Memewatch thread
Post Overwatch memes
Memewatch thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Drop dead
I SHALL DELIVER (goddamn image cool downs)
Underage: The thread
I got a dedicated folder on my server for this that syncs with all my shit
Stay mad battleborn niggers
Someone post that shitty english comic of past Mercy telling 76 to be more careful and then just her crying as she patches up the substantially more fucked up 76 in the present.
>Flashbang then fan the hammer on some scrub
>His heal slut is right behind him
>Combat roll behind her, hammer her too right in the cunt
Don't have that, i do however have this on 76
Holly shit these are bad.
That's called a comic, shitlord.
The fuck? is this funny?
I have a better version of that comic.
what is the fucking real version of this comic
Fuck if I know.
Broken english, mostly.
>Mercy: You need to be more careful
>76: It's just a scratch. Go take care of the ones who are hurt more
>Mercy: I'm the medic, I decide who gets treated first, and I'm telling you you need to be more careful
2nd panel
>Mercy: You need to be more careful
the real version is in chinese or some shit or was horribly translated through google
so it doesnt even fucking matter at this point
Oh, thanks
Already posted it
>play genji
>team just about to win koth
>it's high noon
>oh great
>turn around and see mccree sauntering in
>press E
>mccree shoots and dies
some dumb mccrees in this game
>punished 76
he doesn't deserve it
Every Mercy ever
I kek'd. That was beautiful.
Fucking savage.
>not shitting street just right
Every meme is better with overwatch
Speaking of the Emperor's New Groove.
>No Wings on Mercy
It's shit.
Where's Winston
This struck home too well.
Just end your fucking life
>still no drawfag has filled my request for a pic of her shitting in the deignated shitting street
This is literally wrong.
Widowmaker is even above Reaper.
I main reaper and you're wrong
Reaper is the best ironically edgy character ever
Alright, I agree there.
Should be
>"I've got you in my sights"
>not slipknot
Why do these all look like absolute shit? Something stinks.
Do you think Reaper's edginess is just a phase and 2 years from now he'll get super embarrassed when he thinks about the time he was the edgelord, ruler of all edginess?
>not pressing shift as mei
>good drums are now edgy
do people listen to slipknot for anything other than drums?
idk hes like over 50 years old now i think hes done going through phases
even skipped the last one
Why is it that so many Genjis kill either one or zero people when they ult?
I remember playing as Lucio and I just did right click to blast a Genji away and the left click to shoot him.
Seriously, either make the sword stronger or make it always deflect or something. It's just sad.
This one was actually funny. Thanks for the good laugh, my friend.
>u did good
was mercy like, 10 yrs old when overwatch started?
Zenyatta fucking dies
She was in her 20s, but then the time accident happened and she's biologically stuck as that age
idk I'd put Reaper after Vegeta
thats a lot less erotic than what i was hoping for
Lot of these on youtube, bretty gud desu
I never thought Baneposting could turn into feels.
This shitty game needs more depression art like this.
how fuckin horrifying
Ryuko is nowhere near as edgy as Reaper, man. There's no way he's less edgy than she is.
Fresh meme family
I don't get it
How about make the sword slightly weaker, but you have shorter cooldowns on abilities.
just realized this
but would he die if he removed his mask?
why is bastion's head torn off
You guys know Reapers edge is a joke right? A lot of the cast make fun of him for it. He even has a fucking "too easy" line
I think I just said FUCKING outloud while watching this.
Needs to stop just before the hook hits
Oh, I don't know who that anime slut is, but anime sluts are usually annoying as fuck so I gave her the benefit of the doubt.
Before Shadow then.
>that chatlog
I'm dying
We're all edgy now
When Bastion goes into Turret mode, his head rotates into his body, revealing his natural weak point.
No Toa Roadhog? I mean he's literally Pacha in that form please someone HELP HELP!
>no sound
why bother/10
None of those besides Lucchio are funny.