Anyone have suggestions for good Lovecraft influenced games? I am currently reading through his work and am really enjoying myself.
Lovecraft Influenced Games
Bloodborne and Xcom: Terror from the Deep.
Bloodborne is the best.
Call of Cthulhu
Lovecraft is as fedoracore as it gets. Why do you think so many sonyfags praise bloodborne?
You can find minor references to him littered everyone from Alan Wake to Witcher 3 if you look hard enough.
I'd personally recommend that you download an emulator and try out Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem though, that's one of my favorites.
Quake 1.
Eternal Darkness
hes overrated as fuck
Darkest Dungeon is pretty fun in my opinion, but a lot of people blame the RNG in the game instead of just "making the best out of a bad situation" like the game says
because its a fun game?
Is lovecraftian the new steampunk?
legacy of kain
although I'd say LoC is better than anything every written by Lovecraft
Hating Lovecraft is the real fedoracore, m8
Nothing even comes close to Bloodborne
Dhadow of the Colossus, somewhat.
Darkest Dungeon is pretty Lovecraft.
Call of Cthulhu Dark Corners of the Earth is literally Shadow Over Innsmouth the game.
Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver has heavy Lovecraft influences as well as gothic.
For a fairly buggy but still enjoyable point and click, Sherlock Holmes the Awakened is fairly respectful to both Lovecraft and Doyle.
Pathologic has nothing to do with Lovecraft
Call of Cthulhu obviously
I think Amnesia, with the knowledge curse and shit
Legacy of Kain
and some other indie games I cant think of rn
Maybe if you only played one Lovecraft inspired game on your life. Fucking obnoxious BB fans I swear to god.
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
dead space
How is SOMA Lovecraftian, user?
Eternal Darkness is basically a bunch Lovecraft stories crammed into a single game
not sure how good gamecube emulation is nowadays, but you should be able to get a first gen Wii for pocket change
I'd say that one is more Poe influenced.
It doesn't really have the Lovecraftian feel to it. Although with the living halls I guess it does borrow somewhat from it.
I remember watching a video about it that goes pretty deep about it but is in spanish, althought I might say its because of the "humanity" feel of the game and how you are losing it a bit for bit, or something like that, sorry if im wrong senpai
I miss the style of Q1, now its all Stroggoloyd bullshit.
Theres not many your tard
Are you just too poor to pick up a ps4 or something? Ive never understood people who only own a PC. PC + ps4 or nintendo is the only way to go.
>Why do you think so many sonyfags praise bloodborne?
Because Ape Escaoe 4 hasn't even been announced yet.
Why has no one said eternal darkness yet?
You have to be joking
learn to ctrl+f
Litteraly Darkest Dungeon
Half Life
Look on the bright side, when Bethesda eventually makes the inevitable Quake game, it'll hopefully be more Strogg shit and they won't try to touch Q1.
Because they fucking can't.
Maybe. Though right now it's hard for trendy hipsters to like him because he was racist, so it might be able to survive the cancer that killed steampunk aesthetics.
Turns out it's hard to appropriate a style of horror that is all about cosmic indifference to fit special snowflakes.
Come to think of it, horror movies seem to hold out well against these types of people.
Silent Hill series remind me Innsmouth stuff
came around the same time if I'm not mistaken, lovecraftian just outlived steampunk
No no, it's cool. I played through it and didn't really get a Lovecraft vibe from it, though.
Maybe I'm the one wrong here,or some /lit/ fag can help us out. Anyone else play SOMA? I am having a hard time commenting as I only know of Lovecraft via vidya and movies, never having read his books.
nice meme
>picking outdated shitware to play one game
Sorry that I'm not as retarded as you user. At least I don't feel the need to justify bad purchases.
The only reason nu-fags hate on Lovecraft is cause their sociology teacher told them he was a meany racist. They sure as shit don't read his work.
Elder Scrolls: Oblivion has that one quest in Hackdirt.
Shame they didn't do more with that. Those caves under the village were maximum spooky.
Who started this meme? Adding tentacle aliens does not make your game Lovecraftian theme.
hey, it's not only me saying it
You can clearly make a huge difference between say Doyle and Poe and Lovecraft's quality of writing.
I put him in the same class as Tolkien on that part although in terms of writing Tolkien has the upper hand although for LotR and prequel books pacing was absolutely atrocious.
It's out of the mainstream of what's considered a generally well written book. Although I'm not a fan of King even though he practices these principles of effective writing.
I'd say a lot of scifi writers are very good at concise clear and good writing.
Quake remake is happening and since doom and quake are somewhat similar i can almost guarentee the remake will be more akin to 1 i mean listen to Doom 2016 soundtrack theres some trent reznor like stuff
What games do you play if you dont even like Bloodborne or souls games?
I have played pretty much every popular game on PC and nothing comes close to bloodborne, not even PC version of Dark souls 3.
There's also the Dunwich Building in Fallout 3, easily the best part of the entire game
Do you even know what lovecraftian means retard?
Anything with cosmic horror or horror of the deep is pretty much based from lovecraftian. Bloodborne is literally the closest video game to lovecraftian horror in the modern era
I guarantee you havent read a single one of H.P. Lovecrafts works.
Are you seriously trying to argue BB is better than every PC game ever released? If you're not baiting please kill yourself.
Play the game user, it's more than tentacles
>Lovecraft is as fedoracore as it gets.
no. he didn't like atheists.
Lovecraft is very Sup Forums-core though because he was a really intense racist.
It's mostly because it's edgelordy
Do boardgames count OP?
Arkham Horror is pretty fucking awesome with a couple friends and beers for a good 2-3 hour game.
not OP
the principle Lovecraft introduced was unimaginable mysterious horror
he basically borrowed from folk horror and tuned it up to eleven
I haven't played BB, so I wouldn't know how close it comes.
