Why do people use this fat pig again?
Why do people use this fat pig again?
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nigga das hench
>Only strong counter to McFree
if her arms were about 3/4 the size i'd be into it
>soak up all the damage with your shields
>fuck everything up
>when you absorb his flashbang + fan the hammer and he just tries to awkwardly roll away
She's the only person in Overwatch fighting for the right side of history.
Until this thread I had no idea she? was from Overwatch and assumed she was from some unrelated tumblr game.
She is 100% /fitpol/ just with a SJW hairstyle
>mfw 80+ charge and my shield cooldown pops
>fights filthy omnic subhumans
>Can crush your pelvis with her thighs after riding you to climax
I really don't see where the problem is
She's absurdly powerful and tanky and counters Rein.
>99 ult charge
>full gravity charge
>ult five people ten feet in the air
People are dumb enough to shoot shields so getting max stack with her is easy, i hate the pink hair though and her alternative skins are lackluster as fuck.
>hates omnics, a true fighter for humanity
>omnic hatred matched only by Roadhog, without being a dirty criminal
>counters half the faggy characters
>combos with the other half
>can ride that dick like a pro, vaginal muscles like a vice
Not seeing a problem here. Literally the only thing wrong with her is the pink hair.
And the shit alternate outfits.
Well the artic skins are tolerable.
Cybergoth and default recolours a shit, though.
These shields are too strong for you.
Yes indeed. I wonder where they could go from there, though. Cybergoth is infuriatingly bad. So is Widowmaker's terrible fucking alt. The one that isn't Comtesse.
I can break these shields.
I want Blackhand Reinhardt so bad.
would it be too triggering for them to actually release a sexualized Zarya skin?
>Want to try out every hero I haven't
>Don't want to let everybody down
Can somebody good give me a rundown on how to use her? She looks super fun.
I just tried her for the first time to see why no one plays her, but she was like super strong, so I don't know why more people don't play her.
Soaking up damage which only makes you stronger, her beam is good for direct target damage and her alt fire lets you lob explosives over things and around corners, its super good.
She does look shit though and is now one of the people I want a skin for.
Man I would love to have an ugly 80s mullet hairstyle for Zarya. It really suits her stereotypical STRONK RUSSIAN VOMAN look.
Also, maximum charge on her weapon has one of the sexiest sounds of any weapon in the game. It sounds like some fucking fusion powered laser cannon and it's beautiful.
Too much work maybe.
just try it bruh its not ranked or anything
There's always the practice range and bot matches
Use your shields to protect and get a fat damage buff
Use your ult when your team is around so they can shoot at hit
walk towards an enemy and put your shield on, then shoot them, put a shield on an ally in trouble.
Thats literally it. shes no thrills but she gets the job done
fuck off SJW
>Acts like an asshole to Genji for being a cripple
>Shit talks Bastion when he was literally forced to obey his programming and just want to be left the fuck alone
>Threaten Zenyatta, the only omnic who probably honestly want to be her friend
Because she is a good character and I actually like her goals and values
Shame model is ugly as fuck
Missed opportunity to give her a Immortan Joe mask.
Almost thought it was an edit of him in the thumbnail.
Use your E to shield allies in areas where they're guaranteed to take enemy fire, use your Lshift to do the same to yourself when you're under heavy fire. The more damage your shields soak, the more damage your weapon does with its m1 and m2. Don't use your m1 unless you're in very close range. Combining your ultimate with another teammates can often guarantee a team wipe, or using it creatively to pull everyone off a ledge.
when are they going to introduce a character that can reflect beam weapons
Whenever you see one of your team going to attack, pop a cheeky shield on him and get some good charge. Then you go in after, pop a shield on yourself, and you should get some solid damage boost.
Wrong image OP, should have posted mei
goddamnit why cant she just have normal fucking hair
and remove the pink nailpolish
great character ruined by some last ditch effort to appease tumblr
M1 is good if the character is too fast to hit with M2, like tracer. It's better to do little damage than no damage. Also it destroys roadhog and Winston.
>Robots go haywire and kill your town
>Force to go to war and lose friends and family fighting mindless machines
>Ever trusting them again after just an incident
You play like a Tank/Support, or like a bully.
You use shields when you or an ally is going out into the fray. An excellent example would be if there is an enemy junkrat: pop your shield and his grenades effectively charge It for you.
Spam the pulse grenade things at a distance or if your charge is low but when your charge is high, use the laser beam to melt through enemies. Use her ult in coordination with other friendly ults - if possible - or use it to stop a push or counter another ult like a ulted Winston.
You know when you're playing her well because the enemy team doesn't know what the fuck to do with you, Zarya is easily one of the strongest heroes when used correctly.
Also, make sure you have allied health bars turned on in the options so you can see who needs your shields the most.
Being unreflectable is like beam weapon's primary strength. Well that and not having to aim them except for Zarya's.
Her and Roadhog are my favorite tanks, and are actually good on both attack and defense unlike reinhardt or winston
>No Roadhog skin that's basically Immortan Joe
Never, beam and lightning are good counter to ninja wanking ass burgers.
That's exactly what it is. I have a feeling that they had a slightly less tumblr design for her and then some tumblrite cunts started going after them so they added pink hair and voila.
Also considering some of the characters in this game I'm really quite shocked that there isn't more of an outcry. I guess the Zarya design really did them wonders in keeping people off their back.
How can you tell when your gun is charged? Does the charge only last for as long as the shields are up? Also it looks like her beam goes on forever but the length is hella fucking short. Is it just fucked perspective or do I need glasses?
Sexuality is the devil's realm- i-i m-mean it's objectification user, didn't you know?
