Why videogames avoid jiggle physics?

Why videogames avoid jiggle physics?
Generally videogames with female characters with cleavage cloths, breast are static and make the videogame looks very irrealistic.
A well configured breast (non lewd needed) can be pretty cool in many cases like cinematic or when female characters bends to pick something.

Because SJW cucks
> also because nothing has trumped HL2's physics

Japs do it

I'm more concerned with the lack of thigh and ass jiggle.
When that fully weighted bodyslide mesh for skyrim came out I came geysers.

Seems like a waste of time they could be using on something else, and most of the time tits don't bounce nearly as much as they do in video games so most of the time it looks ridiculous

which mesh is that?

You clearly never played a jap action game, OP.
If there's boobs, they giggle 9 times out of 10.

Uncharted 4 has pretty destruction physics

It's been literally years.
They probably have way better shit if you check out loverslab now.

muh sjw boogy man

Breast physics are unweildy and are either so subtle it's almost not even worth adding them, or so cartoonishly over the top that people immediately criticize how they look.

Often it'll flop and distort the model in weird ways, and theres a lot of glitches related to it as well.

Try Bloodrayne it has jiggly boob physics.

but I'm talking about general develop, breast physics would be mandatory an standard for the industry.

please, videogame companies, focus on gameplay and not how realistic boobs jiggle.
go find a gf if you want realism


minor feature that only betas who have never touched a girl care about

Imagine if tits could actually giggle.

Because you're a white male. Check your privilege.

>muh sjw boogy man
This was his best defense folks.

>I Don't Know WTF I'm Talking About: The Post

oh you

Honestly, jiggle physics really show off how well the engine was coded.

You're a fucking retard if you want money invested in tits instead of better gameplay, graphics, levels, story, etc.

because we're not weeb scum like Vita owners and care for mature women in games rather than childish and sexist potrayals of them.

most games do have them

they have for years

anything with unreal or havok at least

yeah because something that can be done by one person in one day of work is going to suck all the budget of the project


cry more

I've never seen tits before, that's totally what they look like i'm sure of it, yeah look how they just distort into squares. Tit's probably do that. The post.


also because some people aren't shameless. i dont play any games with any situations in which a large breasted woman would be jumping around. because i dont play shit games.

Boob physics in most games is extremely unrealistic, if they started adding it more and more most of the time would in it's implementation would be spent in adjusting it, making sure there are no bugs/glitches, making sure it doesn't take up too much performance, and making sure it's not too distracting. And all this for a feature that most people don't really care about.


>attempt to act mature by pulling the moral high ground on stuff that doesn't even exist
>call people scum for a difference in opinion
uh huh

you just have to modify default ragdoll.

Because games are produced by multi-million dollar corporations who are terrified to take any risks or cause any offense and pander to a captive yet vitriolic audience of young screaming infants who pressure their parents into preordering everything based soley off Micheal Bay-esque trailer's designed to generate hype.

lol at all this misogyny

oh no, the thought police!

>I hate women

thats a heavy assumption, what made you think that I hate women? because I disagree with you?

Clearly your misogyny is so deeply ingrained that no amount of talking will convince you you are a misogynist.

Who gives a fuck , I love women. I think they are sexy and beautiful and I love appreciating them in all sorts of media. Women just don't "get" it.


if the shoe fits

okay pal

>This was his best defense folks.

And crying "muh sjw" is a good excuse?

Cry some more gamergate


Well, some retard took it anyway. It actually astounds me how easily Sup Forums takes bait every time.

>he thinks physics like that are just worked on and implemented by one person

You have no idea how gamedev works.

Lets say you invent some magic way for tits to wobble like that. You have to ensure it then works with every piece of clothing in the game, making sure the meshes don't bug out when stretched, making sure the uv maps don't stretch the textures horribly, making sure there's no clipping, making sure there's no bugs in the wobble itself.

That's another few people with extra work already on top of the work they already have to do modelling the characters, texturing them, testing them. Fuck off.

that sucks user.

>immediately using the gamergate excuse

Definitely an SJW.

>ensure it then works with every piece of clothing in the game
Copy weight map from character to clothing. Done

>every piece of clothing sits the same on every single body in the game

>make sure there's no clipping
No game has done this for years

So tits clip through clothes regularly? No, they don't.

Stop being dumb for a second.


>I love women

Ever had one of those moments where you watch a silent video, but you still feel like you heard a sound?
That was pretty damn good.




why did they do that?

Because they could
>watch dev extras
>a whole entry about satan's dick
>they discuss how they implemented it and how versatile their dick coding was
>they procede to change some variables and load the final boss level
>Satan's dick is not 13m long and 2m thick and drags on the ground as satan flies around

I kinda wish more games did that

No. What sound would you even hear? Ass jiggling doesn't make sounds.

not him but Boyoyoin~ is usually te go to onomatopeia for jiggling

I'm sure it would get annoying fast if tits giggled and talked all the time.

xstory has jiggle physics

Many western games have jiggle physics.

Tomb Raider the angel of darkness till Underworld had it. Hydrophopia is another game that comes to mind. It is just very subtle.

That's ridiculous, that rack would fly all over the place.

Wake me up when video games have xtreme jiggle physics.

>he doesn't know how to make his gfs tits noclip through her clothes