Play Widowmaker

>play Widowmaker
>suck bad time
>play Reinbro
>be on fire for 75% of the match

>just walk and heal

Reinhardt is a much needed asset for all teams

I want the Bloodknight skin but it costs 1k and I only have 250 so far.

>play Reinhardt

tfw just got my first legendary and it's a Reinhardt one

tankbros unite

>pray game
>children with their first names as their usernames
>people with retarded names: I actually say someone named mememan
>its an everyone plays reinhardt episode
>its an everyone plays widowmaker episode
>its an everyone plays reaper episode

These wins are pure luck to be honest, the stats are pretty average. I checked mine which are pretty much identical and I've got 7 wins and 5 losses.

>Be Mercy
>Be Reinbro's dedicated HealSlut the entire match
>Leech off his kills
>Win every game

Can't left click, gotta right click instead!

I played against someone named MemeGod the other day. He was the most cancerous player I've run into yet

>tfw Reinhardt bashes Mei's skull in

Why is there no pyro type character in overwatch



>play Lucio
>it's a Winston, Reaper, and Tracer fuck you in the ass as your team does nothing to help you episode

truly based


It's so satisfying to kill waifufags as Reinbro

Reinhardt player here, I absolutely fucking hate Mercy players like you. I have a shield. I don't need you sucking my dick the entire match, there are 4 other people who can uses it more. Fuck off or play Lucio. I'd rather have a Lucio than a Mercy like you.

>play Lucio
>it's a "nobody notices you contesting the point from the top of the pillar on Lijiang Tower" episode

>i have a shield

Every time I start healing a Reinhart, he uses that opportunity to charge forward with his hammer and crack heads without getting raped.

Most players keep thanking me.

>Play someone who doesn't stand on points
>Play someone that forces you to stand on point
>do well

No shit

mei is the closest we get bro

>play female character
>must be a waifu fag

>"hey you should play mercy for this group"
>"no cause I'm not a waifu fag I'll play reaper"

>play pharah
>hunt down an annoying widowmaker
>she almost manages to get away at very low health
>use my rocket barrage on her face killing just her
>jokingly say "worth it" as banter
>they respond with petty insults
Why are all snipers such cancers in the gaming community? Their overblown pride is staggering.

but there are characters that could do that much better than rein

>get average team (10% of the time)
>get retard team (90% of the time)

>here is a list of shit that has never happened.
cool cool

Usually I'm the only person on the point and leave the headcracking up to the people who chose to play a class built around it.

And Mercys still butthug me the entire round.

And 90% theyre close enough for me to heal them without leaving Reins shield. If they run off solo and die thats their problem.

I love killing you desu, reinhardt close second making them dizzy until they give up and just randomly charge.

>game is team oriented
>user is surprised that if his team is shit he's gonna lose

>play reinhardt
>send roadhog to the moon

>play kiddy k/d le epic snipez bait
>suck bad time
>play hero that's actually about being credit to team
>be on fire for 75% of the match

Hey maybe you get the average teams 90% of the time but you're dragging them down and 10% you get really good teams carrying you?

>play Reinhardt

Nah, I'm an ok player, but compared to 90% I'm a god apparently.

>consistently most medal
>consistently mvp

Get some friends, get them on discord or skype, and group up.
You'll start winning more once you start communicating on the fly and the games will get more enjoyable.

no the point is that instead of sticking your healing beam into rein's ass you could fly up to a pharah, damage boost her and if she's half good kill a few people easily allowing for a easier push, instead of just stalling the match with reinhardt

>implying you can hit an audiomanlet who can actually play well
>implying a good Reinhardt won't just bash your skull in
>tfw playing Reinhardt
>enemy Roadhog hooks Roadhog on my team
>I charge him as my teammate is being pulled to him

This reminds me, I got behind a reinhardt as genji and swift striked through him just as he used his charge and got squeezed into his loving arms before crushing me into a wall

it's easy to act retarded with genji's fun moveset

>>implying a good Reinhardt won't just bash your skull in
lmao not even him but have you played the game? tracer fucking rapes reinhardt.

I have 49 hours in the game. Tracer only rapes Reinhardt if his team is retarded and splits up. Otherwise, all it takes is for a single person to hit her once and then have Reinhardt land a single hammer on her. She's good against people who can't aim.

Reinhart is surprisingly easy to handle as Genji when he's not being supported since you can dash right through him and just pelt him with triple shurikens.

obviously not alone is different story but alone is completely different story, she can literally bully him.

Yeah as long as you manage to keep your distance, his hammer trumps genji at close range. Too many reinhardts will just desperately try to shield your shurikens while you jump above him though, it's pretty funny

>play OW
>see Widowmaker
>start fapping

>Pocketing Reinhardt

You're an idiot.

Unless the enemy team is absolutely retarded or Reinhardt is over-aggressive, he'll never be alone.

The point of healing rein is to hope that the rein player takes notice and starts being a huge distraction for the other team and let other players join in and pick people off.

Not him, but damage-boosting a Reinhardt who knows when to get aggressive is a good strat. He can absolutely destroy enemies.

Yeah, except it's literally a team game and if you're going off alone as Reinhardt of all people you are literally already fucking up.

