Physical shantae announced

>Physical shantae announced
>MGS3 remaster announced
>Banjo fucking Threeie annoucned
>Zero time dilema .cia file leaked
>Ex-CING working on new titles
>Skullgirls second encore hinted for physical
>Scorpio confirmed B/C physical disc compatibility with Xbox architecture
>Mother 4 update
>New AA6 info
>E3 in just two weeks


Other urls found in this thread:

The pain in Kyle's eyes betrays your shitpost, OP.

>Mother 4 update

Who cares? Change the name.

He wants an american release

Every mention

without fail

He got one though.

Here we go again.

>Change the name.

Maybe the update is a name change. Shin Mother 4
Not Last Window.

>Ex-CING working on new titles
Source? This is gonna be some kinda ruse isn't it

Every single item on OP's list has a twist to leave a bad taste in your mouth.

How about "Mother 3: The True Game

A bunch of Ex-CiNG employees actually joined Arc System Works some time ago and put out a new adventure game recently on 3DS in Japan. It's called "CHASE: Distant Memories" or something like that.

No word on localization yet.

>mfw mother 3 is shit and only faggots care bout mother 4

Again 2.0 vibes here

>Banjo Threeie
Nah dont you lie to me m8, Banjo is dead.
source? i want it to be true

>MGS3 remaster announced

Wasn't that a Pachinko machine?

I'll buy the shit out of a MGS3 remake.

>MGS3 remaster
Pachinko shit doesn't count.

>Zero time dilema .cia

Fucking Where?