What would happen if Apple would release their console?

What would happen if Apple would release their console?

they already have ios devices that can run Unreal 4

normie shitters would probably buy it like they do the new iPhone every year.

Fuck, apple could totally go the route of "releasing upgrades" as Sony and Microsoft are right now and make millions. and cause a gaming crash sooner

This....minus the catastrophe scenario

I don't see it compiting with consoles, but steam machines...

Btw, anyone knoe how's the market presence of steam machines?? you know, the ones with the weird double pad controller

Apple has lost steam since Jobs died.

Ouya 2.0

It would be 4 times as over priced as any other console.
It would have proprietary cables that easily break so you have to pay a ton of money for replacements.
It would be as powerful if no slightly less so then a Wii U
It will support nothing but artsy fartsy walking simulators and games from 2005.
Apple Fags would eat it the fuck up and claim it the best console.

Can only be bought in apple stores.
Requires Apple's services for online if it has any at all.
runs on iOS.

Already happened and failed.

>I don't see it competing with consoles, but steam machines
Apple already has their own development API for their own locked-down OS through which they sell game software through their own storefront.

Outside of focusing more on super casual stuff and smaller games, Apple's games set up is already more like consoles than a Steam Machine.

To be fair, the Pippin was just Apple licensing the design to third party manufacturers, in a similar vein to the 3DO. Apple also didn't explicitly pitch it as a games console, more of a multimedia computer that could play games, too, and really didn't have much to do with it after the initial design and licensing.

They would steal the normie market, nintendo goes back to making good games

I'm an IOS developer and they tried to push the gaming console thing ages ago. They really wanted people to start making games for it but it never went anywhere with it.

Paid updates and game patches

as an avid apple fag, i would be hyped as fuck for this. especially if they would make it as amazing as the stupid iphone. galaxy fags, suck a dick, i had that phone and never ever again.

Sony would still dominate.

nigga, wii wrecked everything and nothing won this gen yet


>apple reinvents gaming

Didn't Wii sell the most on the last generation?
It had the best games too

That is literally going to be their slogan. Screenshot this.

it'd be the ouya but successful