This. You're a shit Mercy if you keep chasing down roaming damage dealers.


Mei player detected

Every mei and tracer player is a waifufag

happened to me plenty of times,
>some random ult kills entire team and is just poor reinhardt
>some tracer comes in and laughs at him while he just keeps turning 360 degrees while his health melts

So can any other character with a damage boost provided they're a decent player. Giving your focus to a tank over a character made for dealing damage is dumb.


>you're an idiot
>Win every match doing this

Reinhartd causes utter chaos when he runs into the enemy team because he knows he's being buffed. Other team mates pick off the scraps.

Sure, but you shouldn't be pocketing Reinhardt. Heal him when he needs it, damage boost him if he's in a position to bash some skulls in, but don't pocket him. That's idiotic.

If it doesn't put you in harm's way, there is no reason not to do this. Especially if your ultimate needs charging.

>play Lucio
>it's a "nobody notices you contesting the point from inside the well on Illios" episode

Why didn't anyone tell me about Torbjorn?

His gun does more damage than heroes actually intended to do damage.

that's disgusting, mercy has that fly ability for a reason, to make sure everyone on the team stays healed

a good mercy who flies between teammates constantly deserves all the commendations

delete this

Except damage dealing players lack the survivability to press the attack and keep the enemy team in disarray

y-yes praise me.

Then maybe they need heals to make up for that lack of survivability

Not when the players are actually good and are able to aim with their weapons.

Can't fly through walls, I'm not going to run away from most of my team for 40 seconds because some cunt playing Tracer ran off from the objective to try and go solo and is now flashing "Critical"

Headshots with his primary fire actually do a shitton of damage. It's really hard to hit, though.

>Run right through into their deaths

This famalam

Can't blame him.

honestly if your team is filled with flankers for some reason then just don't bother going mercy, it's a wasted slot. Zenyatta is going to be a better main healer in that case since his discord orbs will benefit the entire team.

flankers are the reason there are medpacks scattered around anyway


>bothering to heal tracers
now I know you are shitter, she literally has an ability to escape and heal herself. she is doing her job to harass behind enemy lines.

Even getting healed, most damage dealers cant take any punishment.

Healing them just means they'll take 2 seconds to die rather than 1 second. Healing Reinhart etc can keep him alive for far longer.


>Zenyatta is better when everyone is out of line of sight.

You're an idiot too. Both of you should stop playing Mercy, you sound like ineffective Mercy players!

>bothering to heal tracers

Can you even read? I just said I'm not going to run away to heal her.

Is that extra chromosome burdening you?

Hi there.

>literally stays behind reinhardts anus all day
>effective mercy
I give constructive criticism, stop being mad you aren't automatically helpful as a mercy


That's why the Reinhardt is supposed to protect him with his shield instead of charging in and meleeing everyone

You called her a cunt because she's harassing the other team in the back? Seriously why is this game filled with fucking awful people.

What does being on fire mean?

No, Im calling her a cunt because she left the objective, left the entire team, went to the other side of the map and had the audacity to ask for healing.


Buffing Reinhart while he causes complete panic which lets the other DPS characters pick off distracted enemies is easy mode 90% of the time.

>tfw sniping zen everytime
I want to fuck le smugberry of distant kills.

>some guy picks Zenyatta
>asks someone to go Reinhardt
>hell yeah bro synergy time
>he switches to Mei halfway through

>yfw PotG stands for "PAWG of the Game"

M8 I've been calling Reinhardt-pocketing Mercy players idiots since I joined this thread. Can't you keep up with multiple different people posting with the same name and writing style? Come on man, make a fucking effort.

I am very confused why you think that the solution to the question of flankers being out of line of sight is another healer who relies on line of sight. I mean, really, all of the healers do.

There is nothing wrong with healing a Tracer if she is close by. Sure you shouldn't chase after her, but if she is far away and requests healing she probably is headed your way so she can receive it.

This is a good thing if your ultimate is still charging.

Fuck off already. Pocketing Reinhardt is stupid. If your team has any common sense, at least one damage dealer will be behind Reinhardt's shield blasting away at the enemy, and you should be boosting that guy instead. Reinhardt is gr8 to heal when he's damaged, since it translates to a lot of Resurrect progress, and gr8 to damage boost if he's up close to a lot of enemies. But you shouldn't pocket him.

Your enemy team being an idiot is what let you win so many games. I've won most of the games I've played in which nobody on my team went a healing support.

It doesn't mean that teams without a healing support are the ideal team comp.

Your doing what your supposed to do.

reinheart is a bad choice for mercy to attach to, except if you see his health low because of the difficulty of escaping traps. You want a target that is much more mobile like Pharah or Junkrat so you can escape into the air. Even Widowmaker is better since she can fly away every 14 seconds. I especially like Reaper nearby who knows how to use his teleport as I can just follow him up when things get dicey.

More like "person that pressed Q in front of the most people"

My point either way was that if someone insists on exclusively healing the reinhardt, then at least do so as Zenyatta who can contribute with damage and throw discord orbs at the most annoying targets which the flankers will hopefully take advante of

>played Bastion the entire round

Not even subtle

>it's another 3 sprays and 1 icon lootbox
Fuck you.