Why is this game so damn comfy? Even when hiding in a locker or under a desk it's comfy as fuck.
Why is this game so damn comfy? Even when hiding in a locker or under a desk it's comfy as fuck
i want to play that game. but im scared.
just accept the alien dick
Like how they kept the "This is how the future will look like in the 70s" look from the movies, I need to buy that game.
>tfw I want to play it in VR but can't afford a therapist
god dammit... o..okay...
Turn off that fuck CA
>Just want to take some nice screenshots for the game but the alien comes along and has its way with me
This game is excellent but it's so fucking intense. I still have take off my headphones whenever I get caught by the Ayylien, the screeches just get to me.
>but im scared
that's the point user
I literally drop my controller, cover my eyes, and curl up until the screams stop before reloading my save.
Is this a meme now?
Fucking up the image with shitty screen effects is the meme
Do it. It's a fantastic game. the fear is the driving force and it feels amazing when you get to a spot where it feels safe. Massive rush when you escape and remain hidden.
I think this is maybe why i find it so damn comfy, the first 2 Alien films have that feel for me and they nailed it for this game. The audio is a massive part for me too i think.
I remember playing it when it came out, pitch black room with headphones on. My girlfriend was asleep and she woke up and i couldn't hear her because headphones and she threw a fucking pillow at me and i nearly had a heart attack.
all the game breaking bugs
What are some games that facilitate levels of comfy while still being in apparent danger?
I've never played arma but being a helicopter as a pilot or gunner seems comfy
the pure terror
your becoming hysterical
>shitting screen effect
Yadda yadda autism
I hate horror games, but the atmosphere of AI made me keep playing. They really nailed it.
do u also slide an aylien dildo in your boipucci too?
Only for immersion
No such thing as a perfect game, but as a fan of the alien/predator/blade runner films. CA gave me a big ol Weyland Yutani boner.
First alien game to full get what I even like about the universe.
hey i do that too!
>Get to a "safe spot" in the cryo area before the medical ring
>Been in this room for a few minutes without the alien showing up
>Start walking around normally and putting the cryo tubes in their place
>Suddenly *dunk* *dunk* *dunk* *THUMP*
This game is so scary and unnerving that I haven't played it in 3 months. It's the opposite of comfy.
Then stay on funnyjunk faggot
I generally don't like horror games because i can't seem to get immersed due to having that "it's a game" mentality. Even though that doesn't happen with action, RPG, shooters, anything else but horror. Maybe it's a defence mechanism that i remind myself its a game and do it too strongly that it just kills the horror for me.
but with AI it just overpowered that and i was terrified, maybe because i grew up with the films and my dad made me watch Alien when i was 5. So it's just embedded in me as a figure of pure horror.
You are seriously a massive faggot for using comfy to describe anything.
I bet you're fucked in the face too.
Get fucked.
>I bet you're fucked in the face too
>my dad made me watch Alien when i was 5
The absolute mad man
Any game where you can get to a place where you know the AI can't get you but is still dangerous outside of that.I remember in a James Bond game I found a spot where the AI couldn't get to you but would still run around looking for you and shooting the other bots every once in a while I would go out for ammo and armor it was pretty autistically comfy.
>start playing this game a year ago
>pretty fun, androids are nice and creepy
>the ayy finally shows up and starts stalking me
>constant feeling of dread, tense all the time
>can't keep playing because the tension wears me out
Goddamnit Sup Forums. This game's so good but I'm too much of a bitchnigga to keep playing without exhausting myself.
I consider myself pretty resistant to the the horror genre, should I wait until I can play it with VR?
Keep on chugging little nigga, you'll get through it and it'll be fun as fuck.
don't bother, vr is a meme. play it now
>my dad made me watch Alien when i was 5
Wow my mom made me watch Predator at like 8 or something but I mean she also showed me other shit I shouldn't have watched like the first Terminator film.