Guess Call of Duty Zombies is lovecraftian too xD
>tfw no post-apocalyptic fps where you play as a ghoul
There is a kickstarter of a rpg called Styngian or something like that, it seems alright. Dark Corners of the Earth is the obvious choice, and Eldritch is basically a blocky homenage to Lovecraft.
Im just asking you to tell me what games you like.
The last three games ive played are pic related and I think they are all great. But Bloodborne is definitely better.
If you dont like any of those games then Im curious what you actually like. Dont tell me you like anime games? DO you user?
If he was such an intense racist then why did he marry a Jew and move to NYC?
forgot pic
Because NYC is Trump City!
He hated NYC, Red Hook horror is basically he shit talking the city. His jewish wife is were stuff gets weird, since he was muh wasp culture
Ive never played this game but you are a fucking moron if you dont think what you posted is based of off Lovecraft.
Theres a fucking kraken coming from the sky you retard.
I like a lot of games. My favorite ones are probably Thief 2, RTCW and VtMB. Eternal Darkness is my favorite lovecraftian game. How is that even relevant?
>doom and quake are somewhat similar
This thinking is why the remake is gonna be shit.
Doom and Quake are only similar insofar as being FPS games made by id. Quake is a much slower, meatier game, with fewer enemies who are more damage-resistant and smarter with their attacks, and level design that is usually compact with lots of overlapping and circling about over previous areas thanks to Romero and the others' fantastic mapping.
On top of that it's a very moody, dull game- there's no cheeky Metallica songs remade in MIDI format, no ripping and tearing with a chainsaw or a double-barrel shotgun that blows away everything short of a Cyberdemon. Lots of browns and greys that still look clean due to limitations of the time, unlike modern filter-obsessed browns and greys, little story beyond "go into the slipgates and shoot the things" (even less than Doom!), you don't even get a +use key to interact with things in favor of smacking it with an axe.
Quake 1 is a result of rushed development and smashed-together ideas that, in combination with Carmack's new engine wizardry, a group of excellent mappers and artists, and Reznor's fantastic sound design, turned out way better than the sum of its parts, and I can't help but feel like any attempt at recreating that by-chance mixture will end up too similar to another Doom (because who the fuck knows what a Quake is anyway, right? Give 'em some demons and a machine gun instead of a nailgun and give Ranger a closed helmet, that's what the kids like).
he was also borderline autistic
so the mystery might not actually be one
>why did he marry a Jew
I think he didn't know but he still liked her a lot because she tried to get him a job.
fun fact: he wrote a story called "That you build wall".
All of those are shit/mediocre games though. Nothing you listed even comes close to a souls game let alone Bloodborne.
H.P Lovecraft isn't exclusively aliens/tentacle monsters but go ahead and keep believing that.
He lived in the heart of a bustling city full of immigrants and came to the conclusion that this might not be the best direction for society to go in. Nothing wrong or racist about that.
This is to contrast with, say, you, who read some articles about Trayvon being a straight A high school student while living in a gated, upper class, 90% white, 10% asian community somewhere, Tim Wise.
except they do
Dog's Life for PS2
I wish this was more than just fan art.
Do people really think Lovecraft is tentacles?
There's barely anything about it in his writing.
and there's also this area in Fallout 4
>unimaginable mysterious horror
Thus is literally the basis of what Blooborne is about and the arent even trying to hide it.
People that think Blooborne isnt Lovecraftian are delusional or trolling
I never said it was, learn to read. But most games with tentacle monsters coming from the sky are still based off of Lovecraftian horror
Why do you think so?
Don't tell me you're underage user.
Judging by this thread, yes. People legitimately believe that.
>But most games with tentacle monsters
>are still based off of Lovecraftian horror
I'm done, why don't you go actually read some of his works?
Just because a game is old doesnt make you cool for playing them.
You Sup Forums fucks are so fucking pathetic its hillarious
>tfw sequence broke this area and didn't get the trippy story behind it
At least the sword was nice I guess
Fucking plebs, nobody has mentioned this heavily lovecraftian game yet?
Most of his writing is subversive to how all foreigners are invading monsters bent on infiltrating society and wearing our skins. How Edison and Tesla were taking science too far. And how he was scared of the notion of space and the dark. He was a man afraid of everything.
I want this so badly
Darkest Dungeon
Eternal Darkness
CoC: Dark Corners of the Earth
Demon's Souls to an extent
Quake 1
Not to sound repetitive but... you know.
>unimaginable mysterious horror
That's pretty much BB's theme, and what happens to everyone who tried to become a Great One, or something similar to one.
BB deviates from LC in the fact that you can actually harm Old Ones, your mind isn't always blown, or you aren't dragged into suicide, etc etc
But then again you are infused with the blood of a Great One and you are being (kind of) controlled by one too, doing him a service, unknowingly, so the protag's OP-ness is a bit justified.
There are a lot of shared themes and direct references to a plethora of his books. The last third of the DLC is pretty much shadow over innsmouth almost copy/pasta'd
And BB isn't just about ayy lmaos and tentacle monster either. You're both acting like retards. You more than him, at least he played the damn game.
Do you not understand reading comprehension?
H.P. Lovecraft came up with the idea of Chthulu a tentacle space monster coming from the moon, Therefore if game has any visuals or mention of this it IS based of off Lovecraft.
I never said anywhere that ALL of his stories include the same theme, its just his most popular and mainstream story.
You are fucking retarded if you dont think tentacled space/deep creatures arent lovecraftian
writers who write interesting stuff are not very well adjusted in a lot of cases
I'm of the opinion that the artwork can be dissociated from the artist
You would be if you only understood how meaningless every word you type is compared to the eons past and forth.
sunless sea