Is your WoW character hot? Or are a fag who likes constantly looking at male ass when you play?
Is your WoW character hot? Or are a fag who likes constantly looking at male ass when you play?
I only played a character up to 20 a couple months ago.
That female worgen ass is nice
Yiff in hell, furfag.
>627k health
jesus its like nothing matters anymore
Female characters players are at best closet homos and at worst cyber transexuals. It's really not okay.
You got a stunted imagination, son.
I didn't play since an eternity but
>627k HP on a rogue
Jesus, the power level went full retard.
>no slutmog
>weak bait OP
>still playing WoW
fuck off
...thats a monk
She's a brewmaster monk.
That's a monk dude.
>Still playing wow
What are you? Lonely single mom in the trailer park?
>tfw wanna play wow again but im afraid ill get bored after a few hours
Damn right she's hot.
The real fag is anyone that plays WoW.
Is this some joke I'm not aware of?
Found the cata baby
But female blood elves look fucking retarded, you don't actually find that attractive do you?
>WoW character
>not Toon
People seriously pick their character based on gender and not just what has the best animations?
Tumblr pls go
I only see my ferals cat ass all day does that make me a furry
>"We don't want high numbers anymore, so we're going to do a gear crunch!"
What was the point if the numbers are still high?
Which one? I have 32
You know Emergentism, you can just hit alt z to hide your UI i f you don't want people to know your characters name.
>le toon
>Still playing World of Warcraft
WoW, you're a fag
>not rolling a male tauren death knight
it's like you cucks don't like being the ultimate man
People who say "toon" are retarded. So are people who call classic wow "vanilla".
>classic wow
what the fuck is a classic wow
>not having male tauren everything possible
>armory uses the wrong pose because of the weapon transmog
now embrace it yiff
You just saw it through looking up people in whatever guild that is. It doesn't really matter, though. Just no need to flaunt it. Plus, that's my alt.
i do both
i like fem orcs and i prefer their racials over any other race
speaking of racials
does their pet bonus damage work on the shaman's or mage's elementals?
Common since should be able to answer this.
Sense nigga. Get off the vidya and learn some English
Yeah, that was my phone's auto correct. My bad.
Wait for the Legion pre-patch. The beta is actually very promising aside from a bunch of class balance issues and outright shit design choices.
But there's actual content this time.
That's a pretty nice and neat UI. No real clutter.
Yup. You will. Do not fucking do it.
I honestly can't wait for this. I'm jonesing to try out my Warrior and yes, the Demon Hunter. But there's no way I'm giving blizzard any money during a content drought like this.
I'm a straight male that likes playing something i would like to be ingame.
Do you want to be a sissy bitch OP?
nigga you gay as fuck.
cool look
>wanting to be a dindu edgelord
>using pity mass produced ghetto transmog weapons
>wanting to be a female that gets tauren dick.
Nigger i'm a warlock, warlocks are selfish fucks that don't give a fuck about being good.
>Has to be sexually attracted to a character to play them
Go outside and get laid OP. Gotta get rid of the pent up sex frustrations
Well, that staff was literally made for my transmog set, it also belongs to my favorite WC character, so fuck it, i'm wearing it.
I also want to fuck my worgen rogue.
It would be a ruff night.
what's everyone planning to main in legion? I feel like they are ruining warlocks, so I'm planning to change.
>not being a paladin
>not defending your kingdom from demons, dindu nuthins and elves
Subbed with gold, this game sucks
I'm a destro fanboy.
i felt like shit after seeing the changes they did to the class.
But ive been starting to enjoy affliction, slowly.
i might keep maining my lock if i decide to play it.
>Alliance get literally the most Alliance shield ever made
>lol meme weapon XD
Life is PAIN
demon hunter
And it's only getting worse in Legion. At first I wanted to come back because some of the changes like more 5-man emphasis sounded good but then I saw the class/spec design and holy shit I cannot believe they are fucking up so hard.