>shit-talks Genji and Bastion
10/10 character
Still not excuse to be a bigot towards them
She could just get over it
chromed Junkrat skin WHEN
There's a charge number near the reticle
>ally health bars
Jesus I didn't know that option even exists. Thanks user babe
a single fan of hammer can still kill every 200hp zarya bubbled hero
Look at your fucking crosshair man
Additionally, if you've weakened someone like a Genji (Zarya can be a Genji players worst nightmare) and they start to run away, use M2 to finish them off.
beam is really shortranged, 15m or so. your targeting reticule fills up when your weapon charges, and theres a number there indicating percentage.
>see a Roadhog
>he hooks
>put up my shield
It works even even better if you shield an ally just as he hooks them.
I have never seen it. Wow. Thanks. I keep hanging onto Winston and am getting the hang of D.Va but I didn't want to neglect Zarya. She's overlooked so much yet when she's around I find she can sometimes be a real bitch to take down. Though I've melted her with Symmetra more times than I can count.
who gives a shit about them
i just got 50 charge
btw, what projectiles are impossible for Genji to reflect?
>but she was like super strong
Only in the hands of someone with enough awareness to keep the fucking energy level high with properly timed shields.
So that discounts 99% of Overwatch players.
>Never trust an Omnic!
Best character
people dont play her because she requires team synergy to be good, you need another tank to shield so people can be stupid and shoot both shields charging you up super fast, at which point you absolutely shit on the enemy team with a full charged beam
Energy-based weapons. Genji cannot reflect Symmetra's gun, Zarya's weapon nor Winston's tesla cannon. I'm sure there are a couple of other examples but I cannot think of them.
her ult and shield is useful
Both rein and Winston are great on offense and defense. Basically each of the tanks has his own role. Rein on defense is a HUGE pain in the ass if he's guarding some high range target like widow, torbjorn or bastion. Winston on both sides just jumps up on your healer and smacks their ass with a lightning gun. Zarya is a tank support hybrid so she's good on both ends, while roadhog is an offense support hybrid so he's also strong, especially considering how much damage he can dish out. Dva is just shit. I like the overall tank diversity in this game. No two tanks fill the exact same niche which means there's a tank for every comp.
mei's gun as well
>this will never be a Zarya skin
>we're going to have to deal with pink short, ugly emo bangs, or ugly snow gear
>no blonde hair black suit because of the implications
D.va isnt a tank
D.va is a tanky harasser
Anything but beam weapons, so anything from Junkrat's grenades to even Zarya's ult (although I've never seen the latter happen before). Just as an interesting side note, it's actually possible for a Genji to reflect a shot from a high-nooning McCree and kill the McCree instantly. Genji is another really strong hero but I can't play him for shit.
Right! Thank you. A smart Genji player will use his movement to get the fuck away from that encounter and then slap some shit with his shurikens from a good distance. But damn near every Genji that's unfortunate to fall within Symmetra's pitiful weapon range tries to fight out of it, bless them. Sometimes it works. Most times it doesn't.
>Blizz finally adds a skin that changes her hairstyle and is better than Industrial/Cyber Goth
>shaved sides
projected barrier gives 400. so no, a single fan the hammer won't. two will though. only the self barrier gives 200.
Zarya is a great tank when your team is about flanking rather than up front combat. Soldier, junkrat, hanzo, bastion, mercy and maybe pharah work well with a Reinhardt because his shields can actually cover their advance, while genji, pharah, Lucio, reaper, tracer and mei work well with Zarya because she can keep them alive without needing to be ahead of them.
fan the hammer does more than 400 if every bullet hits which is more than likely on close range
>Genji reflecting Hanzo's ult
>Zarya's recolors don't change her hair color
Why tho
He can't reflect Mei's constant freeze beam BUT he can reflect her ult and freeze the enemy team.
Pretty sure it's 200, you get 50 charge per full block on barrier, and I recently played against a mercy who used her pistol, which does 20 damage a shot, that did 5 charge points per hits.
fucking hate her, but apparently im good playing her.
>try to use best girl Mercy, and everybody dies around me.
always so fucking satisfying
bonus points if you melt his fucking face after he unloads point blank into their shield
>tfw attracted to the entire roster of heroes
>tfw wanting to try Tracer or Genji out
>tfw getting absolutely wrecked and not contributing to your team in the fucking slightest so you go back to your default comfortable hero and proceed to collect gold medals and shit
I want to be based as everyone but the instant my k/d hits, like, 2/4 I immediately switch out. I will never get good as Pharah at this rate.
That's just outlandish.
Dva is a pathetic hero with a very lousy skill set.
yes, but you said 200 Hp zarya bubbled hero. meaning their effective HP will be 600 for 2 seconds. fan the hammer caps out at 420, and cannot headshot.
But like i said. just roll afterwards and keep fan the hammer because skill.
it's a really neat bait-n-switch
>try to use any other hero and go HAM
>be generally awful, unhelpful and get fisted by the opposing team
She actually pretty good.
it is 400, but its just uncommon for all 400 damage to be popped within 2 seconds
Zarya is actually one of the easiest and useful heroes to play since she's good with nearly everyone.
Bad players can be somewhat helpful and good players can tear through enemy ranks.
>Confusing fat with pure muscle.
I think someone needs their head crushed between thighs.
>Zarya is actually one of the easiest
Hardest tank
not necessarily. Her Midnight epic skin turns her entire gun black/yellow and generally looks sick.
I'm the same man, except my default is Junkrat. There is nothing quite like using a concussion mine to cause 3 enviromental kills.