Who is the sexiest Nintendo character?

Who is the sexiest Nintendo character?

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Sexiest? Isn't beauty in the eye of the beholder? There are many different flavors, all good.
If we're counting Pokémon, May. Or short-haired Serena.
Otherwise, Mona, I suppose.

But the most beautiful is Rosalina.

Palutena as well.
Their ara~ara~ game is too strong.


Akairiot's female villager makes my dick harder than anything else.


This and Mario.

Both imply men all have a moustache, and that their only purpose is to risk their lives to rescue a bunch of women, and be dragged into things they have nothing to do with.

> :P



Yee boi

Orange will always be the best.

Then you will enjoy playing her in Smash 5?





Yeah, for whatever reason Takumi always seems to be paired with Camilla.



Nintendo Treehouse here. The content of this thread is problematic. Please delete it immediately and purchase a copy of Star Fox Zero, available in stores and on the eShop now!


Fuck you, Squid Sisters would gravure if they were real

>not pairing takumi with no one

or a cold lonely grave

I also say midna

True midna



The Japanese idol industry is deeply problematic. Which is why we mustn't allow its influences to touch any Nintendo products in North America or Europe. Preorder your copy of Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE today!

I paired him with Aqua for that delicious irony.

All we have is hope.


This Mario Kart 8 title screen image was always hot to me

big sister belongs to me

Sexiest is WENDY!!

buckets. buckets and buckets.

post more takumi


sex on legs





Waiting for the triggered ones

I want to fill Zelda's taco with my special mayonnaise

Unusual Choice. I'd have chosen Ellia, but to each their own.

Oh please, it's practically confirmed already.


Good taste.

I want to wear those lingerie


Only girls can do that, user

fuck off

I can't argue with sound logic such as that
Where do I find more?


Why are you so persistent to push your fetish down everyones throats?

That's not fair ;_; Qt though, would play vidya with

Oh my gosh you're cute. Be my waifu.

Not as pushy as futafags.

Not even the best in her own game, desu sempai. Celica, Mia, Irina, and Murderess are all hotter.

>not as pushy as futafags
>still shit every thread full of pictures
>also responsible for the retarded 'healer lolz' threads

end yourself

Found the futafag.

Thats not a yes! I want to hear a yes!

Yeah but then the thread 404s and the fun 404s alongside it. I play anything really. Mainly RPGs and action games, lots of fightan too. Just recently played Etrian 4 and 7th Dragon 3. Waiting for Odin Sphere to launch.

Cute butt.

Decent taste. I prefer this though.

Gib steam then! And you shall live life as my new waifu!




When you play as her and you stand still for a while with the volume up you can hear her breath and thats eh....really nice.

Kek he bailed on you


>posting lewds in the thread and not in steam PM's


C'mon dude. Don't ruin this thread for me
This thread is already hanging by a thread. I need to save more images to my computer and I don't want you to derail this thread and have mods delete it

Janitor is deleting things.

My man

He's been posting those every fucking where. Majorly damaged attentionwhore.

boner pls no

>everyone wants traps and fembois
>tfw nobody wants just a normal cute boy like me

Obviously the King of Evil.


It's Rosa.

Would you hug her?

Wario's gross, but he's also incredibly bara and a man's man.

Mona's got good taste.

I made a temp email.
[email protected]
Toss me your steam or make a temp email yourself and I'll send you mine, don't want to just be posting it on Sup Forums all whilly nilly. But I've been playing a ton of Overwatch too, about to hit level 60.


This is the most pathetic post I've ever seen on Sup Forums.



But delicious cute butts and vidya sluts.

>finally married onee-san today
Feels good man

this nigga cant draw for shit

you faggot.


>because he uses the same face alot he can't draw
He's better than most artists who draw lewd shit.
Besides, that face is a good face for lewd things so why does it matter?

Fie on your princesses, pokegirls, and animal things. I was always hot for teacher.


[Spoiler] the knot [/spoiler]

