

Alright Sup Forums has convinced me and I am buying Overwatch tomorrow.

What am I getting into?

3 game modes and utter repetitive boredom.

You're getting yourself into being called a faggot for making another overwatch threads while there are numerous on Sup Forums and a general in /vg/



Please don't post Shadman on Sup Forums

More like getting ripped off.

Street Fighter V has more content than Overwatch.

This is some shit anatomy

Congrats you fell for a fucking meme.


That art is just magnificent

You really get to see how fucked some people think human anatomy is

>he fell for the shill

>Western """""""artists"""""""""""""

First post best post

The guy that drew it is probably a virgin

I played it during may and I mean it was really fun

For a day or two.

Now the only thing that's relevant from overwatch is the sfm

Shadman does it again!

Atleast there is no dick on this one

thats not shadman. the line-art doesn't look like black eyeliner.

Dissapointment and boredom from the flavour of the week

meme game

A whole bunch of people bickering over Shad.
Also Q to win.

Are you high? That's nothing like Shadman's style

>file is name oa
Iam guessing you mean overass instead if overwarch