I'm not feeling it
I'm not feeling it
Well you're dumb.
>Not Rise
>Best Girl
>"pure" version of Yukari
>just a human version of that bitch from splatoon
>a fucking cat
>Not feeling it
>Every girl is better than every 3/4 girl sans Aigis and Liz.
compared to 3/4 they are shit tier waifus.
I've never played a persona game but I'd probably choose number 4. But goddamn, the lack of titties is depressing.
You're alright.
Don't forget Toriumi
I'm feeling that opening theme
Fag, slim girls with small tits are best. Too many anime style designs have a retarded balloons glued to a chest look.
>Aigis and Mitsuru
2 looks best
Your kind is what is killing Atlus and ruins this fanbase.
Sorry Mr. Krabs.
>Your kind is what is killing Atlus and ruins this fanbase.
I'm pretty sure it's actually waifufags combined with noctenyearolds that are killing ATLUS
>3 of 4 girls are using pantyhose
Well I sure am.
That cat thing looks cute, and a breath of fresh air after the increasing weeaboo pandering.
Why did we need another retarded mascot again?
Teddie was bad enough.
>yet another out of place mascot character
>breath of fresh air
Give tumblr geek girl the short dark hair, give blue eyes white dragon the orange hair, give red eyes black dragon the curly puffy hair, give rich bitch the pigtails
too many females.
There's a mystery person in the trailers that strangely close to the group that looks like a quite androgynous girl, so don't get your hopes up just yet.
>>a fucking cat
That cat is meant for fucking, so you aren't wrong.
Any released artwork of human Morgana yet?
jesus christ, shit fashion and shit hair. Why is it the 4th girl start from left looks like splatoon character?
seems like a good fit.
better than a shitty dog.
>weeaboo pandering
I think you mean "main audience pandering."
What's next? You going to accuse the Bible of pandering to Christfags?
Here's your best girl
NA release date when?
Ehem... excuse me, but the Bible panders to THE Chosen People, and sadly, to those filthy mudslimes too.
「Born This Way」
The cat is a boy, so it's actually 4 males and 4 females.
I know that the males don't really seem to be so, but the cast is balanced.
>getting triggered by the -fag suffix on Sup Forums of all places
Me either. I also think the combat UI looks overdesinged and edgy as fuck.
Oh ho ho, what do we have here? Get out of this place, failure of a savior.
I was so excited for this game like 2 years ago when the first PV aired
now I've lost most of my friends who've I talked about the PV with on that day with 5 stickies and I just can't get excited for this game anymore
>combat UI looks overdesinged and edgy as fuck.
>not betting on murrica
It really does, though.
you are retarded
just because someone's gay you want them near you?
That's a dumb reason.
>went from cute japs to western girls
Why did they do this? It still takes place in japan, no?
As opposed to what?
I didn't say it was the sole reason user
I said that I have nobody to talk about it to irl right now
and even if i did i am just not feeling it
the first 3 were okay but i am just not feeling the rest of the cast
>implying their desings tell us shit
If I would've seen Margaret I would've said that she's the best girl ever. But ended up as a boring irrelevant character.
Yukari is a cunt but she's cute
Yukiko looks good but holy shit is she boring
Desing means literally nothing
I'll give you the edgy part, by the way.
atleast two are jap
>you are retarded
They stopped trying since P3.
Now is a weird time to complain.
Looks like i'm going for a non main cast waifu
In p4, yes its overdesigned, but it's not such a fucking mess.
There's a logical menu that I can pick things from, not a bunch of floating options with fonts that are stupid to read, all at a weird angle.
>the joke
maybe it would have been more apparent if i said " you are are retarded?"
Me too user.
3 and 4 were Slice of Life + demon pokémon: the game
Now it's just the typical shit an idiot with no taste would watch on this anime season. Waifus, shitty 2cool4you artstyle and desings, and a story so far it's own ass it makes Persona 3 look like greek philosophy.
I'll let people enjoy it but man. Ever since I saw the first trailer I was dissapointed.
Changing menus for button prompts is a god-tier idea though.
Although they should have made the Gun command to activate with L1 instead of the up arrow.
underrated post
>Now it's just the typical shit an idiot with no taste would watch on this anime season. Waifus, shitty 2cool4you artstyle and desings, and a story so far it's own ass
You literally just described P3 and 4
Somehow P5 makes that not seem true anymore. They took the level of what I'm quoting from 3 and 4 and made it 5 times more retarded in 5.
Nice to see you my 8 chan brother
not even going to prove you wrong
eat a dick
>The cat is a boy,
No it isn't.
Awww, you triggered?
Hotwheels isn't here go protect you faggot
Or maybe that's just your opinion.
Personally, I am thrilled that we are all free from the shitty P4 milking for now. And can finally play a new game with a new cast and setting.
Ok... don't buy it then. What more is there to say?
Only good girl is bike girl
Of course it's my opinion user, that's the point of the thread.
And I have to agree, P4 milking was excesive. Which now makes me wonder If I'll actually endure the years to come of Poter-kun, Teddie 2.0 and x is CUTE shitposting,
Perhaps it is better to skip P5 for now.
At least their latest audience, it certainly wasn't always this way. Same with Fire Emblem.
I enjoyed Fire emblem awakening despite of being more weeb-friendly but holy shit Fates was just too much. A gradual change completively changed the franchaise's audience. Same with P5.
>quite androgynous girl
you mean the guy being covered up in the dlc ads? he's pretty clearly a dude, looks like the trinity soul protagonist if anything
The game was always pandered to teens though.
At least Persona hasn't yet reached the waifu pandering levels of FE, which now comes with a waifu rubbing minigame and an unlosable difficulty mode.
>Every girl is better than every 3/4 girl sans Aigis and Liz.
I didn't know you already played the game and found how if their personalities and stories were great and not boring melodramatic shit.