I just beat this recently and while i found it really good by the end it felt like the game had alot of padding just to make it longer. Still one of the best survival horror games i played in a long time.
I remember watching The Thing (1982) when it popped up on tv late one night as a child. I've never had nightmares that bad before. I think I was about 8 or 7 at the time.
is this a game where you will get lost or confused by the puzzles for a long time and it will ruin the pacing? i just want to experience all the fear
I've been stuck at the chase moments after this for a year now
>chromatic aberration enabled
go crawl into a hole somewhere and die OP.
how well does it compare to PT?
I dunno man, you be the judge.
Yeah dad got me to watch heaps of shit as a kid i probably shouldn't have. Alien, Predator, Terminator, Robocop. Awesome dad though in retrospect.
>Think the game's about to be over
>Walking through a corridor
>There's an egg
Alien Isolation was the GOTY 2014 and I will fight anyone who says otherwise
Not actually, you're entitled to your opinions, but it was MY GOTY, hands down
The Audio is very, very good in this game. That's a big reason
Easily GotY for me too user. It's fantastic. I wish other movie inspired games would take note. I don't even want another Alien game too, it's just the once off amazing game. Maybe a sequel to Aliens or something. But i dunno.
The Thing is legitimately one of the best films I have ever seen
It's easily the best horror film I've seen
If you haven't watched it you need to go do that shit immediately.
post pictures.
>that heavy feminine breathing from the protag
We need a good The Thing game
Yes I know there already was one, I want a modern one
i sure love the save stations beeping infinitely whenever I am close, whether I've saved or not
Yeah, it does the Resident Evil 4 thing, in which they make save points seem "comforting". I'm not sure if RE4 was the first to do that, though.
Either way, saving in Isolation was so fucking satisfying.
patrician pallet
Weird as fuck that it was arguably the only good thing that director ever made.
This game only has two flaws.
1) Small item limits for your inventory. You can carry 30 or so items in total, but only three charge packs, three ethanol bottles, three of this, three of that, but then six of this and six of that. I think it'd be a lot better if you just had 30 inventory spots and that was it. This is just for the components, by the way. The limit on crafted items and whatnot is okay.
2) The endgame is too long. The climax overstays its welcome. Right when you think you're finally finished, nope. This isn't really too much of a problem, but it really drags on, and it's non-stop in-your-face crazy Alien bullshit. It'd be nicer if the game was like fifteen or twenty minutes shorter.
In the Mouth of Madness was decent
RE4 was the last RE to have nice save rooms.
Mouth of Madness is cool, I think Prince of Darkness is actually underrated.
Reminder to enhance your gaming experience with this graphics mod: steamcommunity.com
And this Alien AI mod: moddb.com
Escape From New York would like a word with you.
But The Thin is by far his best work though, that's for sure. Awesome film.
How? Are you not scared the whole time? I found this game stressful but fun, comfy it definitely was not.
It's a completely different subgenre of horror.
You can't really die in P.T. It's spooky visually and the audio's pretty jarring but there's no real fear.
In A.I., you start off against humans who are too much for you, and they're just defending themselves. Then they send in the working joe androids, which despite being friendly, are too much for the humans to handle. Then the alien shows up and you're in a world of pain where you have to use distractions or cheap defense crap to buy time to get what you need to do done. This alien will follow you into EVERY room in the game with the exception of a chapter that is infested with working joes, all of whom can crush your skull while politely asking you to leave the area. THEN they have multiple aliens coming at you from all directions while facehuggers are following you into your hiding spots. Did I mention you get a game over if the aliens or the facehuggers touch you just once?
>halloween wasn't good
>escape from new york wasn't good
>Starman wasn't good
>big trouble in little china wasn't good
>they live wasn't good
>in the mouth of madness wasn't good
are you actually kidding me right now? you only actually know of his last few movies from the 2000s, right?
