The average Sup Forums user was born in 1998

>the average Sup Forums user was born in 1998
>most threads are not interesting, doing the same old shit every single day
>Sup Forums culture is dead, replaced by Black Twitter bullshit only kids find funny.
>can't go back to forums because of all the mod dick riding and circlejerking.
>GamerGate faglords and anti-SJWs ruined this board

This is suffering. What's going on?
Why isn't Sup Forums enjoyable anymore?

You mean 1995. There's no way I'm older than average.

Fuck off grandad
Neogaf/Reddit is waiting for you.
Sup Forums belongs to the new generation. Who /born in 1998/ AND PROUD here?

Oh boy, you're in for a rude awakening

The internet never recovered from 2007.

>tumblr filename

>people born in 93 can post on Sup Forums now

Fuck off to Reddit and never come back.

Keep in mind, Sup Forums is the last bastion of freedom on the internet where we can discuss video game asses without faggot SJWs

what happened in 07?

>tfw 94

why would you be proud of something you had no control over?
your parents shat you out late 90's and you're pleased with yourself?

>2017 was 912 years ago

The great normalfag immigration crisis.

>in just two more presidential elections you'll be 30

You're just getting older user. You're realizing that most all popular media panders to children and it may not be appealing anymore cuz you're maturing.

It's actually liberating once you accept it.

The Great Invasion... Oh boy should you have had to remind me of those days... It happened right after the Third Big Troll War... And the entire internet had barely recovered from such a destructive event...

>go on Reddit
>The discussions are actually kinda nice
>Have a better time in one thread than I've done so at Sup Forums in all my time

fuck I'm getting old

That's because there's no anonymity promoting shitposting.

Average age here like everywhere else and like most gamers is probably ~30.

Everyone just thinks people with different opinions are 12 so everyone calls everyone kids. Happens in gaming threads, happens in political threads, happens in threads about ravioli.

Neo-millenials ruin everything.

Half the catalogue is threads I've seen before, I wouldn't mind but I've not been visiting Sup Forums much over the past few months.

How are you idiots still interested in making the same thread every day for years on end?

1995-1998 is the average though

Except when they have terrible grammar. That's usually an indicator you're dealing with a kid.

Why the fuck do garbage threads such as these stay up?

How many of you actually started using Sup Forums when you were of age? Be honest. A couple of you had to have started using this site when you were in elementary school.

>No discussion allowed. Everything must be green text and screaming the name of a logical fallacy.
>No original content or humor allowed. If you do anything other than shitpost, you are reddit in disguise
>Don't like something about a game? Obviously the opposing political party is the reason its ruined

It's more likely because Sup Forums is full of losers. Actual losers. Not the fun type of outsiders that are kind of winners in their own way. Nope. Actual losers with chips on their shoulders.

Everyone has terrible grammar. Have you not read business letters? Even tons of articles that use editors have shit grammar.

And no one except the faggiest of niggers give a fuck about grammar on Sup Forums so go suck a dick you 12 year old

I'd say one of the biggest things was the rise of false flagging and pretending to be on a "different side" for the sake of shitposting. I'd rather have people be genuine faggots instead of "ironic" faggots.

Who 25+ here and have no reason to come here anymore?

Says the guy using capital letters AND punctuation.

I've seen a lot of posts rendered basically unreadable by the author's lack of understanding of language, run on sentences that last a paragraph and lack any formatting. It never used to be this bad, even ironically.

If they removed phoneposting the quality of Sup Forums would skyrocket.

>automatically assume anyone who started browsing Sup Forums after 2010 is a newfag
>2010 was 6 years ago

Holy shit what am i doing with my life?

Hey man, I rarely post here these days but its best to just migrate to a different board.
Its insane just how different the 'culture' is from Sup Forums and other boards, its almost like Sup Forums is a reddit nest, and Sup Forums and Sup Forums are tumblr nests.

I saw this completely unironic thread on /r9k/ the other day. All is lost.

>everyone wants to start the new TORtanic, which means going after games that don't deserve it, like Doom

Reminder that if you're over 19 you don't belong here.