>Alliance characters get the fucking sword and shield of Lord Lothar
>Horde characters get a generic grunt axe and a staff no one other than warlocks would ever use
just fuck my shit up
playing a DK cause I'm my guild's tank bitch. I might start a priest cause shadow and disc both look rad
>Subbed with gold
Who doesn't do this, though.
Sell heroic/mythic HFC carries for 2-3 hours a week and you can make millions of gold.
>Horde characters get a generic grunt axe and a staff no one other than warlocks would ever use
I can deal with the staff because its looks really good but the axe is fucking shit, is a fucking reskinned betrayer of humanity from wotlk.
that sucks man that really does. i hope you unpacked that rooster yourself and didn't buy it but you got 32 characters so of course you did.
>self insertion is the only method of immersion into a game environment
Yeah no
I legit have made every character in mind with a RP story in mind, both male and female; every character fits into my story.
>ret is still lol melee spec and seems to be ruined in Legion
>holy is made into melee healer
>prot is barebones garbage
>guilds only want hunters and ranged dps
Guess I'll play my hunter.
>mfw I make my monthly sub gold using just 1 characters min maxed garrison
>main character has a million gold
>log onto Kronos
>most gold I have on main after mounts is 300g
Times sure have changed
>tfw even if I ever wanted to resub and play again Legion is ruining sub rogue
Guess it's finally time to just drop WoW entirely.
>blizz can't even think of 3 talent trees for new class for an expansion that's literally just banking on the hope of pulling in people who thought burning crusade was good and this might be like burning crusade again
they should have had one DPS spec be melee and made another that was based around magic
Gonna stick with my Fury Warrior. The changes look amazing and they actually fixed the proc lottery bullshit that ruined the class for me in WoD. Their artifact weapon looks dull as fuck but I can always mog it into something good.
That's doesn't fit dhs at all.
or even a magic crossbow or something they're demon hunters do SOMETHING
>Male human warrior with belf hair
Kill yourself.
>Is your WoW character hot?
There's like 5 preset faces, how can you possibly waifufag in this game?
At least get a slutmog if you're going to play zombie WoW.
Show me where they triggered you son
he's the literal target audience for retail wow
people that think that hair's ok on a human
I didn't know Hordefags were so easily offended.
>blood elf hair on a human
Don't talk to me or my race ever again
Horde is shit and so is your taste you fucking faggot.
I'll probably stick with my DK. Recreating the four horseman sounds dope.
>if you're not using the same hair as me u r le degenerate xd
they are alliance paladins and you know it
Nearly all of the best guilds in the world are horde.
Yeah, and they're all autismo neckbeard faggots that are still wasting their time on the dried husk of a shit MMO that is retail WoW.
Hey, Sup Forums. Should I download WoW? I have never played it, and my friends keep telling me its very good.
get a little more triggered Allicuck
>keep seeing WoW in the games tab when playing Overwatch
Is it worth going back if I haven't played since 2011, with a brief stint in 2013?
Nice job falling back on shitty memes to avoid the truth.
>calls horde shit
>dude comes out with an argument on why the horde is better
It really depends on whether or not you like MMOs. In its current state WoW's honestly not worth playing til max level, but you can have a lot of fun playing the pre-Warlords content and even Warlords as an expansion til you hit 100. There's just no content afterward.
Download it and try the free trial til 20; you have nothing to lose.
human male ret paladin that despises all filthy non humans
My character has had so many sex changes from male to female Tauren I don't think it even knows what it is anymore.
nice job on falling back on ad hominems because your butt is too blasted to think of an argument
horde is 80% children and 20% cool guys
alliance is 60% children and 40% parents
I've played both for years - it's the same shit on both sides of the fence.
No Fun Allowed > RIP In Peace
even though NFA is dead it's still better than that autistic faggotfest
My cow lady. Only fem character.
what the fuck are you talking about?
/wowg/ autism.
I'm surprised they haven't come in and started posting more furshit yet.