E3 2016
9 days until all is revealed...
E3 2016
I will post this everyday until E3
I will cling to hope in possibility that a new metroid game will be announced
I will post this everyday until E3
I will cling to hope in possibility that a new Devil Survivor game will be announced
As promised the UnicornAnon hitbox is set up, for our final nine days of hype and hope with Gundam Unicorn.
Oh shit niggas. This is now an unboxing thread.
>Motorola Razor
Great taste.
What could it be?
It's a genesis/genesis games
Everyday until FFV gets a proper remake
I will post this everyday until E3
I will cling to the possibility that Persona 5's NA release date is in the same week/month as Japan.
I will post this everyday until E3. I will cling to the possibility that iDOLM@STER will be localized.
I will reply to this post everyday until E3
I will cling to the possibility that Persona 5's NA release will include dual audio
A geimu perhaps?
Kick off in a few.
I will post this every time I see the thread.
I will cling to the possibility that the dept heaven series will continue.
is it a poster?
CIB bitches
And started, let's welcome the next century of vidya
Audio is off almost impossible to sit through.
hmmm this packages looks a bit different. What could it be?
>we ARE getting Gundam in the West again
>it's IBO
And it reeks of smoke.
This has been a trend for me and I'm still not sure what setting needs the tweak. Sorry user.
Halo 3 on PC with full modding support. Seriously, think about this shit. Halo 3 was already such a versatile game with it's built in custom games, imagine what could happen in the hands of competent modders. It could be like the glory days of Half Life modding all over again and I'm fucking furious that even if Halo 3 gets on PC, it's likely not going to have modding support. Fuck.
I don't even need the modding support. I'll just take Halo 3 and an immortal online community.
Valkyria Chronicles 4
>9 days
This can't be everyone's hype.
Buy me geimu
What is with the Unicorn Gundam? I always see this thread and for a split second think I'm on /m/
Literally powered by hope.
It's powered by hope.
Could you at least post in the real thread?
>side mouth
>Nightmares isn't spoilered
>mfw this fag wants dubber G-recturd
not gonna happen
never gonna happen
I've been saying it for days, we need Dead Rising 1 Remastered and for PS4 too, in fact, we need a Dead Rising HD Collection up to DR3 for all platforms.
Also Dead Rising 4 is already being rumored to be in the works, possibly in E3 just a few days from now.
I love this fucking series and can't enjoy all of it since I own a PS4 and my pc can't run Dead Rising 3, I'm hyped for this E3, I can feel it coming in the air tonight
>Iron Boredom Snorephans
No good choices
>Going to be working for the first time ever during E3.
What's an injury I can easily give myself that will heal completely but also get me out of work?
There is a new Metroid game coming out soon
What's the point of this post?
I hope for the Specter Knight and King Knight campaigns to at least get trailers
Hope for an injury
>Street Fighter
Never forget
You gonna hurt yourself just to get cancer by E3?
I hear getting fired is a good way to hurt yourself.
Poison ivy might work.
Is the thing over his chest suppose to be loss?
This. I could care less about the release date, I can wait, just give me my dual audio.
Stop bullying
this is really all I need to not be completely disappointed
What are you going to do if Nintendo announces a real Metroid game during their inevitable NX reveal event this Fall?
imo that most likely will never happen, ffv isn't popular enough to get a remake, though i think it's the best one ib the series
Be really happy and post about it in this thread of course.
I will post this every day until E3
I will cling to the possibility that Color Splash will not be shit.
I will post this every day until E3
I will cling in hope to the possibility that Valve will make video games again.
>Thunderbolt got dubbed
>Unicorn too
>BF, albeit by Asian studio, Try soon to follow
Take your pick, sempai
Dear Santa, I want:
-Dishonored 2 gameplay footage
-Hitman Thailand gameplay footage
-At least one new original IP with a cool concept and gameplay footage that is coming out this year
Dear Santa, I want:
-redditfrogs to stay on /r9k/
-normalfags to be purged from Sup Forums
That's a question you should ask yourself.
I just want to see more Cuphead, nothing much else has interested me.
I will post this everyday until E3
I will cling to hope in possibility that Agent will be re-announced and revealed as a PS4 exclusive
Galgun trailer
Playable Ganondorf
Video games.
>E3 is during my exams
Have fun without me Sup Forums
>E3 is just after my exams end
Bumping this thread from death. With no survivors.