People think they're hilarious and entertaining when shitposting. Yet I guarantee they're sitting there with a blank face, mindlessly typing the same old tired insults.

I'll never understand it.

>TFW 1986 master race
>TFW old enough to appreciate gaming as it came, for 5 gens now

I feel your pain brother

99.99999999999999% of posts on this site on done from a computer. Stop with the phoneposting boogieman.


I legitimately believe that anyone born earlier than about 93 can't ever have a proper opinion on video games.

Even when these guys are in their thirties their opinions will still be garbage.

>1986 master race

Right here, friend.

To think, moot left and is making 80k a year and I'm here doing nothing.

16 back in 2006.

Here. But every other website somehow manages to suck even harder than here.

Yeah you think that. Meanwhile 10 bait threads with image.jpg have been made in the last minute.

I was born in 91. Also this board is a cesspool that everybody has always hated including Moot. Sup Forums culture is just Sup Forums lite.

Man this short was amazing

>people your age are out there fucking, drinking, dating, partying working and studying
>you spend your free time arguing about video games with a bunch of teenagers

Bullshit. Take a closer look at pictures filenames. You'll see so many of them read image.jpg which is some Applefag posting.

>people who didn't like normies riding their moral high horses ruined this board

to an extent you were right, any attention only fed normies coming in to ruin this place. But they were going to come in here anyway and the anons who rightfully lashed out at them cant be blamed for it.

>Overwatch came out 2 weeks ago

Feel old yet?

The internet crashed and had to be restarted. It hasn't been the same since.

I'm convinced I'd forget to come here if it wasn't on my suggested bookmarks. It's more out of habit at this point.

>its only been two weeks
and they still wouldnt give me a refund

Hell the faggots on foolz bought phones SPECIFICALLY to shitpost on Sup Forums

Sup Forums will never be as good as it was around mass effect 3 and the tortanic.

Remember how good it used to be? Now it's just a shell of its former self.

>That last point
That especially gets me down. I don't remember Sup Forums being so overtly political in the past. It was never about the left or right, it was about the anarchic chaos of unbarred internet anonymity. Now everything is either Tumblr or Sup Forums and it sucks.

>Try to go somewhere else
>Call someone out on their bullshit
>Banned for trolling

Sup Forums is a dump, but its the only place I have.

I mean, sure you can appreciate all those generations of games, but you're pretty old now and more than likely halfway through your life.

you waste too much time here. i check Sup Forums like twice a week. no reason to come back every day "same old shit every single day" why are you coming back every day then? why some fucking video games.

Its started when moot closed down /new/ and the refugees went to every board whining about the evil jews. Things only escalated with the Five Guys and Game Gate debacles.

Moot was smart to wash his hands of this place

27 in November, I'm only still here because I'm an asshole and Sup Forums is the only video game community that respects freedom of speech.

If I called anyone a faggot or nigger on another vidya site, I'd be perma banned.

14 in 2008.
Sup Forums saved my adolescence.

Uh what gives you the right to question ME, a black, disabled, trans, two-spirited, nonbinary, woman? I AM A GOD TO YOU.

>>Sup Forums culture is dead

I'm born in 1987, and this is one of the best things to happen. Fuck Sup Forums culture. But also fuck all the other things you posted, too. This place is a shithole and I don't even know why I come here. Part of me wishes it wasn't anonymous so I could see the driveling snot nosed little shits that infest this board. It's not like I'm not aware of how fucking changed the landscape is. At least then I wouldn't feel so fucking confused when I see who's behind the awful opinions and posts that get put up daily here.

>That especially gets me down. I don't remember Sup Forums being so overtly political in the past. It was never about the left or right, it was about the anarchic chaos of unbarred internet anonymity. Now everything is either Tumblr or Sup Forums and it sucks.

Then stay there faggot.

>more than likely halfway through your life

Yeah there's a lot of fit aussies dying off at 60, sure user

Not to mention that this site is pretty much free of the ego, so you don't run into any people surrounded by cocksucking cronies whose opinion is apparently more important than yours.

Doom fucking sucked. Get over it.