This is a japanese man. Born to japanese parents, 100% asian

This is a japanese man. Born to japanese parents, 100% asian.

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i remember seeing some old news where it said something like "80% of japanese men think that lightning looks asian"

japan's a weird place

She looks Slavic desu fampai.

she's clearly japanese, man

the asian naruto looks beter desu

He at least has kinda chinky eyes so its not too unbelievable. If he was a half-blood I would believe it.

more like 1/4 asian at most

She does. Japs can dye their hair too if you didn't know.

Also, Americans assume Ken from SF is American but how many Americans have the face and body of Ken?

Owen Wilson?

You are blind.

She literally look slavic and not even remotely japanese with potato nose. Also not western white "woman" with gigantic man-jaw.


Nailed it at the first try. Excellent, user.

You do realize Slavs look like that because of Asian Mongol rape hordes, right?

Slavic women are top tier. It's like the best traits of aryans and asians mixed into one person.

i don't know why they're even considered asians

Who's that supposed to be?
Ryu Hayabusa?
I never know what ninja is what cuz they always wear the mask.

Yeah, that's Ryu.

Thank based Gengis Khan and his rape hordes

>it's a white people think anime look like them episode

DoA is full of "japanese men"

You're right, user. This guy couldn't look more chinese than he alredy does.

>it's a "let me prove them wrong with this image using biased, cherry-picked examples" episode
Tired of this ep, it reruns every day


The gay community of japan

She doesn't look like Hinata at all. Also, isn't Hinata supposed to have white pupils?

He looks like a girl.

If she doesn't look like hinata how do you know she's cosplaying as hinata anyway?

ITT: Sup Forums vs Sup Forums

>It's a "anime girls look like real people" episode


Because of her wig? And the colors.

I can draw a stick figure, and doodle the hair on it, use the same color palette, and tell you to guess who it is, and you would. We have these threads on here all the time.

She must look at least a bit like hinata since there is nothing suggesting that she is trying to and even then you managed to think of her.

Then she looks as Hinata.

You're forgetting the part where Ryu has literal dragon blood.

how does that change anything?

dragon blood makes you look less japanese?

The asian potato nose is gone, the ugliest part, so who cares.
She is not attractive, because of her mongol genes, it's quite the opposite.
Japs know that, that's why they copy it with their game characters (and even in some more "realistic"animus).

Maybe after the dying of hair and a lot of facial reconstructive surgery.

The delusion is strong.

How does that change anything?
Nigger blood makes you look less white?

what the fuck are you talking about

what does dragon blood have to do with human genetics

Don't make this about black people you faggot

Yeah, she looks totally like whitu piggo with their tranny jaws.
White men- passive, homos.
White women - tranny feminists with big jaws.


spotted the butthurt japanese faggot

See pic. Whites are genderbend.

Exchange the word nigger for argentinian or inuit or sandnigger or yellow if blacks trigger you then.

Literally the same argument people are using saying these characters aren't asian

You can't even get your pipi up to fuck your manjaw women for future generations.
This is why you import arabs and black to the job for you. You are the faggot, white bitch.

Japaniggers are a weird race.

i can't cause theres a new pressing matters in the world there ice niggers, sand niggers, timber niggers, yellow niggers and original niggers.

Also i looked up in the sky to find niggers in the sky so tell me why are there flying niggers

The word doesn't trigger me user, this thread has nothing to do with nigs but you're trying to make it about them.

Reminder that sand niggers are caucasian and euros and those of euro decent are literally light skinned sand niggers

Honestly made me laugh, we need more jokes like this instead.

this is hilarious

Se euros actually have a gene that is commonly found in Afro people but rarely in whites.

damn nigga that's ice cold

It's a known fact, this is why whites lust for asian women, because of their femininity, things their women lack both inside and outside (BUT THEY WAS ANIME 'N SHIT).
They just peg them in the butt with their gigantic jaw.

where did this guy come from lmao

Why do American's think Wonder Woman is a white woman. Clearly she's a white man.

Stop, you have to go back to great nation:

My nigga. Its a shame the japs dont love their looks.

i don't even get your argument. white women have manly features so they're worse? but all your examples show beautiful women who are better looking then most potato face asain women

I also made a discover that japs and chics where on the moon way before the mode landing

i don't get what you're trying to say
Asians can't look like that?
cause that sure as hell doesn't look like a white guy
she can look like an idol who wears contacts

Wonder Woman isn't even American. Plus everyone is ugly in Injustice.


Looks better than white women.

If you ask a Japanese person what nationality an anime girl is they'll always say Japanese unless they have an official nationally.
Does an englishman count?


that's cause anime girls are drawings who's features consist of eyes and a mouth
they don't usually have specific asian or white features

>mfw white people are this delusional

See, the guy on the right is good stylization since it has a defined face. Contrary to the boy which has a plate saucer eyes, a dot nose, and a blob face, which is apparently "Asian"

the kid's face is simplified for viewers to easily project themselves onto him
the white guy is specifically a foreigner so they detail his face to make that clear

>it's a white people thinking an other race is white unless they have stereotypical features

>asians are ugly because of their "potato nose feature"
I know you might not recognise but whites have plenty of pretty ugly characteristics too, you've just learned to ignore them
the long-ass often hooked noses, the bulging cheekbones and wide jawlines, are especially ugly with women, not to mention the fact that they start aging way faster

still, asians searching for white porn is almost nonexistent while the opposite isn't the case


What's wrong with making foreign characters appear white?

White features are hands down the most attractive features. They're not called the 'master race' for nothing.

They are aware of that. They also rarely give a fuck. Mostly because Japan isn't full of blue-haired, cat obsessed Tumblr whales with questionable body hygiene.

ryu looks naked without his mask.