>the pill sequence
>and they're just defending themselves
Dude, I dunno about that. The first group of humans may have been scared shitless of course, but we're playing as an unarmed skinny woman. Even in such an extreme situation, there's no way they would shoot on sight. They'd point their guns at you, sure, and be paranoid that you might try something, but all you're trying to do when you meet the first group of hostile survivors is simply walk to the other end of the room.
I like all those additions except the floor reflections. I don't like the ultra reflective floor look. that slightly muted look works better for the 70s aesthetic i think.
Haven't got to the face huggers yet. Feel tingles on my spine just thinking about that shit.
Just spam melee when they're crawling towards you.
Not even shitting you, Ripley will just squish them.
This kind of shit is amazing
Was it me or was it kind of hard to tell what humans were cool with you or wanted to kill you. Like sometimes ellen ripley will warn them that the Alien is nearby and to hide.
Well, survivors usually don't shoot you immediately. They just try to scare you off, and then they shoot you if you linger.
That being said, the survivor AI is WAY too quick to shoot at you. but that's hardly a blemish on this excellent game.
Not if they jump from a distance.
God this game is fucking gorgeous
Every goddamn screenshot from this game looks like a bullshot, I don't know how they managed to make it so pretty and make it run so well, too
It runs on damn toasters
Yeah that was pretty bullshit too. There's a point where you walk into a room with some people, and up until this point every other person has been hostile.
When I first saw them, I just summoned the Alien and had them all killed, but then I got killed myself. When I respawned, I accidentally got myself seen by the humans, and was surprised that there was dialog between Ripley and them.
Dunno dude, they always seemed to shoot to kill. It might be a game mechanic which causes them to miss at first. Even if they do scare me off or whatever, they then follow me and try to shoot me dead.
Haven't really thought about your first point but I wholeheartedly agree with your second point. I couldn't help but to think it was silly to make you do so many things in the endgame. Could've been better but great game all around.
shit, I wanna play this now
>Yeah dad got me to watch heaps of shit as a kid i probably shouldn't have. Alien, Predator, Terminator, Robocop. Awesome dad though in retrospect.
Bro that's what we call a good upbringing. I remember going to a kids house and his folks forbid him to play Doom, meanwhile I got my dad to buy me Douk 3D and Carmageddon.
You really should, ESPECIALLY if you're a fan of the Alien film
The game is excellent
what if I've never seen any of the films
Why is this game so goddamned pretty?
You wound up here, so who won in the long run?
>You can trick the Alien in to killing other people
That's cool as fuck
Watch the first and second one now, you fucking faggot.
Then you need to go watch Alien
Seriously man, it's a classic, it revolutionized horror and sci-fi
You don't have to bother with any of the others, maybe Aliens if you want to see it in an action rather than horror context, but the others are pretty garbage
Do yourself a favor and watch it, you won't regret it
Actual plot spoilers:
How the fuck could the aliens get to Ripley at the very end? Have they always been able to survive in space? How did one get aboard your ship at the very end?
I want to play this... but I'm too scared.
Makes me calm while also dreading what will come.
Yeah, xenomorphs have no problem with the vacuum of space
And probably just for spook reasons, it's not like they're making a sequel
The game has a LOT of references to the first film. It's actually the only film that it takes into consideration as canon.
It's the most viable way of handing groups of hostile survivors, since as long as you don't make a sound, the Alien will have no idea you're there at all and leave once all the people are dead after a few minutes.
Sure you could sneak past them or something, but then you don't get to loot them.
I've had this game for about a year now, but I never play it since I can only play at night. The game is so fucking dark I can't see shit on my monitor when there's any light in the room.
Plus I really don't like playing certain games at night. I usually like to play something relaxing or mindless before bed.
Did you play Amnesia?
I liked resurrection....
Yeah I think I agree with this guyThe Xenomorph was so "out of the blue" that I thought it was a dream sequence, somehow.
>dem graphics
>dat fucking sound design
>dat faithfulness to the original canon
>dat gameplay
>dem spooks
>dat alien design
>all dat technology
Why can't there be a sequel, bros?